Mayor Volkan sat in his office, looking out of his window at the gently falling snow. The winter solstice was as much a time for celebration as it was one of reflection on the times gone by, and this year’s solstice was no different. He took a sip of the hot chocolate Vanora had made for him just a few moments ago, reveling in the sweet warmth it brought.
“And to think so much time has passed already…my, I really am getting on the years…” he chuckled softly to himself.
He sighted a few children out and about, making snow angels, snowmen and having snowball fights here and there. It was an endearing sight, and the happiness brought a smile to his face, and his thoughts went to one fateful night, many years ago…

Young Volkan sat in front of the small fireplace, his family’s ramshackle home still feeling quite chilly despite the flame. His father was out, no doubt in search of more twigs and, with luck, some leftovers from the more charitable families. The young boy shivered as he tried to keep warm, only to jump when the door slammed wide open.
His father walked in, setting down a bundle of twigs before going over to pat his son’s head, his hearty laugh booming in the admittedly small house.
“Get your coat ready, son! The mayor’s invited everyone to a big winter solstice dinner at his home!” he exclaimed before Volkan could say anything in response.
He tried to get a word in, ask what his father meant, but the question died when his father produced an old tattered cloak from under Volkan’s bedroll, draped it over him and hurriedly carried him out on his shoulders.
Volkan and his father spoke little on the road to the mayor’s home, the young man kept mostly quiet by his father regaling him with how so many people were already there celebrating. The sparkling lights and décor gracing the various homes they passed also kept him silent in awe. Soon enough they had already arrived, and almost immediately the two were led to the buffet and given plates heaped with delicious food. The dinner itself was extravagant, with the mayor’s mansion serving as a bright backdrop to the festivities.
As Volkan ate, he looked at the mayor’s brightly-lit home, and to the happy faces of those around him. With each bite of the delicious food on his plate, he swore to one day that he too would become mayor. To not only have a great home but be able to bring such warmth and joy to those around him at the same time was, in his young mind, an amazingly noble goal.
“Hey dad?” Volkan spoke, pausing from his meal. He looked up at his father who stopped eating to see what his son wanted. “One day, I’m gonna be mayor! I’ll make people happy just like what he did today…” The older man only smiled, freeing up one of his hands to pat Volkan’s head.
“I’m sure you’ll make a great mayor, son.”

Volkan blinked at the sudden memory. He lifted his mug of hot chocolate up to his lips, only to shiver when it reached him, letting out a dejected sigh afterwards. “Oh dear…it’s gone cold…”

art by Q t e a p o n