Since 1103 posts.
Originally I was gonna keep updating a thread like sort of a day by day trip journal but I totally didnt think about the fact whether or not I will have access to internet lol. So just to give a general timeline,
I went to Philippines (Province) -> Singapore -> back to the province in PI -> Manila (Still PI)
In PI I had no internet until I bought a pocket wifi. Even with a pocket wifi I couldn't access certain websites nor was the wifi even that good thus I couldn't check voltra rip. Despite that the trip was very interesting. I mainly went on this trip cause of my BF's fam reunion but we also decided to take a stop in Singapore since it was nearby.
So in Singapore I did a lot of shopping, went to universal studios, went to the flower dome, then the art science museum, and got a new tattoo.
In the provinces of the Philippines, lots of car rides through the provinces sightseeing in some places, and one outdoor art museum. When we got to Manila (which we only stayed for 2 days), my bf and I did a lot of shopping and also managed to find these two bars next to each other open till 8am :vyctor-celebrate: . We also found this place called Dampa. So this place was pretty fun, you go and buy a bunch of fish from sellers who are so aggressively trying to sell to you, then after buying whatever seafood you want you bring it to the restaurant of your choice in the little area. Even then the workers of the restaurants are aggressively trying to get you to eat there. This one lady grabbed me and my bf by the arm and tried to force us into the restaurant but we declined and went somewhere else lol. In the end the food was amazinggggggg. I took video so i dont have many pics of the food sadly. On the bright side my bf will be making a video recap of our trip so Ill be sharing that once he get to finishing it.
oh and excuse my screenshots, most of my posts were videos or boomerangs ooops
I also may be updating this once I find more pics


Some club in san juan:



Flower dome:

Art science museum:

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