Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/13 23:21:23 )
@pachi: BRUH, I GOT THE NEW SWORD! It’s super girigiri, but I did it! xD Alsoooo, DID YOU SEE THE NEW OPENING ANIMATION AND REDEEM YOUR TICKETS?! And did you ever reach 200k?
I chose Oodenta since I was still missing him. The only other sword I didn’t have from that list was Shizukagata, but watch me somehow get him while I’m trying to craft Hakusan. RIP ALL MY RESOURCES ONCE AGAIN.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/14 04:57:40 )
@pachi: OMG CONGRATS! Did you get to see all your boys greet you? Urashima’s was soooo cute. ToT Bless, they have the Kiwames sitting now.
I still have 1000 more smithing tokens left, but ooooooooof... I used up 500 from today and still nothing. Ironically, I got every other rare sword under the sun. 🙃 Even the ones from the previous smithing campaign... welp.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/14 05:05:36 )
★★★ @Tsundererra: i only got hachi's so far 'cause i grinding it up
his keisou is coming after maint i'm sooooooooooooooooooo excited
bruh lmao i got like 2 koryuu and basically all the 4hr timer swords
i hate this fuckin game so much
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/14 05:10:55 )
@pachi: I’m too broke to buy anyone’s keisou’s. I legit have 20k koban left after getting Sanchoumou. I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS BROKE, NOT EVEN WHEN I FIRST STARTED PLAYING. Sent my boys out on expeditions ASAP.
And yoooooo, ME TOO. GOT A BUTTLOAD OF KORYUU. He was my ticket pick last year too I think. Ughhhh, this game is just not fair. To make it worst, I found out Hakusan has Jesus healing powers...
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/14 05:46:20 )
★★★ @Tsundererra: been grinding the expeds when i can and im just asdskjgj
i spent 100k on urashima and nagasone combined and have about 100k left, after i buy hachi i'm not getting anyone else's LOL.
i tried for hakusan last year and no luck
>:@ rng hates me