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Forums Winter Solstice 2019 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:34:27 )

That sounds really interesting. I've never heard of it or been to one.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:37:31 )

    @Tsundererra: my team rn (all kiwame) hachi 63, nagasone 59, urashima 66, sayo 72, aoe 63, gokotai 67

    i wanted to try staying til the end but by hour 3.5 my friend was like yo let's just pack up lmfao
    literally more than half of the hall was empty and packed up by then and the friends we were gonna hang out with afterwards were waiting for us too ahaha

    @Shadami: have you been to anime cons in north america?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:38:14 )
meri kurisumasu, masachan

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:39:40 )

I have not ^^;; but in a general sense I at least know what they are.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:42:11 )

@pachi: Dang, your sons are all leveled up. My highest is level 47 Urashima. No wonder you’re whizzing through this no problem. I need to step up my game. xD

Welp, at least you got more time to hang with friends and have fun. Did you just go shopping afterwards?


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 03:44:37 )

    thank u mdom
    merry xmas to u too

    @Shadami: ahh i was gonna say
    they're similar but pretty different ahah

    @Tsundererra: i've had them for a long time tho too aha (but i also just ... keep hachi as my leader and power level him in events)

    i wanted to browse the event hall tbh... but damn there really are a TON of tables so i can see why people make lists and leave after x_x
    i did do some shopping the day after tho :b
    went to the nitro+ store in akihabara~


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:08:08 )

I'll have to look it up if I can remember ^^


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:14:54 )

@pachi: Still, that’s fast for kiwames. They level soooo slow. T~T Your Sayo’s level is impressive.
My stubborn butt was still using my level 99 regular fav boys because I thought the tachi kiwames were just around the corner... then after a while, my friend got me to switch them out to level other peeps. >3> That was a year and a half ago. STILL NO TACHI KIWAME FORMS.

Oh wow, how big was the venue? When there’s a lot of options and big crowds, I can see why there weren’t many people browsing.
Yo, I didn’t even know there was a nitro+ store in Akihabara! But it makes sense since that company also makes visual novel games that go with the booby vibe of Akiba. xD What did you buy from there?


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:19:32 )

What is a kiwame?


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:33:26 )

    @Tsundererra: remember, they still gotta get to naginata kiwame lolll
    tkrb staff literally do the bare minimum :'D

    it was huuuuge, but granted it also had a ton of other fandoms too
    but the tkrb space was pretty big since it was a petit event within the full event x_x
    it's in the animate there, they had some pretty good stuff (a wall with all the boys on it!!)
    i didn't buy anything there specifically but aghh they're making merch of the keisou and urashim and nagasone literally only came out yesterday and today, i want thoseeee

    @Shadami: in the game touken ranbu, it's the powered up/upgraded form of the boys :3


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:48:13 )

Something else I don't know xD

You all seem very excited though! :) It's nice.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:49:59 )

@pachi: Omg, YOU’RE RIGHT. Just when I had hope because the Yari were done, you remind me that the Naginata exists... luckily there’s like 3 of them (I think?), and they’ll prolly only do Iwatooshi... or at least they better only do him since the other two are newer swords.
Yo, the only time I’ve seen the touken staff do something fast was when they had to pull and fix Shinano’s kiwame look. xD

Ohp, then I’ve been been there before. That animate is HUGE, but I haven’t visited there since playing Touken. I went to the Ikebukuro one for my touken stuff. The stores near there also sold merch for the musical.
If your friends are living in Japan, you can ask them to send you the merch you want, or sign up for proxy shipping with Tenso and order it yourself if you can, though it might get pricey.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 04:54:27 )

    @Shadami: this game is... A Lot ahahaha
    i say as im grinding away at this event rn

    @Tsundererra: they gotta go back and kiwame all the new tantou, waki, and uchi too before tachi
    just watch--

    yeahhh we also raided ikebukuro
    tbh i didn't really buy that much since i'm pretty caught up with merch releases, i was mostly hunting for doujin i'm missing (couldn't find some i was looking for and some were more recent releases cry) .. but i also bought a 4th nendo hachi ahahah

    have you seen the new goods for honmaru haku? they're so damn cute i'm actually gonna ask my friends to buy some for me ahhhh


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:05:05 )

It's like you're speaking another language and I'm fascinated

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:06:00 )

    it's... quite a lot of in-game lingo when you take a step back and marvel at it LOL


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:06:09 )

@pachi: Omg, don’t jinx it. Now that you’ve put the idea out there, some touken staff is going to suggest it and it’ll be another 2 years of waiting for my boys to kiwame. I tried to stop using Hasebe so I could level him together with his bae, but I gave up on that idea too...

Whoaaaa, you’re already caught up with the merch? I feel like they keep releasing new stuff every month. x__x Animate is always blowing up my mail like YO, CHECK THIS OUT. Dying that your Hachi nendo army is growing. Don’t stop buying them until they cover your entire house. :’) Newer doujins are always tricker to find, but you can always ask your friends to keep an eye out for you on that too.

And nuuuu, I haven’t seen the new honmaru haku stuff. O: Is it noice?


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:06:22 )

    but also the game is japanese so it is literally a different language--


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:07:04 )

Omg Sha, my b. This is the only person on Voltra I’ve found who plays this game, and I get so excited. xD


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:09:13 )

    @Tsundererra: bro at this rate you can just max out kiwame hasebe first LOLLL

    i'm getting more picky nowadays too :') i used to get splits for other characters i like as well but now i just go for my kotetsu boys. and maybe chiyo. gotta prioritize my $$$

    i may or may not ask my friends to event shop for me too-- i'm very easy to shop for, literally go down a row ahahahah

    here's the merch!
    they're soooo damn cute i love it


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 05:10:05 )

    haha it's a pretty small community to begin with so the odds are pretty low :b
    a few of my friends also play it
    like @hiwrik:
    maeda's her fav


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