“Hmm… A little to the left… My left!”
“We have the same left, we’re facing the same way…” Virgil grumbled under his breath as he adjusted a festive tchotchke on the shelf.
“I guess you’re RIGHT about that!” She laughed, earning another scoff from Virgil. Ignoring his sour mood, she cupped her cheeks and let out a dreamy sigh, “Isn’t it wonderful that Solstice is finally here…? I think it might be my favourite holiday, it’s always so much fun…”
Turning from his stocking duties, Virgil shot her a confused glare, “Since when? Solstice always sucked.”
Violet returned it with a sly smile as she waves her hand dismissively, “Yes Virgil, I know, I know. The evils of capitalism corrupted it, spare me the rant. It’s how we’re keeping the lights on,” she grinned playfully when he grunted in displeasure,, “But what isn't to love? The singing, the cheer, the beautiful decorations, and how it truly brings people together... Ah! Like that year we got gifts? Remember?”

“Children! Come join us by the fire!”
At the command of their mother, two children ran into the sitting room without hesitation. Stopping in unison, they bowed their heads before her, "Hello mother and father."
Their mother smiled warmly, giving them both a gentle pat on the head, “With the year coming to an end, now is the perfect time to reflect on how it was spent. As a family, let us review all your accomplishments this year, and discuss how we’d like to approve for the next. Violet, let’s hear you first.”
Violet beamed with excitement as she was addressed, but calmed herself, wanting to seem poised as she answered, “Teacher said I’m already top of the class! I’m studying advanced magic, and learned some conjuring. Look!” She smiled, demonstrating as she manifested a couple snowflakes between her hands. She smiled up at her parents as they clapped approvingly.
“Very good, Violet,” Her father nodded, before his eyes shifted to Virgil, “And how about you, son?”
Virgil shifted nervously beside his sister, almost seeming to hide behind her as he was addressed. Swallowing hard, he straightened out, trying to hide the nervous waiver of his voice, “I’m… Still trying to learn conjuring too… But teacher says I’ve gotten better with the fundamentals! And I’m doing good in math...”
“Ah ah… Well in math…” His mother corrected.
“Well in math!” He nodded hurriedly.
“Well, I suspect you know that we expect a better performance from you…” His father said sternly, before softening his expression when Virgil nodded even harder, “Good, I believe you… Now, we don’t often do this but… Your mother and I have a surprise for you both.”
A small gift box was gently placed into each of their hands. They waited until their mother gave a nod of approval, and both eager tore off the paper. Violet’s eyes lit up excitedly as she found a smaller box inside, and opening the lid revealed a sparkling white gold necklace, “Oh, it’s wonderful! Thank you so much, mother and father! I’ll take very good care of it!”
“We know you will, we're very proud of you Violet…” Her mother smiled warmly, before turning her attention to her son. She offered him the same smile, “What do you think of your gift, Virgil?”
“Ah…” He sounded weakly as he gazed down at the book in his hands. Flipping through the pages, it quickly became apparent what it was: a planner. He glanced over to Violet’s gift, before looking up at his mother and giving her a weak smile, “Thank you…”
She gently ran her fingers through his hair encouragingly, “This is a very practical gift, you’ll thank us someday… It’s going to help you catch up to your sister easier. I know you’re both destined for success, and will achieve great things. I would do anything to ensure it.”
Giving one last look down at the planner, the boy responded in a faint voice, “I’ll try…”

art by ghost