This is a gaming thread I have really been wanting to pull together and keep updated for those of us that play sims 4. I have a bunch of challenges I have been working on. (Mainly legacy challenges) I want to share them somewhere but I haven't posted even once on sims forums since I only got into the sims last December.
I want to share with others and see what challenges other people are doing as well.
Intro post
Outside challenges + scores
Building challenges
Legacy challenges
Prebuilt house challenges (aka npc challenges)
Cas challenges
Do you know of some cool challenges that you have tried? Maybe some variances that you've tried of the challenges? Let me know! I love trying new challenges.
I'm personally trying these challenges (or will be when I get the proper expansions)
Not so berry challenge by Lilsimsie of the simming community Converted to Sims 3 also by Lilsimsie
100 baby challenge by Ashleigh in the simming community
Variants: use the extreme violence mod to kill and keep the baby daddies in the basement. Source: uksimmer on twitch
Keep the 100 babies in the basement as secret children. Keep a normal household above ground . Source:roryplays on twitch
I'm personally trying these challenges (or will be when I get the proper expansions)
Not so berry challenge by Lilsimsie of the simming community Converted to Sims 3 also by Lilsimsie
100 baby challenge by Ashleigh in the simming community
Variants: use the extreme violence mod to kill and keep the baby daddies in the basement. Source: uksimmer on twitch
Keep the 100 babies in the basement as secret children. Keep a normal household above ground . Source:roryplays on twitch
I want to make some building challenges and would love to see what other people do as well. If I'm allowed I'm tinking of offering volts for my favorite one for this as well. But the winner will be getting featured in my livestream .
If you want me to be able to download and use/ see the house in all it's glory here are the rules.
No custom content
DLC that can be used: Vampires, city living, get to work,Parenthood, backyard stuff, kids room stuff, holiday celebrations pack, Halloween stuff.
Turn the goth house into something happy go lucky. Do not change the walls. Just the decorations and wall paper.
End date for challenge: halloween.
Not my build challenge but a cool one:
HollieBB on twitch/twitter made a "hollieween challenge"
If you want me to be able to download and use/ see the house in all it's glory here are the rules.
No custom content
DLC that can be used: Vampires, city living, get to work,Parenthood, backyard stuff, kids room stuff, holiday celebrations pack, Halloween stuff.
Turn the goth house into something happy go lucky. Do not change the walls. Just the decorations and wall paper.
End date for challenge: halloween.
Not my build challenge but a cool one:
HollieBB on twitch/twitter made a "hollieween challenge"
Legacy challenges original rules by pinster are some amazingly fun challenges. I have been writing some of my own.
The bachelor/bachelorette challenge:
Rules to be posted here.
Build a town legacy challenges:
Rules to be posted here.
only base game is REQUIRED but other expansions can make it interesting and fun.
Rules: following the point/rule system of pinsters legacy challenges with a few changes because they confused me personally.
Starter sim (gen 0) can be any trait, any aspiration (except changing location aspirations), any name .young adult
Equality heir rules, modern bloodline, democracy is streaming/video with feedback, random if not. Have choice to base it off each generations challenge as well.
No money can be gained from spouses moving in.
generation 0
Story: you've been homeless for a long time but you've just discovered that you are the descendant of royal blood. You've received the deed to a plot of land (50 x50 or 64x 64) and a family heirloom.( A knight of the octagon table or 2 points of enmity and a von windenburg trap ) you have 1800$ simoleons to your name, but you have decided that now that you know who you are descended from, you are determined to do something with your life and make your family known again. Your focus is on finding a soulmate and sticking with them for the rest of your life, working to make more money to build the family fortune back up, and building a home worthy of your royal name again... Of course this means that you sometimes neglect to notice your actual children.
• 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, 1 bathroom with textured walls and floor are required. 30,000 minimum on house.
• have one girl and one boy with six children at Max. You can fail if you do not get one of each gender by six kids if you want to play in super hard mode.
•complete 3 aspirations
• name all your kids with the letter A : must use the random trait generator for each child, if however they do not roll a trait with the letter A by the time they age to young adult one must be selected from these traits: active (1-2), artlover (3-4), ambitious(5-6).
•heir challenge: the child who maxed out imagination as a child and completed artistic prodigy, got an A in middle/grade school as well as high school, and has the art lover trait. They must have the angling ace aspiration. min conflict resolution to get argumentative trait.
Generation A
Story: You don't understand why you were picked as the heir when your parent ignored you so much as a child. You take up hobbies so that you can be alone. Fishing and art are the most relaxing alone time things you can think of. You start the tradition of hanging portraits of the family on the wall when one day your parents ask you to paint them out of the blue and you're so shocked you oblige. One day you encounter someone who is out of this world. You fall in love and start a interstellar art smuggling ring.
•paint a portrait of the founder parents.
•catch and hang all fish on wall.
•Marry an astronaut who maxed out the interstellar smuggler branch of astronaut (can just have the person they marry take this job)
•Get a second floor.
• Start a Family portrait gallery room.
• collect the emotion paintings
• complete angling Ace aspiration
•have children 1 boy, 1 girl. No max.
•name your kids B names, if the children are aging to young adult and have not rolled bro or bookworm one of these traits must be taken.
•heir challenge: heir must have a part time job as a babysitter or barista when they are a teen, and want a big happy family aspiration. Trait required is bookworm. Destroy their manners so they get the bad manners trait.
Generation B
You idolized your parents black market arts trade that went all over the Galaxy, and have decided to make your own business, a little closer to home. Starting to get management experience as a teenager, as soon as you age into young adult you seek out a business career but find it a little...boring. A life as a criminal like your parents sounds D's far more appealing, and you're going to be the boss. You marry a writer that was chasing you down for a story and instead they write biographies of the family members on the side of the books they publish to be a bestselling author, and add it to the families growing library.
•spouse must complete best selling author aspiration
•big happy family aspiration
•have 10+ kids, at least one boy.
•name kids all with the letter C
• kids must have one of these traits by age up to young adult: cheerful, creative, childish, clumsy
•must max criminal- boss career but start in the business career for 1 promotion minimum
•Must add a large fancy library to the house
•Add a smuggler basement.
•bonus challenge if expansion owned: add a secret bowling alley in the basement for relaxing after stressful days keeping your criminal world in line.
Heir challenge: heir must max creativity as a child, and communication as a toddler, and if parenting is owned have conflict resolution showing positively or negatively. maximize empathy to get the compassionate trait. Chief of Mischief aspiration
Generation C
Story: The criminal ways of your ancestors bore you, even though it still runs in your veins. You love laughter, and unlike your brothers and sisters who focus on cooking and creating "legitimate" businesses to continue the criminal empire, you turn to comedy.
• max charisma, and comedy skills
• make a comedy den in the house
• Name your kids with D names.
• Must complete the chief of aspiration aspiration
• no restraints on number of kids, but you must joke with them all the time.
Heir Challenge: If you have get together the heir must have the Dance machine trait. Max out charisma and logic.
Generation D
Story: You are sick of the trouble caused by your family, and to decided to take on the world of crime single handed. When unwinding from the sressful work being an agent of the law bring, you delve into the world of music in any way that you can. You and your child however do not see eye to eye.
• To busy with work you only have one pregnancy
• Name your child with an E name who must have the evil trait at some point.
• Max at least one musical skill: Dance, sing, DJ, an instrument
• Max out Detective or Secret Agent -Diamond Agent job
Heir Challenge: Evil, negative empathy and negative emotional control.
Generation E
The bachelor/bachelorette challenge:
Rules to be posted here.
Build a town legacy challenges:
Rules to be posted here.
only base game is REQUIRED but other expansions can make it interesting and fun.
Rules: following the point/rule system of pinsters legacy challenges with a few changes because they confused me personally.
Starter sim (gen 0) can be any trait, any aspiration (except changing location aspirations), any name .young adult
Equality heir rules, modern bloodline, democracy is streaming/video with feedback, random if not. Have choice to base it off each generations challenge as well.
No money can be gained from spouses moving in.
generation 0
Story: you've been homeless for a long time but you've just discovered that you are the descendant of royal blood. You've received the deed to a plot of land (50 x50 or 64x 64) and a family heirloom.( A knight of the octagon table or 2 points of enmity and a von windenburg trap ) you have 1800$ simoleons to your name, but you have decided that now that you know who you are descended from, you are determined to do something with your life and make your family known again. Your focus is on finding a soulmate and sticking with them for the rest of your life, working to make more money to build the family fortune back up, and building a home worthy of your royal name again... Of course this means that you sometimes neglect to notice your actual children.
• 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, 1 bathroom with textured walls and floor are required. 30,000 minimum on house.
• have one girl and one boy with six children at Max. You can fail if you do not get one of each gender by six kids if you want to play in super hard mode.
•complete 3 aspirations
• name all your kids with the letter A : must use the random trait generator for each child, if however they do not roll a trait with the letter A by the time they age to young adult one must be selected from these traits: active (1-2), artlover (3-4), ambitious(5-6).
•heir challenge: the child who maxed out imagination as a child and completed artistic prodigy, got an A in middle/grade school as well as high school, and has the art lover trait. They must have the angling ace aspiration. min conflict resolution to get argumentative trait.
Generation A
Story: You don't understand why you were picked as the heir when your parent ignored you so much as a child. You take up hobbies so that you can be alone. Fishing and art are the most relaxing alone time things you can think of. You start the tradition of hanging portraits of the family on the wall when one day your parents ask you to paint them out of the blue and you're so shocked you oblige. One day you encounter someone who is out of this world. You fall in love and start a interstellar art smuggling ring.
•paint a portrait of the founder parents.
•catch and hang all fish on wall.
•Marry an astronaut who maxed out the interstellar smuggler branch of astronaut (can just have the person they marry take this job)
•Get a second floor.
• Start a Family portrait gallery room.
• collect the emotion paintings
• complete angling Ace aspiration
•have children 1 boy, 1 girl. No max.
•name your kids B names, if the children are aging to young adult and have not rolled bro or bookworm one of these traits must be taken.
•heir challenge: heir must have a part time job as a babysitter or barista when they are a teen, and want a big happy family aspiration. Trait required is bookworm. Destroy their manners so they get the bad manners trait.
Generation B
You idolized your parents black market arts trade that went all over the Galaxy, and have decided to make your own business, a little closer to home. Starting to get management experience as a teenager, as soon as you age into young adult you seek out a business career but find it a little...boring. A life as a criminal like your parents sounds D's far more appealing, and you're going to be the boss. You marry a writer that was chasing you down for a story and instead they write biographies of the family members on the side of the books they publish to be a bestselling author, and add it to the families growing library.
•spouse must complete best selling author aspiration
•big happy family aspiration
•have 10+ kids, at least one boy.
•name kids all with the letter C
• kids must have one of these traits by age up to young adult: cheerful, creative, childish, clumsy
•must max criminal- boss career but start in the business career for 1 promotion minimum
•Must add a large fancy library to the house
•Add a smuggler basement.
•bonus challenge if expansion owned: add a secret bowling alley in the basement for relaxing after stressful days keeping your criminal world in line.
Heir challenge: heir must max creativity as a child, and communication as a toddler, and if parenting is owned have conflict resolution showing positively or negatively. maximize empathy to get the compassionate trait. Chief of Mischief aspiration
Generation C
Story: The criminal ways of your ancestors bore you, even though it still runs in your veins. You love laughter, and unlike your brothers and sisters who focus on cooking and creating "legitimate" businesses to continue the criminal empire, you turn to comedy.
• max charisma, and comedy skills
• make a comedy den in the house
• Name your kids with D names.
• Must complete the chief of aspiration aspiration
• no restraints on number of kids, but you must joke with them all the time.
Heir Challenge: If you have get together the heir must have the Dance machine trait. Max out charisma and logic.
Generation D
Story: You are sick of the trouble caused by your family, and to decided to take on the world of crime single handed. When unwinding from the sressful work being an agent of the law bring, you delve into the world of music in any way that you can. You and your child however do not see eye to eye.
• To busy with work you only have one pregnancy
• Name your child with an E name who must have the evil trait at some point.
• Max at least one musical skill: Dance, sing, DJ, an instrument
• Max out Detective or Secret Agent -Diamond Agent job
Heir Challenge: Evil, negative empathy and negative emotional control.
Generation E
Pre-built house challenges. The npc challenges.
Many of my challenges are ideas gained from other challenges but I have written these ones myself. Rules to be posted soon.
Many of my challenges are ideas gained from other challenges but I have written these ones myself. Rules to be posted soon.
Willow Creek
The Goths live in a spooky black house fitting of their name with their two children. The house is known as Ophelia Villa and is on a 30 x20 lot. Their starting funds are $45,000 simoleans. The story tells that Mortimer writes macabre stories and Bella has random disappearances. Do you run with the story or do you do something else? Follows are some of the challenges I've made for this family.
Mortimor is a bookworm, creative, and outgoing. He works as a freelance writer (writing career level 3) and starts with a level 4 writing skill. His aspiration is to be a Renaissance Sim.
Bella is good, family-oriented, and romantic. She works as an intelligence researcher, hence her disappearances.(secret agent level 2) she starts the game with charisma level 2, fitness level 2, and programming level 2 for her skills. She only wants to be a party animal.
Cassandra is a gloomy, and creative teen who wants to be a musical genius. She starts with violin skill at level 2.
Alexander is a bookworm who wants to be a whiz kid. He starts at level 1 in the children skills.
Play however you want but try to get as many macabre books published as possible. How many did you get published, what were some of your spooky titles? Did you put an awesome description with them? Bonus challenge with this: keep track of how much you make on all the macabre books.
Challenge ends when Mortimer dies. He already starts in the adult age.
Long or normal life span
Rest of the world (unplayed ect houses) can be aged up or not and filled up as you choose. You could replace them all with some from the gallery for example or stick with what gets spawned.
Choose heir rules based on here at the legacy rules
Generation one: Mortimer and Bella
Story: You love each other very much but you dont quite see eye to eye all the time. Mortimer would much rather focus on building skills and writing books but he keeps getting dragged into parties his wife throws at the house. She however starts to throw parties in other locations without him. Can these two stay together when they're interests take them in separate directions?
•Must complete their aspirations
•Purchase a knight of the octagon table before Mortimer is an elder.
• Have one final kid before Mortimer is an elder. They can adopt after if you want but they have to have one more genetic child.
•Bella can not remarry even after Mortimer passes on since he is older than her.
Generation two: Cassandra, Alexander, and another.
Story: Your parents always seem to be fighting and making up. Disappearing into their own worlds and coming out of it whenever they want. They don't spend as much time with you kids as you'd like so things are a little gloomy around the house. Cassandra could care less about the rest of the family and decides to work for her own money so that she can leave as soon as she can. (She doesn't count as first born if that is a requirement for heir, but feel free to play her in her own lot when she moves out as a young adult with only current household age up on, everything else off)
• Cassandra must get a teenage job, and move out as a young adult. You only have her teenage years to get points from her.
• Alexander follows in his father's footsteps with writing books, but he spends his time on the computer with programming and video gaming.
• Third child focuses on posting gloomy art. Must paint at least one sad painting.
Generation Three: the tech gen
Story: Because of uncle/father Alexander's tech skills , your heir sim is obsessed with computers.
• Computer whiz aspiration is a requirement to complete by a generation three sim.
• May only have one genetics blood born child.
• love the color grey, clothes and room must have a grey theme.
• have an excellent relationship with Alexander
Generation four: bringing back the music
Story: This generation still has the gloomy feeling of the past generations and shows it through their music. They want the world to know the feeling of their family.
•pipe organ or piano must be maxed as well as violin.
•great aunt cassandra is a bit of an idol and if shes still alive they must make best of friends with her.
Generation five: the turn around generation
Story: You can't stand the gloomy atmosphere of your ancestors. When you become a young adult and receive the lot as your heritage you decide to rewrite history. Saving the most important objects of your families history you pay to have the house demolished and rebuilt with a sunny disposition instead.
• personality traits of the heir must have cheerful included.
• rebuild the lot with a much more cheerful look instead of the gloomy look of the original goth home.
•jokestar aspiration must be completed.
• yellow, or orange must be included in the remodel as a heavy influence to show a sunny disposition.
Generation Six: the artist
Story: With such a loving bright environment, you can't help but be inspired! You feel the creative juices flowing and really get into your artistry. You fall in love with one sim and want to spend the rest of your life with them. You can't help but find the romance in everything.
• painting or photography must get maxed by this heir.
• grow a lovely garden
• have a soulmate and be a gushy romantic.
• one trait must be romantic.
Generation Seven: it's in the genes
Story: You can't help yourself, the gloomy, the jokester, the fascination with the macabre are in your genes. You desire to be mischievous. Pulling pranks on people gives you life and you love the dark colors. Be it dark Royal purple, or a deep navy blue or even black; it doesn't matter because you love it! And you can't help yourself when it comes to other people's things.
• max mischief skill
•redecorate house /heirs rooms to be dark colors.
• join the criminal career track
•kleptomaniac trait
Generation Eight: The victim of the family tree
Story: Everything is always going so well for your family despite them being so gloomy or mischievous. You can't stand it. Other people are always so happy and don't necessarily have as much as you have received in heritage.
• must have insane trait
•collector aspiration completed
Generation Nine: Party Animal
Story: The blood of your ancestor Bella has come back in you and you just want to go out and party. Every time something is going on you just have to go no matter what time it is or how tired you are.
• Accept all requests to go out. Go to every festival that comes up. (if you have city living)
• If you have city living you have to take a job like critic that lets you work from home.
Generation Ten:the giver
Story: gloom gloomy gloomy! Your family has always been thinking about themselves! They've got plenty of money, a beautiful house(especially after that remodel)! But they don't give to charity. You strive to donate every chance you get to one charity or another and help people in need.
•Adopt 5 foster kids
•donate daily to a charity on the computer (or at least once a week)
•toss money at people you see playing music in the park.
• run for political career if you have the pack.
This is a follow up for the Gloomy Legacy
Long or Normal Life span
Rest of the world (unplayed ect houses) can be aged up or not and filled up as you choose. You could replace them all with some from the gallery for example or stick with what gets spawned.
Choose heir rules based on pinstars legacy rules, if you want to keep score you can also base it off that wonderful system.
Move into 930 Medina Studios, It is your legacy apartment.
Generation One: Cassandra
Story: You left your family as soon as you could. You’ve worked hard to build up enough money to move out to San Myshuno and get an apartment, to meet people that are actually cool, unlike your folks. You also plan to be a popular musician.
Get a makeover to blend into the city.
Complete Musical Genius Aspiration
Become an art critic and reach the top.
Marry someone you meet at a dance party and have a single pregnancy with them.
Generation Two: Dissonant child in a city
Story: You parents spoiled you rotten, and when you don’t get your way you explode. You don’t care about the arts. You care that you get as much free stuff as possible. Everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. In fact, if it is food on a silver platter that’s even better.
must have hot-headed trait, and foodie. Third is up to you or random.
max food critic
Whoo a food booth worker, marry them.
Have a child with them.
Divorce them.
Do this twice.
Generation Three: Moving up in the world – Crescendo!
Story: Everyone knows where the angry food critic lives. You want to escape the bad press that your home and your family has gotten. As soon as you’re able you move into a Penthouse and work on recovering from the bad rep your family has gotten.
Move in to the Fountainview Penthouse
Marry someone for true love.
have 4 children
Max Piano and Charisma skills
Work in the entertainer career, maxing either branch.
Generation Four: Quartet siblings
Story: You and your siblings are all really close and you tend do a lot together. Including going out and preforming.
Max Guitar skill
stay really good friends with all three of your siblings
You can not get a job.
Perform on the street daily.
If any of your siblings invite you out somewhere you have to go.
Go out to karaoke with a sibling once a week.
Meet, marry, and have at least one child with someone you meet through music.
Generation Five: Elegy of a soul
Story: You feel insignificant and like you never should have been born. You’re pretty sure that you were an after thought. Every Friday night you can be found at a bar. (And many others for that matter.) Talk about working a 9-5 job M-F . That’s you. What a boring life. Why does your life suck. Drown it in all the seedy bars why don’t you. Oh come on you don’t really think that about yourself do you? :O
Have gloomy and loner traits [hard mode: unflirty as third trait]
Master mixology skills
attend a bar at least every Friday.
Max the investor branch of buisness
Surprise yourself with true love you met at a bar.
After you find your true love you “try for Baby” on Saturday Mornings after your now turned into celebration friday bar nights.
Generation Six: Rhythm of Moving Higher
Story: The size of your family is getting quite large with your parents having so many children. You desperately feel the need to move again. How about even getting into uptown where the rich and famous live! Your focus is to get as much money as you can. However you can.
Move to the Spire Apartments in Uptown
Max the boss branch of the criminal career track
Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration
Max violin skill
Generation Seven: Social Glissando
Story: Living in uptown has given you a plan for greatness. So what if your parents were living in the underbelly of the world to get money. You plan to smooth relations with the public and groom your child for wonderful things.
Max Public Relations Branch of social Media
Have a single child
Spoil your child (think mini wonder child challenge)
Generation Eight: Political Metronome
Story: You’ve been groomed for greatness. You will become president as your parents prepared you for.
Max political Career to become president
Get as many aspiration point reward traits as possible.
Meet and marry someone from the spice district.
have two children
Generation Nine: The Final Move -Harmony
Story: Taking advantage of the riches and spoils of being presidential famous you decide to delve into the world of the internet and become even more famous through social media.
Move to 1 Torendi Tower Penthouse
Max internet Personality Branch of Social Media
Max computer skills. IE: Video games, Programming, Writing
have as many kids as you want.
Marry someone at geekcon
Generation Ten: The Final Allegro
Story: You’re rich, your famous. What do you do with all that money. How about charity! Oh and that technology love of your parents … yeah that has you in the ‘take a selfie’ generation. Congratulations!
Max political Career as a Charity Organizer
Max photography
Take selfies with everyone, all the time. Everywhere you go. “‘Take a selfie’ with…”
The Goths live in a spooky black house fitting of their name with their two children. The house is known as Ophelia Villa and is on a 30 x20 lot. Their starting funds are $45,000 simoleans. The story tells that Mortimer writes macabre stories and Bella has random disappearances. Do you run with the story or do you do something else? Follows are some of the challenges I've made for this family.
Mortimor is a bookworm, creative, and outgoing. He works as a freelance writer (writing career level 3) and starts with a level 4 writing skill. His aspiration is to be a Renaissance Sim.
Bella is good, family-oriented, and romantic. She works as an intelligence researcher, hence her disappearances.(secret agent level 2) she starts the game with charisma level 2, fitness level 2, and programming level 2 for her skills. She only wants to be a party animal.
Cassandra is a gloomy, and creative teen who wants to be a musical genius. She starts with violin skill at level 2.
Alexander is a bookworm who wants to be a whiz kid. He starts at level 1 in the children skills.
Play however you want but try to get as many macabre books published as possible. How many did you get published, what were some of your spooky titles? Did you put an awesome description with them? Bonus challenge with this: keep track of how much you make on all the macabre books.
Challenge ends when Mortimer dies. He already starts in the adult age.
Long or normal life span
Rest of the world (unplayed ect houses) can be aged up or not and filled up as you choose. You could replace them all with some from the gallery for example or stick with what gets spawned.
Choose heir rules based on here at the legacy rules
Generation one: Mortimer and Bella
Story: You love each other very much but you dont quite see eye to eye all the time. Mortimer would much rather focus on building skills and writing books but he keeps getting dragged into parties his wife throws at the house. She however starts to throw parties in other locations without him. Can these two stay together when they're interests take them in separate directions?
•Must complete their aspirations
•Purchase a knight of the octagon table before Mortimer is an elder.
• Have one final kid before Mortimer is an elder. They can adopt after if you want but they have to have one more genetic child.
•Bella can not remarry even after Mortimer passes on since he is older than her.
Generation two: Cassandra, Alexander, and another.
Story: Your parents always seem to be fighting and making up. Disappearing into their own worlds and coming out of it whenever they want. They don't spend as much time with you kids as you'd like so things are a little gloomy around the house. Cassandra could care less about the rest of the family and decides to work for her own money so that she can leave as soon as she can. (She doesn't count as first born if that is a requirement for heir, but feel free to play her in her own lot when she moves out as a young adult with only current household age up on, everything else off)
• Cassandra must get a teenage job, and move out as a young adult. You only have her teenage years to get points from her.
• Alexander follows in his father's footsteps with writing books, but he spends his time on the computer with programming and video gaming.
• Third child focuses on posting gloomy art. Must paint at least one sad painting.
Generation Three: the tech gen
Story: Because of uncle/father Alexander's tech skills , your heir sim is obsessed with computers.
• Computer whiz aspiration is a requirement to complete by a generation three sim.
• May only have one genetics blood born child.
• love the color grey, clothes and room must have a grey theme.
• have an excellent relationship with Alexander
Generation four: bringing back the music
Story: This generation still has the gloomy feeling of the past generations and shows it through their music. They want the world to know the feeling of their family.
•pipe organ or piano must be maxed as well as violin.
•great aunt cassandra is a bit of an idol and if shes still alive they must make best of friends with her.
Generation five: the turn around generation
Story: You can't stand the gloomy atmosphere of your ancestors. When you become a young adult and receive the lot as your heritage you decide to rewrite history. Saving the most important objects of your families history you pay to have the house demolished and rebuilt with a sunny disposition instead.
• personality traits of the heir must have cheerful included.
• rebuild the lot with a much more cheerful look instead of the gloomy look of the original goth home.
•jokestar aspiration must be completed.
• yellow, or orange must be included in the remodel as a heavy influence to show a sunny disposition.
Generation Six: the artist
Story: With such a loving bright environment, you can't help but be inspired! You feel the creative juices flowing and really get into your artistry. You fall in love with one sim and want to spend the rest of your life with them. You can't help but find the romance in everything.
• painting or photography must get maxed by this heir.
• grow a lovely garden
• have a soulmate and be a gushy romantic.
• one trait must be romantic.
Generation Seven: it's in the genes
Story: You can't help yourself, the gloomy, the jokester, the fascination with the macabre are in your genes. You desire to be mischievous. Pulling pranks on people gives you life and you love the dark colors. Be it dark Royal purple, or a deep navy blue or even black; it doesn't matter because you love it! And you can't help yourself when it comes to other people's things.
• max mischief skill
•redecorate house /heirs rooms to be dark colors.
• join the criminal career track
•kleptomaniac trait
Generation Eight: The victim of the family tree
Story: Everything is always going so well for your family despite them being so gloomy or mischievous. You can't stand it. Other people are always so happy and don't necessarily have as much as you have received in heritage.
• must have insane trait
•collector aspiration completed
Generation Nine: Party Animal
Story: The blood of your ancestor Bella has come back in you and you just want to go out and party. Every time something is going on you just have to go no matter what time it is or how tired you are.
• Accept all requests to go out. Go to every festival that comes up. (if you have city living)
• If you have city living you have to take a job like critic that lets you work from home.
Generation Ten:the giver
Story: gloom gloomy gloomy! Your family has always been thinking about themselves! They've got plenty of money, a beautiful house(especially after that remodel)! But they don't give to charity. You strive to donate every chance you get to one charity or another and help people in need.
•Adopt 5 foster kids
•donate daily to a charity on the computer (or at least once a week)
•toss money at people you see playing music in the park.
• run for political career if you have the pack.
This is a follow up for the Gloomy Legacy
Long or Normal Life span
Rest of the world (unplayed ect houses) can be aged up or not and filled up as you choose. You could replace them all with some from the gallery for example or stick with what gets spawned.
Choose heir rules based on pinstars legacy rules, if you want to keep score you can also base it off that wonderful system.
Move into 930 Medina Studios, It is your legacy apartment.
Generation One: Cassandra
Story: You left your family as soon as you could. You’ve worked hard to build up enough money to move out to San Myshuno and get an apartment, to meet people that are actually cool, unlike your folks. You also plan to be a popular musician.
Get a makeover to blend into the city.
Complete Musical Genius Aspiration
Become an art critic and reach the top.
Marry someone you meet at a dance party and have a single pregnancy with them.
Generation Two: Dissonant child in a city
Story: You parents spoiled you rotten, and when you don’t get your way you explode. You don’t care about the arts. You care that you get as much free stuff as possible. Everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. In fact, if it is food on a silver platter that’s even better.
must have hot-headed trait, and foodie. Third is up to you or random.
max food critic
Whoo a food booth worker, marry them.
Have a child with them.
Divorce them.
Do this twice.
Generation Three: Moving up in the world – Crescendo!
Story: Everyone knows where the angry food critic lives. You want to escape the bad press that your home and your family has gotten. As soon as you’re able you move into a Penthouse and work on recovering from the bad rep your family has gotten.
Move in to the Fountainview Penthouse
Marry someone for true love.
have 4 children
Max Piano and Charisma skills
Work in the entertainer career, maxing either branch.
Generation Four: Quartet siblings
Story: You and your siblings are all really close and you tend do a lot together. Including going out and preforming.
Max Guitar skill
stay really good friends with all three of your siblings
You can not get a job.
Perform on the street daily.
If any of your siblings invite you out somewhere you have to go.
Go out to karaoke with a sibling once a week.
Meet, marry, and have at least one child with someone you meet through music.
Generation Five: Elegy of a soul
Story: You feel insignificant and like you never should have been born. You’re pretty sure that you were an after thought. Every Friday night you can be found at a bar. (And many others for that matter.) Talk about working a 9-5 job M-F . That’s you. What a boring life. Why does your life suck. Drown it in all the seedy bars why don’t you. Oh come on you don’t really think that about yourself do you? :O
Have gloomy and loner traits [hard mode: unflirty as third trait]
Master mixology skills
attend a bar at least every Friday.
Max the investor branch of buisness
Surprise yourself with true love you met at a bar.
After you find your true love you “try for Baby” on Saturday Mornings after your now turned into celebration friday bar nights.
Generation Six: Rhythm of Moving Higher
Story: The size of your family is getting quite large with your parents having so many children. You desperately feel the need to move again. How about even getting into uptown where the rich and famous live! Your focus is to get as much money as you can. However you can.
Move to the Spire Apartments in Uptown
Max the boss branch of the criminal career track
Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration
Max violin skill
Generation Seven: Social Glissando
Story: Living in uptown has given you a plan for greatness. So what if your parents were living in the underbelly of the world to get money. You plan to smooth relations with the public and groom your child for wonderful things.
Max Public Relations Branch of social Media
Have a single child
Spoil your child (think mini wonder child challenge)
Generation Eight: Political Metronome
Story: You’ve been groomed for greatness. You will become president as your parents prepared you for.
Max political Career to become president
Get as many aspiration point reward traits as possible.
Meet and marry someone from the spice district.
have two children
Generation Nine: The Final Move -Harmony
Story: Taking advantage of the riches and spoils of being presidential famous you decide to delve into the world of the internet and become even more famous through social media.
Move to 1 Torendi Tower Penthouse
Max internet Personality Branch of Social Media
Max computer skills. IE: Video games, Programming, Writing
have as many kids as you want.
Marry someone at geekcon
Generation Ten: The Final Allegro
Story: You’re rich, your famous. What do you do with all that money. How about charity! Oh and that technology love of your parents … yeah that has you in the ‘take a selfie’ generation. Congratulations!
Max political Career as a Charity Organizer
Max photography
Take selfies with everyone, all the time. Everywhere you go. “‘Take a selfie’ with…”
Cas challenges.
These are build a sim challenges similar to the build challenges. If I'm allowed I'm probably going to have a volts prize for this one. Otherwise it's just for fun like the 100 day cas challenge that's out there.
Create the NPCs in sims :D
These are build a sim challenges similar to the build challenges. If I'm allowed I'm probably going to have a volts prize for this one. Otherwise it's just for fun like the 100 day cas challenge that's out there.
Create the NPCs in sims :D
I wonder if I can do similar challenges in Sims 3?
I actually have sims 3 but it's not installed and I haven't played it nearly as much as 2 and 4. But he legacy challenges definitely has rules for all of the sims games. :) I just can't necessarily get it off the gallery to play in my livestream games because I don't know how and I stream 4. But you could definitely do similar and I'd love to see what you come up with!
There will be a link to the legacy webiste. If you click the one link it does take it to he proper legacy website just not the right page

@dragoness129: I found a sims 3 conversion for the not so berry challenge that I'm about to start :D
Here's my Generation One Sim

I'd love to see you play along with me on sims 3 :D
Here's my Generation One Sim

I'd love to see you play along with me on sims 3 :D

I'm going to be giving this a major over haul soon. But I would love if people would come in and chat still. Am I allowed to post a link to my blog where I write sims-lits? I gotta look that up...
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.