@Tsundererra: im glad i asked honestly, i still dont fully understand but its better than nothing LMAO
ive always had the view that people can be whoever they want, i just worded the first pose VERY badly oof
@Miss Sandman: ah, i know you didnt, dont worry! the reply was to everyone, mainly bc i couldnt be bothered replying to everyone individually at the time ashdkdh
@koneko: yeah i think you're on the right track, although i still dont fully understand oof
ive always wondered what nonbinary people or just like, they/them in general would refer to their relationship as, especially since i identified as they/them for a while in highschool and wasnt really sure myself
i think the thing that confused me the most about he/him lesbians was the fact that to me, he/him has always meant male, and she/her was always female, and thats what people have always said from what ive seen, so suddenly seeing he/him lesbians caught me off guard alshdkdhf
@Count Trashula: yeah i understand where you're coming from, the only time id ever seen men refer to themselves as she/her was in drag, and vice versa for drag kings, while still being the gender they were born as if that makes sense?? you pretty much captured my feeling perfectly tbh!!
if someone wants me to refer to them as he/him while being a lesbian, thats cool, i will, but i cant guarantee that i'll understand, and theres a good chance ill get confused over whether they are male or female due to all the 'pronouns dont = gender' going on
i've mentioned it already, but i was always taught that pronouns = gender, so its all very confusing and new to me since this is the first time id ever even SEEN he/him lesbians
i stayed away from tumblr until college so i guess thats my own fault LMAO
@Bioshock: i feel a lot better today thank god, i can actually reply to everyone without hurting my head LMAO
so, regarding the drag kings and queens, i know theyre not pretending to be male/female, i was mainly just saying that id only ever seen drag queens use she/her while still being male irl, and like you said, he/him is usually seen as just male, and i was always taught that he/him was male, so its confusing when you suddenly see he/him lesbians and you're like woah whats going on here AKSHDDJ
but yeah im glad people actually replied to this with attempts at educating me, you dont really get that sort of response on twitter, everyone just shouts at you and blocks you >~<
i just wanna say that im REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY if i offended anyone on this thread, or even anyone thats read it, i genuinely didnt mean to and it was just incredibly poorly worded, and i hope no one is like gggrrrrrrrr hes mean now LMAO
im very accepting and i see it as u can be whoever the hell u want like feel free im just confused
OKAY THAT WAS LONG jesus christ i feel like im writing a fic