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Forums General Chit-Chat I'm so achey

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/2 17:56:09 )

My legs and feet are in peril. Mostly my feet. The bottoms are bruised and tender. iCry.
I plan to just lay around the house like sludge all weekend.

What are your weekend plans? What did you do for Halloween?
Are you excited for CHRISTMAS???

I'm not particularly excited for the snow portion.


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/2 18:24:24 )

What'd you do to your poor feet?
Mine get sore from being at work all day, standing/walking around on concrete floors. Which I'm about to do ~an hour from now, hooray. That's my weekend plans: go to work, come home, soak away my soreness in the tub, repeat until my next day off during which I'll probably be hunting for my next job and housing options.

Halloween sucked, which makes me sad 'cause it's my favorite time of year. Got sick, had to call in from work, stormy weather destroyed my decorations, we got last minute trick or treaters while I was on the porch coughing and sneezing in my pajamas with my hair all in my face, fiddling with one of said decorations trying to fix it after the storm. So I just kinda silently reached into the house, held out the treat bucket to the kid with one hand while holding a tissue to my nose in the other and praying for death. Awkward. Then I slithered back inside after fixing the thing and let grandma take care of the rest of the trick or treaters. And she ended up turning off the damn animatronics before the last batch showed up, so almost no one got to see them in action after all my efforts. what even is life

I hate Christmas. I love the atmosphere and the Santa and all, but I hate the whole "being expected to sit around with family for dinner with heavy religious overtones and an undercurrent of financial stress and expectations of buying presents for people you never see or speak to all year" thing, which unfortunately is what I'm stuck with every year until I'm finally able to move out. But thanks to my city being one of those lovely places where minimum wage hasn't risen in decades while housing costs have continued to skyrocket and even being a dish washer practically requires a degree these days... yeah that's tough.
So I'm dreading Christmas just like I dread every other godforsaken holiday.

...yeah sorry to grinch all over your thread you can ignore that

AKA Count Trashula

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/2 19:31:38 )
whatchu got against turkey day?
I wear many faces

Art Shop Art Dump Item Shop

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/2 20:02:18 )

Lmao, from work.
I was in costume and the costume comes with these flimsy clown shoes that I was to walk around in all night.
On gravel top. I could feel every rock. Couldn't afford to get insoles and certainly not ones to fit inside clown shoes lmaooo.

my stepsis mentioned there were ones you could get that stick to the bottom of your socks but again, no money.

But that job was just for October so I don't gotta worry about it for another year. Next year I'll be much more prepared.
With contacts too! Glasses couldn't fit under my mask so I was three quarters blind for every shift. xD Half blind from no glasses, and also no peripherals.

Other than that though, I had a lot of fun.
Made a lot of people scream. C:

A bath to soak the feet sounds real nice! What kinda job are you looking for? What do you do now?

Also, feel free to grinch away! I like the decorations of Xmas too, but there's also a lot of about I don't care for either.
Family and gifts has never really been an issue for me growing up so I'm lucky to not have to stress about that every year. Xmas has always been pretty quiet for me. I just prefer Halloween.

I hope the stresses of your holiday season aren't as heavy this year!
And I'm sorry your Halloween was super rough.

I ain't got nothin' against turkey day! I just said I don't like snow.
we get too much of it. and for too long.

you want some?

Oof. Achey feet are no fun.
Thanks. I plan to stay off of them as much as possible all weekend lol.


Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/3 04:38:19 )
I was gonna end up working on halloween, but ended up getting it covered
Wednesday & Friday I had off in general, so now plus having halloween off I had 3 days off (which was very nice)

Ended up getting a costume, didnt wear it - ended up literally resting for those 3 days because I ended up getting sick (working my way over it)
But I dont feel too bad because I do cosplay often & I can just get in it whenever i feel like

My body also aches, it's always a dilemma

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 02:40:10 )

how were your feet after pokemon go? alright i hope xD

well it's good you got some rest in though! even if you were sick.
I'm happy to say that i haven't gotten sick yet. i should really get my flu shot though. I've been bad on that.

sorry to hear that you're just generally achey tho.
It's been a few days and my legs are still feelin stiff and sore.

lmfaooo, beatsaber looks like so much fun tho.


Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 02:55:56 )

oof, yikes! glad it's ok today. that's the worst tho.


Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 03:20:29 )

Indeed. Are you doing anything to help alleviate?

Most definitely worth it lmao.
If i ever get my hands on a vr set I absolutely want to get that game.


Donator — Troglodyte Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 03:38:36 )

sounds like a good idea. hope you're good to go for tomorrow.


Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 06:21:30 )
@Vermii: I know I'm pretty bad about making doctors appointments & getting my flu shots
I may have been sick at least 3 or 4 times this year
I try and make appointments after a few days off of my body just resting
I found that taking 2 really hot baths helps with some salt I get from Lush

Now also replying to this, I am happy to announce that I ended up getting the Pikachu wearing the Mimikyu costume
& I must say I really want one of those plushies!
Super cute ♥

I hope your feet & legs feel better soon

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