Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/10 04:42:14 )
This one is almost cohesive... XD
"You know, I think it may be about time for bed... I've got to go to work tomorrow," she said as she turned off the computer. Mousy rubbed her eyes sleepily and flipped the light switch. She quickly shut the computer off, checked the messages, checked the logs, re-read them again, and then snapped a photograph of her shoes. Her thoughts were fixated on the black leather boots that were just a bit too tight, but she smiled at the photo, perhaps the thing that brought the nightmares back to her this time. When she was done she
but she smiled at the photo, perhaps the thing that brought the nightmares back to her this time. When she was done she looked at the picture again, and noticed a slight change. Not in the eyes, or in the wrinkles. Just a little, noticeable change. No, it wasn't: a reflection of the nurse's coat. She shook her head, knowing better than to be easily fooled by such an illusion.
She stood up, looking down the length of hallway until she arrived at the nurse's station. A pair of earbuds fell from her ears and she
She stood up, looking down the length of hallway until she arrived at the nurse's station. A pair of earbuds fell from her ears and she cracked them open.
"That's a condition you can be in now, too," the nurse said, "And no outside pills or other medication are necessary. That should be your immediate priority."
Relief flooded her. It was comforting to know that everything was on track, and that there was nothing preventing her from fighting through this in a way that could benefit all people. But she knew she still had
It was comforting to know that everything was on track, and that there was nothing preventing her from fighting through this in a way that could benefit all people. But she knew she still had many lessons to learn and the future to improve.
Unsure of what to do, she slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the dim light as the breeze sucked in some of the chemicals that were still inside her. Holding the light up to her face, she searched her memory for anything that would indicate her mental health; anything that would encourage her to seek out such help.
Holding the light up to her face, she searched her memory for anything that would indicate her mental health; anything that would encourage her to seek out such help. After a few attempts, a female voice in her mind came to life.
"Why don't you just take a pill?"
It wasn't my voice, though.
Rather, it was the voice of the AI beneath
Please ping! I get distracted easily.