The doll base

[b]To:[/b] (is this for yourself, or someone else?)
[b]Hair:[/b] (length, style, color, ect)
[b]Eyes:[/b] (narrow, big, grumpy, happy, green, blue?)
[b]Skin:[/b] (color)
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Body Type:[/b] (what is their body type? It doesn't need to perfectly match anything on the doll base)
[b]Body Parts:[/b] (do they have wings? horns? a mermaid or snake tail instead of legs? Four arms?)
[b]Pose:[/b] (I can't do all poses in the world with this base, but tell me what you want and I'll see if I can do it)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (any clothing item worn by the doll)
[b]Other:[/b] (furniture? background? Multiple figures?)
[b]Animation:[/b] (Please ask for something simple if you want it to be animated)
[b]Hair:[/b] (length, style, color, ect)
[b]Eyes:[/b] (narrow, big, grumpy, happy, green, blue?)
[b]Skin:[/b] (color)
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Body Type:[/b] (what is their body type? It doesn't need to perfectly match anything on the doll base)
[b]Body Parts:[/b] (do they have wings? horns? a mermaid or snake tail instead of legs? Four arms?)
[b]Pose:[/b] (I can't do all poses in the world with this base, but tell me what you want and I'll see if I can do it)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (any clothing item worn by the doll)
[b]Other:[/b] (furniture? background? Multiple figures?)
[b]Animation:[/b] (Please ask for something simple if you want it to be animated)
The doll base


[b]To:[/b] (is this for yourself, or someone else?)
[b]Hair:[/b] (length, style, color, ect)
[b]Eyes:[/b] (narrow, big, grumpy, happy, green, blue? humanoid, spider, goat?)
[b]Skin:[/b] (color)
[b]Body Type:[/b] (what is their body type? It doesn't need to perfectly match anything on the doll base)
[b]Pose:[/b] (I can't do all poses in the world with this base, but tell me what you want and I'll see if I can do it)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (any clothing item worn by the doll)
[b]Other:[/b] (do they have wings? horns? a mermaid or snake tail instead of legs? Four arms?)
[b]Animation:[/b] (do you want a simple animation? Walking, sleeping, blinking, ect)
[b]Hair:[/b] (length, style, color, ect)
[b]Eyes:[/b] (narrow, big, grumpy, happy, green, blue? humanoid, spider, goat?)
[b]Skin:[/b] (color)
[b]Body Type:[/b] (what is their body type? It doesn't need to perfectly match anything on the doll base)
[b]Pose:[/b] (I can't do all poses in the world with this base, but tell me what you want and I'll see if I can do it)
[b]Clothes:[/b] (any clothing item worn by the doll)
[b]Other:[/b] (do they have wings? horns? a mermaid or snake tail instead of legs? Four arms?)
[b]Animation:[/b] (do you want a simple animation? Walking, sleeping, blinking, ect)
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