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Forums Serious Talk he/him lesbians

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 22:07:28 )

FINAL EDIT TO THIS SHIT; okay i feel like this thread has run its course, im gonna have this locked probably later because it just feels,,, bad?? like,, the replies and everyone who replied are fine, just, the post itself gives me bad feelings, idk, i hope someone can make sense of this feeling bc i cant

edit; i decided i just want to say this: i dont get it
lesbians are girls who like girls
i just
another edit; i never said i don’t support it.


Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 22:36:23 )
I think once you separate gender from pronouns, it begins to make sense.

Just because you identify as a girl, that doesn't mean you have to identify with she/her pronouns.

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 22:38:44 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I had one as a junior coworker at my summer job
Kid was not to be trusted with money and somehow stayed in retail all freaking summer
Also really obnoxious and wouldn't follow basic rules, I'm surprised they weren't fired. They lipped off some serious level higher ups
Pretty sure they got put on the do not rehire list tho

Knew one. Was a shitty worker with a worse work ethic. 0/10 do not hire

Put ya guns awn!

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 22:54:16 )

@Kitalpha Hart: LMAO rip job
ive never met one, but the day i do will be pretty interesting

@Shark: i dont get it though? like, im a trans guy, i like guys, im gay. if i liked girls id be straight.
i dont knoooooow


Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 23:29:33 )

I'm not sure what the original message was, but I feel it's pretty close minded that just because a certain thing doesn't pertain to you personally that it must not exist. If it makes sense to someone and helps them understand their own identity and it isn't hurting you, I don't see what difference it makes what pronouns someone prefers. As I'm sure you know the "rules" don't always apply and sometimes changes need to be made. Above all we should try to be kind to each other. Everyone has their own journey to take.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 23:31:59 )
@buggaboy: yeah as a trans guy I also can't relate.

Some more information about it might help to understand, though. The more conversations about these things is always good.

Ping me!


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 23:52:09 )
I think its a genetic thing who you like, i heard its already decidet in the whomb if youre gay. It has something to do with hormones!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 00:30:48 )

I’m with Pie on trying to be more open minded, even if it’s something you don’t understand or doesn’t pertain to you. If it’s not hurting you or anyone, let them be or try to ask questions (in a civil way) to get some understanding. :)

I’m straight cis gendered female, and I’ve worked with gay guys who do drag and call themselves she/her, but they identify as male and have no desire to be female outside their drag persona. I thought it was cute and let them be.


Voltie — they/he/it Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 04:02:30 )
oh thank god there are people who support he/him lesbians in this thread. i'm a lesbian who did go by he/him for a short while to try it out (i use they/them now) and it's a relief knowing i at least don't have to justify my identity to EVERYONE, you know? like good god i go on voltra to have a fun time, not to see the same shit i see every day from people who don't care to even try to understand the perspective of gender nonconforming/nonbinary lesbians. you say "nonbinary lesbian" and people start acting like you're a disgrace to the LGBT community. i don't get it.

anyway i don't have much to say to have an argument or whatever, because i'm not looking to have one (i've had my fair share of conversations where i have to justify myself to anyone and everyone), but i will link a small site written by a he/him lesbian in an attempt to get people to understand. i wish you all the best and i hope that you'll at least try to give it a listen.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 04:04:45 )

i don't agree with it either. people will do what they want and i won't dictate, so I'll respect that. i just don't believe pronouns are so fluid in social situations but that's my opinion. i have no issues with people who are transsexual/transgender. in fact, i support it if that is what will make life easier to live. everybody deserves that, even those i don't quite agree with.


banner by Ruby ❤️

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 05:09:40 )

it’s 4am and i was going to reply to this in the morning but i just wanted to say; i NEVER said i don’t believe in it, yes, i worded it wrong, but i never said i don’t support it.
simply put, i don’t understand fully. being a trans guy who has always believed that he/him meant male, i’m obviously confused.
if you’re going to call me closed minded, at least ping me.
i’d never seen a he/him lesbian before december last year.
i’m fine with drag kings, that was never an issue.
all i wanted to know was what the deal with them is and where it came from.
i NEVER ONCE SAID I DONT SUPPORT THEM. people can identify as whoever the fuck they want, i don’t give a single shit. it’s none of my business, i was curious and worded my post wrong.
also, i’m sorry if anyone felt offended, i didn’t intend to do that. i was angry at myself for not understanding and my wording is terrible.
don’t get me wrong, i’m not mad. just trying to state what i meant. thank you all for trying to help. anyway, i need sleep because i am tired. good night and thank you all.
@Priestess of Pie:
@Miss Sandman:


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 05:36:03 )

@buggaboy: Naaaah, I didn’t mean you were closed minded. It’s more of a general “you”, as in everyone. I should’ve used third person talk instead of second person. xD You did good by asking though, and you got one answer from an actual he/him lesbian.

I’m just saying for me, I feel like I don’t need to have people explain their gender identity. :3 Even if it’s something I can’t empathize or understand, I still go with whatever makes the person feel comfortable.


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 08:22:54 )
@buggaboy: huh i dont Call you close mindet. I can understand if you dont understand fully because i also dont understand fully!

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 17:38:47 )

I can understand it in the context of drag, which to my knowledge is where this most often comes from? I have rarely ever seen or heard of it outside that context. And to an extent, I could understand identifying with one's assigned-female experiences while falling somewhere on the nonbinary spectrum in terms of gender identity. Language is very limited, so some people are stuck picking and choosing terms based on their experiences. I won't say I'm comfortable hearing the term "he/him lesbian" in general, though, especially outside the aforementioned contexts. Those words do have meaning, and pronouns absolutely are meant to reflect one's gender just as labels like "lesbian" are meant to reflect both one's gender and sexual orientation. And I don't agree with people using gendered language like pronouns and orientation labels for the sole purpose of denoting that they are gender-nonconforming. I don't think that's fair to trans people, and it just increases the already dangerous level of confusion people have about the difference between gender identity and gender roles. Pronouns are tied to the former, not the latter. But again, language is very limited. I'm not here to argue with anybody about what words they feel best describe their experiences.


Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 17:56:27 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Bioshock: I was talking about one person for the entire post, but if you want to somehow read it as in general, go off I guess

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 19:36:51 )

@Tsundererra: im glad i asked honestly, i still dont fully understand but its better than nothing LMAO
ive always had the view that people can be whoever they want, i just worded the first pose VERY badly oof

@Miss Sandman: ah, i know you didnt, dont worry! the reply was to everyone, mainly bc i couldnt be bothered replying to everyone individually at the time ashdkdh

@koneko: yeah i think you're on the right track, although i still dont fully understand oof
ive always wondered what nonbinary people or just like, they/them in general would refer to their relationship as, especially since i identified as they/them for a while in highschool and wasnt really sure myself
i think the thing that confused me the most about he/him lesbians was the fact that to me, he/him has always meant male, and she/her was always female, and thats what people have always said from what ive seen, so suddenly seeing he/him lesbians caught me off guard alshdkdhf

@Count Trashula: yeah i understand where you're coming from, the only time id ever seen men refer to themselves as she/her was in drag, and vice versa for drag kings, while still being the gender they were born as if that makes sense?? you pretty much captured my feeling perfectly tbh!!
if someone wants me to refer to them as he/him while being a lesbian, thats cool, i will, but i cant guarantee that i'll understand, and theres a good chance ill get confused over whether they are male or female due to all the 'pronouns dont = gender' going on
i've mentioned it already, but i was always taught that pronouns = gender, so its all very confusing and new to me since this is the first time id ever even SEEN he/him lesbians
i stayed away from tumblr until college so i guess thats my own fault LMAO

@Bioshock: i feel a lot better today thank god, i can actually reply to everyone without hurting my head LMAO
so, regarding the drag kings and queens, i know theyre not pretending to be male/female, i was mainly just saying that id only ever seen drag queens use she/her while still being male irl, and like you said, he/him is usually seen as just male, and i was always taught that he/him was male, so its confusing when you suddenly see he/him lesbians and you're like woah whats going on here AKSHDDJ
but yeah im glad people actually replied to this with attempts at educating me, you dont really get that sort of response on twitter, everyone just shouts at you and blocks you >~<

i just wanna say that im REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY if i offended anyone on this thread, or even anyone thats read it, i genuinely didnt mean to and it was just incredibly poorly worded, and i hope no one is like gggrrrrrrrr hes mean now LMAO
im very accepting and i see it as u can be whoever the hell u want like feel free im just confused

OKAY THAT WAS LONG jesus christ i feel like im writing a fic


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 20:07:36 )

@buggaboy: Haha, it’s all good. I knew you weren’t trying to be negative or hurtful since I don’t think you’re that kind of person. It’s hard to read tone in written messages, so it’s nice of you to go back and clarify things. :3


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 20:29:33 )

@Bioshock: I've seen a few just simply say partner, but I've never actually asked what they would call their sexuality other than seeing people call themselves nb lesbians, bi, etc
enby gay/lesbian also kind of confuses me, but I've never actually met a non-binary person that said their sexuality so I haven't seen as much of that
I can understand choosing pronouns that you feel comfortable with though, that whole aspect of it I get, I guess now we just have to try and work through the whole 'he/him meaning male' and 'pronouns not = gender' thing for this all be seen as a normal part of figuring yourself out, because I can assure you that there are probably people calling it a phase when for some its probably what they'll identify as their whole life, like being transgender and people telling you its a phase
but yeah, when they said gender was confusing they were fuckin right honestly gender can get lost
but not actually bc then what would we all be LMAO

@Tsundererra: aaaa I'm glad you didn't think so
tone is definitely hard to read through text, although I'm even worse at explaining irl so text is like, the only option pffft


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Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 20:41:22 )
@buggaboy: okay i See :)
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Voltie — they/he/it Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 22:47:52 )
@buggaboy: i wasn't planning on replying to this thread again, but then i had a dream about it, so it must've bothered me more than i thought. i'm sorry i was rude to you initially, i didn't realize you were expressing confusion rather than disapproval. i was defensive because it's typical for me and my friends who identify similarly to get rude comments from strangers and sometimes friends or family both online and offline. i should've put more thought into my reply, and i definitely worded things more aggressively than i should have. i hope you're having a good day, and if you'd like to talk further about the subject, i could give a shot.

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