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Forums Mini Shops Winners Posted

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/30 07:15:16 )

A hug thank you to @Anarchist Beauty: for all of the work she's put into the banners for here. Thank you so much darlin'!

PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT an official Voltra contest. I know I'm a mod, but this is a personal contest that I am hosting.

Oh my word... it's finally here.
My long awaited Art Contest.
You know what that means, right?

I'm giving away epic prizes in a contest for art of my characters!
Yes. I'm am absolute fiend for art. So sue me. I'm sure most of you know that, as I'm in most of the Mini Shops threads. LOL

So, I'm sure you want to know the rules/prizes/whatever, right?
Of course you do! You wouldn't be here otherwise, would you?
Art's in it for me, but what's in it for you? Hmmmmmm...

Now, how about a bunch of volts? Or possibly ohms?
Check farther down for Prize information!

If any of that is interesting, read on!

If you want to bring people around here, here's a couple things you can throw in your sig or posts.
If you put it in your sig/post for a week, you'll get a free 5k volts from me as a thank you!
(You can only claim that once)



IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/30 07:32:50 )

  • First and foremost, don't badmouth people, hey? I mean, seriously. Let's keep this fun and fair.
  • Sketches ARE allowed, but there's gotta be some shading to it. Even if minimal.
  • Backgrounds are totally not necessary, and their inclusion won't necessarily mean you will rank higher.
  • I think this one is a bit of a no-brainer, but don't claim my characters as your own. They're my babies. well, mine and @Colin:'s
  • The end date, is the end date. I'm not going to change/edit it or whatever for you. If you forget about this, yeah... it'll suck, but I can't edit the date for everyone. It may be altered due to something happening on my end (if I end up sick over the end, or something else of the sort where I cannot properly close/end this contest) but beyond that? Nope. Please don't complain about that.
  • Please don't bash my characters. Some are works in progresses, others are close to my heart for one reason or another. I realise their profiles aren't perfect, that some may fall into the 'mary sue//gary stu' category, but I adore them as they are, and they are ever growing and evolving.
  • Please DO ask questions about them! If there is something in someone's profile that you would like more information one, please ask. I'd rather the knowledge is out there, over being hidden in my own head where it cannot be useful for art purposes!
  • You'll be cool with me posting it to their pages, of course. By that token, I'm cool with you posting it places as well, just link me~<3
  • You may enter multple times, but you can only win once.
  • These rules may be edited/altered at any time. Please keep an eye out - I'll usually add a post stated that a new rule or a rule edit, was made though.

    Yes, I realise like 90% of those didn't need to be said, but it's always better to say them than to leave them as an assumption

  • First Place: 75K Volts
  • Second Place: 50K Volts
  • Third Place: 25K Volts
  • Fourth Place: 25K Volts
  • Fifth Place: 25K Volts

  • Everyone who enters with effort (Meaning not just a 5 second scribble!) will receive a 150 Ohms!
    -- Please note. Everyone can get this once, as I'm not made of money. Lol.
    Consider it my thank you for entering!
    --Also, please note that this will last as long as I have the ohms to send!

  • If you draw one of the following characters, you get a bonus 5K Volts as a thank you! (You can do this as many times as you wish, as well~<3) | Alex | Aimee | Hal | Jake | Kaia | Lilim | Alice F |

    Easy enough?
    That's a lotta volts...
    And a (potentially) lotta ohms...
    My wallet is crying. Lol.

    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ
  • Report

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/30 07:41:07 )

    I will accept entries through January 24/2020
    The winners will be announced January 31/2020. January 25/2020

    Now, there is a form for this, for my own sanity.
    Entrants will be farther down in this post post, as will the form be.

    This could probably fit in with prizes/whatever too, but I'm mentioning it here for ease. (I'll probably put it below too, for that matter)
    If you draw someone with NO art (meaning not even something I've done) then you get a free 5k along with a chance for one of the prizes. Yay?

    My post with the character information will have couples in there for your ease!

  • Overall Interest Image A has them just standing there and has really nice quality. Image B has them holding something and has worse quality than A. Image B would 'get more points' because the pose is not just a generic boring 'splat, there you go'.
  • A C C U R A C Y is a huge thing. Every single character has a 'details' tab. Pay attention to it more than the images.
  • Overall Impression Now, this does NOT strictly mean quality. It means that if you try something that is difficult, and the fact that you are unfamiliar with it shows, you will acquire bonus points for the effort.
  • Overall Effort, of course If you just slap something down and don't put effort in, and it shows, then yeah... that's not the most likely to win. Sorry ^ ^;;
  • Payment. If you pay me you're more likely too;.. Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that, ooops. > > YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!! (Lol. I am of course not serious with that last one.)

    Please keep in mind that the winning images will be decided between myself and @Colin:.
    We will also score every image, with a reasoning for the scores, so people know!
    If you guys would be interested in that, of course ^ ^;;

    @Amber Lynne: Art Contest? Let's take a crack at this!
    [b]I am[/b] Who are you?
    [b]My Credit Preference is[/b] Here's where you list what link you would like me to use for the TH image submission! I want to credit you lovelies~<3
    [b]I wish to say[/b] Got any comments? Leave 'em here! Well, comments or questions, or whatever.

    Here's what everyone wants to see!

    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ
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    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/30 08:06:30 )

    All right. All right.
    I know. You're intrigued by the prizes and want to see what kind of characters you've gotta draw for an entry.
    You want me to just get on with it, huh?

    Fine, fine fine. Here you go.

    My characters, sortable Please keep in mind you can only pick one keyword at a time. Not... not sure how to make it that you can pick multiple. ^ ^;; I'm not much of a coder, and this was done using a website template as a base. Lol.

    so there are all my characters. Yay?
    Each of their profiles have a relationships tab. If I missed something here, chances are it's listed there!

    C O U P L E S
    Want to know the couples?
    Ok. This section may be a bit long, so... heads up on that front. ^ ^;;

    A L S O
    Please note that each character should have family/love relationships mentioned. If you want friends, please ask or just assume everyone is friends with everyone else - BARRING Vanessa and Chris. Thanks!

  • Angela x Zeke
  • Emelie x Gregory
  • Andrew x Anna
  • Aedan (Reveka) x Azazel
  • Ash x Ashleigh
  • Jaden (Éliás) x Desiree
  • Rene x Kalin
  • Gregory x Madison
  • Vincent x Madison
  • Peyton x Mira
  • Hal x Hollie
  • Vincent x Rowena
  • Sydney (Csilla) x Dominico
  • Lilim x Alex
  • Anya x Jake

    And here are the family connections.
  • Syrane (Mother) to Vanessa and Ashleigh
  • Madison (Mother) to Kalin and Casey
  • Rowena (Mother) to Ash
  • Sydney (Mother) to Jaden
  • Demi (Mother) to Kiah
  • Vincent (Father) to Nakia and Demi
  • Reveka (Mother) x Azazel (Father) to Cain
  • Kiah and Kaia are twins
  • Liz and Emeli are sisters
  • Casey and Kalin are twins
  • Hollie and Vincent are twins
  • Rowena (Aunt) to Demi
  • Lilim (Aunt) and Alex (Uncle) to Zeke
  • Alice F (Mother) to Rowena
    Knowing me, I missed something. If you want to know about a connection, let me know and I'll expand/add it here

  • Report

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/30 08:12:17 )

    Got a question pertaining to my characters or this thread?
    Ask 'em! Lemme know what you want to know, and I'll be sure to answer it!
    Well, I will, or @Colin: will!

    None yet!

    if I do Aimee, should the hair be one simple braid, or more complicated braiding?
    would something like this work for Aimee? But pastel.

    Yep! A style like that would totally work =)
    And regarding the braid... a braid is a braid. Sometimes she does it more complex/detailed, but other times it'll be more simply done and quicker.

    for casual look something like...?

    Yup, that's something Hal would wear casually.

    when you say half length leather jacket do you mean like half to knees?

    Yep! That's pretty much what I was thinking.

    IntroductionRules | Prize PoolsEntry Information | Entry Form | Entries | Winning ConditionsCharacter InformationFAQ

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/29 02:22:02 )



    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/29 02:22:11 )



    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/29 02:22:17 )



    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 03:39:46 )

    @kiwi: Guess what!
    @dawnpainterz: Here's the contest!
    @tsudererra: I finally got it up!

    I know one of you guys definitely wanted a ping, the other two I can't remember if you did... so sorry if you didn't ^ ^;;

    Y'all can post and chat... if anyone wants to.


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 04:23:53 )

    @kiwi: It was in the testing forum for awhile. Lol.
    Literally just moved it to the minishops when I pinged ya. So you didn't miss much XD


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 05:52:08 )

    @dawnpainterz: Yes. Yes it is!
    And I got a mighty fine pile of volts for peeps, and ohms too~<3

    And I told ya I'd ping ya once I got it goin' =)


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 08:05:34 )

    @KDA Drew: Ohhh, nice nice.
    I have a doodle, but not 100% set on a design. Lol. So have fun, if you do!

    Just remember, no submitting to this til the 1st! ~<3


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 08:07:09 )

    @KDA Drew: Any art counts~<3


    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 11:22:07 )

    @Amber Lynne: yay it's here!! how tempting!
    best of luck to everyone :)


    banner by Ruby ❤️

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 11:24:34 )

    @ephenay: Yes. yes it is =D


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 18:51:57 )

    @dawnpainterz: I can't wait to see what you do~<3


    Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/30 21:37:37 )

    Well well, a contest? OuO
    I'm glad I found this!


    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/31 03:03:07 )

    @Lina: Yush a contest!
    I do hope you enter~<3


    Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/31 03:10:46 )

    @Amber Lynne: I’m so heckin on this!!!
    I have to decide who to draw now.

    Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

    Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/31 03:12:28 )

    @Lina: Lmfao... good luuuuck
    I got plenty of characters to choose from ^ ^

    If you need help with any information or cutting the list down, feel free to ask~<3

    My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

    Ping me. always
    ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
    If you do art, PM me

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