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Forums General Chit-Chat weird things that scared me when i was little

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 19:43:48 )
- there was this guy in my area who would always go for walk at the same time everyday, and for some reason i was scared of him, like i didn't want to go out when he was walking.

- i was scared of optical illusions, which might of had to do with the fact that once i was on this optical illusions website and there was this joke/troll post that was like "stare at this for a while and you will see a giraffe". but it was actually a gif and a actual giraffe would rise up from the bottom of the gif. but the thing was, it wasn't like a scary giraffe or something. but for some reason it still scared me to the point whenever i looked in the mirror i was scared that the giraffe would pop up. i also think it made me low-key scared of giraffes for a bit.

- one of my older cousins showed me an annoying orange video and i was completely horrified by it.

what are some weird things that used to scare you?


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 21:55:59 )
@kiwi: yeah tbh, how did they think putting human eyes and mouths on fruit was a good idea?
also, what specifically scares you about potatoes?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/9 23:24:10 )

I find this funny now but when I was in kindergarden, I strongly remember of being scared walking up and down the stairs.
My twin brother's classroom is on the second floor and most of the time my class is the one to dismiss early so I was allowed to go up
if I wanted to but I never did.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 01:46:14 )

@Bioshock: I actually had a similar fear growing up. For a different reason though. When I was younger my aunt found a snake in her tub, it had wiggled inside through the pipes. After that, I was always scared of snakes in the tub or toilet.

@PurpdaBurpPurp: Currently I have a fear of stairs myself. Back in June I fell through some rotted stairs at our back door. Left a really nasty scar, and now I'm really shaky going down stairs. Specifically wooden ones.

When I was younger, I had this black light positioned above a poster of Brandon Lee dressed as the Crow. Late at night it would look like the poster was moving. Scared me for ages.
Also the idea that posters were staring at me.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 02:03:24 )

@Bioshock: She is supposed to be scary, since she was a monster and all. That's a weird way of being scared of her though lol.

I used to have a fear of my toys as a kid. My cousin had a very tiny Movie convinced her toys would try to kill her in her sleep if she didn't play with them enough or snuggled them enough.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 02:08:43 )

@Bioshock: It really didn't help that I had just seen Small Soldiers. That Barbie scene still gives me nightmares.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 02:10:26 )

@Bioshock: I did once knew a girl who was terrified of flowers thanks to the Hansen music video.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 02:22:18 )

@Bioshock: No idea, but it did a number on her.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 03:17:06 )
abnormally large strawberries / conjoined strawberries
i'm still weirded out by them but i don't cry anymore when i see one haha

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 03:45:47 )

@Another Movie Addict: Oh no x.x
Yeah the wooden ones are scary and the ones I used to be terrified about was also made out of wood. I think the way it creaks and the thought of me falling off while stepping one of them scared me as a child.


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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 05:33:46 )
You know those studio logo/fanfare things at the end of every TV program and the beginning of every movie? Those freaked me the hell out when I was much, much younger -- prolly because to a small child, they were so loud.
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Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 08:17:11 )

I was terrified of Alf. He was creepy looking, the show had a slightly spooky intro, and worst of all, he ate cats.
Was also scared of the toilet flushing because it was so loud. I would leave the bathroom door open at home so I could run out after flushing.
And if you've ever read Dr. Seuss's "The Foot Book", the monster-looking guy on the "fuzzy fur feet" page scared the hell outta me, too.


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 14:56:48 )
My Dad told me that if you flush ticks down the toilet, they'll swim back up and bite onto the tip of your ding-a-ling. So I was scared to use the toilet during tick season.

Also, gonna sound mildly sexual but I promise you it's not: sucking things. Lmao okay though let me explain. I was sucking on an ice cube and it went down my throat and I panicked and couldn't breathe until it projectile launched out of my throat and into the other room (I was in the doorway). My mom was a paramedic and she taught me how to use the Heimlich on myself. To this day I will not suck anything.

I have ornithobia, fear of birds. I was attacked by my ex's bird, so this wasn't when I was a kid and for no reason but I just wanted to mention it.

But! I used to live in Ireland and near the ocean. I don't remember this specifically, it's something that I was told. My uncle brought me to the ocean and I didn't want to go in but he insisted and carried me into the water and lowered me into it. The second my feet hit the water, I cried and shook and I even peed myself (I was a toddler to be fair). I still hate the ocean and I can't explain why.

Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 15:47:00 )
Only fear I can remember... I honestly don't know how it started, maybe my brothers had something to do with it, but I used to have a lot of pet fish as a kid. I used to think that after we flushed them, they'd come back to life and jump up my urethra. Took some time before that fear disappeared. Other one that comes to mind is The Mothman Prophecies movie. I know it's not a scary movie by any means, but when it was in theaters, my brother made me join him and his friends instead of letting me watch Peter Pan 2. There's one scene where a plane crashes and kills everyone on board. My parents were going on a trip to the US for a convention and that meant they'd be on a plane. I panicked and cried when we got home, telling them they were going to die in a plane crash and I didn't want them to go. They were confused and when they found out what my brother did, he was grounded for a week. I still refuse to watch that movie to this day. It's just not a pleasant memory.
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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/10 20:23:11 )
@kiwi: oh yeah, thats pretty weird

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/11 01:59:21 )
A bunch of really whacked out skits on sesame street.
I’m over it mostly, but there’s still one I would rather not see.
Not even gonna link it, ngl. XD

Look up “sesame street wet paint” on youtube and blamo.

Like I’m shuddering just looking at the name, so nope


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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/15 21:21:13 )
@Kozi: what exactly scared you about it?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/16 03:09:32 )

Lol I was scared of a lot of things as a kid.
One of which might not be uncommon, but cinema chairs. Back when they would flip up when you stand. I was too light to hold them down so if I shifted wrong, it would flip up while I'm sitting and I was horrified of falling through the cracks into the dark abyss.

also trampolines. I'm probably still scared of them tbh, havent been near one in a decade. But as a kid I would faint if I did go on one, just out of sheer fear of it.

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Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/16 19:13:25 )

Your being scared of the walking guy resonates with me. For some reason I was afraid of our neighbor when he'd be out front like, you know, just tending to his front yard like a normal human being. But he always /looked/ mad and I was afraid that I would upset him by being rowdy near his front yard. I remember always being told not to step on his grass, lol. (We didn't have fences separating our front yards, so they blended into each other)
Years later I realized he was actually just a nice person who likes to keep his yard prim. I can relate, we all got OCD to some degree.

I was really afraid specifically of Jaws on the Universal Studio tram ride/tour. If you're not familiar, you drive through Amity and over a bridge and an animatronic shark LEAPS out at one side of the tram... The side I was on, and right in front of me specifically. Forever scarred.


Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 17:28:16 )

When I was a kid, my mom asked me to wake my dad up for dinner (he was napping in his chair), and when I tried to wake him up, he like jumped out of his chair all of a sudden like I scared him. Thus, I was scared of going into people's rooms while they were sleeping for a very long time lmao

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