I don't really hold to the idea of resolutions, the term is far to inflexible. It makes people feel like failures when it isn't reached. Not into that kind of thing. Instead I focus on goals to reach every year, and it's okay if I don't hit it. Since it was only a goal, and can be reached next year. This year the main goal is to replace my camera, and to do more with my photography. And like every year...Hoping to get a job. But it's okay if your goals aren't something huge and life changing. One year my goal was to finally learn how to knit. Or one year it was to get braver in my choices of food...Which is something I still do this day. Lol 6 years ago I made that goal, and now I'm known for trying 'weird' foods. Nothing too weird, although I did try chocolate soda once (that was a mistake).
Got any goals? Lol are there things that are still with you years later?