Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 23:42:00 )
@Queen of Trash: Omg, I’m sorry to hear that. ): It sounds like you managed to get the funds for the surgery. At least you tried to save him. It would’ve sucked to let that tumor stay there and cause him constant pain.
I currently gots... about 4k little candy canes. :’3 And here’s another one to my secret stash~
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/26 23:54:38 )
@Queen of Trash: My holidays have been pretty chill. Sleeping a lot and playing with my new switch.
Who gifted you the sweater? I really wish I got one or a scarf this year.
I currently gots... about 4k little candy canes. :’3 And here’s another one to my secret stash~