Just gonna go ahead and toss this out there...
Anyone in a non-traditional relationship? Like, for example, I am in a polyamorous relationship, meaning I have two boyfriends and we're all kinda dating eachother. We have pretty harmonious relationship and all deeply love one another. I guess, for people who are familiar with polyamory, my situation is an ideal one. To people who don't understand, we seem nuts. It's been especially hard with certain members of my family, but my friends are generally accepting, some even supportive. People have stopped giving me grief about it so much, because they see its been nearly a year and I haven't changed my mind. Around here it isn't that common and it took me a while to find another person who was living a polyamorous lifestyle. I guess to a lot of people it seems weird, but too me it's the most comfortable I've ever felt in a relationship.
So discuss - What's your take on polyamory or other forms of non-traditional relationships? Would you ever try it? Is there anything you'd like to know? Have you ever faced prejudice for the way you live or things beyond your control? What's your relationship like, what makes it special to you?
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for me personally, i don't think i could ever successfully be in anything non-monogamous outside the occasional threesome. i'm too much of a possessive person for that. but more power to you! just because i don't think i could be in one (or even want to be), doesn't mean others shouldn't!

sell me rigs please♥
I like your thoughts on that. :) and to be honest, I always had ideas of this find of relationship, but never thought it would be possible because of either my, or another person's jealousy. I was just lucky enough to find just the right people. It's hard to seriously date if you're poly and I see a lot of people who live this lifestyle basically just whore it up, because it isn't typically an environment that breeds lasting relationships. It all depends on the people. Most poly relationships are between a man and two or more women. Which I don't think I could ever do. I like girls occasionally, but I don't typically like dating them. I guess my relationship is more rare, maybe because guys are less likely to share or something, I dunno. I feel like most people would try it if the conditions are perfect, but that's just not realistic. Even though the emotional/physical side of my relationship is great we still deal with a lot of external shit from our families as well as complete strangers. We've kinda learned to keep our business to ourselves. Small town, you know... :vanora_sweat:
In my experience with other friends, it doesn't always work and tends to pull the relationship to pieces. But I do have one set of friends who are pulling off a pretty great poly relationship. With that, the two guys are just best of friends one is her actual husband and the other is her boyfriend. She's got two kids from previous relationships, and is still good friends with the dads, one kid with her husband (who also has a kid from a previous relationship), and her boyfriend has a kid from a previous relationship. They joke and say it's basically a commune at this point because there's 3 adults and 5 kids, not to mention her best friend married one of the dads so that's 2 more adults that are there any chance they can, and she has an on and off again girlfriend who is there at least a couple times a week, sometimes with her own teenage child.
But it works for them and they are SUPER happy. In fact the best friend is expecting her first kid and everyone is super excited. My opinion is that it wouldn't work for me, but if it works for you and everyone is happy, then who am I to judge. Go on and do you thing.
But it works for them and they are SUPER happy. In fact the best friend is expecting her first kid and everyone is super excited. My opinion is that it wouldn't work for me, but if it works for you and everyone is happy, then who am I to judge. Go on and do you thing.
I think your relationship sounds absolutely wonderful. <3 It's so great to hear about people being able to be happy in relationships <33
For me, I'm not opposed to the idea of polyamory, but my partner isn't, and given the choice I think I'd rather be with my partner just because of how amazing they are. <3 I actually have an ex-boyfriend(ish, wasn't completely a boyfriend, it's complicated) whom I'm great friends with whose current partner is in a polyamorous relationship; they're dating my friend, and another man from a different state. I think they are also seeing a few other people, but the relationship is open to that. One of my close friends is in an open relationship; where her boyfriend was married and dating my friend at the same time, but he ended the marriage because he preferred being exclusive with my friend, though she's still very much into the open relationship ideal. Don't really know what else is going on in that one to be honest haha.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with polyamorous relationships; people should be allowed to live and experience relationships how they want to. I really hope things continue to be amazing for you guys <3
For me, I'm not opposed to the idea of polyamory, but my partner isn't, and given the choice I think I'd rather be with my partner just because of how amazing they are. <3 I actually have an ex-boyfriend(ish, wasn't completely a boyfriend, it's complicated) whom I'm great friends with whose current partner is in a polyamorous relationship; they're dating my friend, and another man from a different state. I think they are also seeing a few other people, but the relationship is open to that. One of my close friends is in an open relationship; where her boyfriend was married and dating my friend at the same time, but he ended the marriage because he preferred being exclusive with my friend, though she's still very much into the open relationship ideal. Don't really know what else is going on in that one to be honest haha.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with polyamorous relationships; people should be allowed to live and experience relationships how they want to. I really hope things continue to be amazing for you guys <3
@aellotyphoeus: I have two children from a previous relationship whose father is not present in their lives. My kids call both of my boyfriends different variations of dad. They're young, but they understand enough to know that I have more than one partner and we all love them. We split parenting responsibilities pretty evenly as well.
@sulley: Like I said, not for everyone but poly relationships can be quite harmonious if everyone involved has mutual love and respect. Even we had a little bit of jealousy in the beginning. But we worked past it. I think regardless of how a relationship starts and who's in it, what matters is the love. Any type of relationship can last if you are fully committed to keeping it. And thank you. I love that the people I've met on this site are so open and accepting. Makes me feel like I can truly be honest and be myself. :)
@sulley: Like I said, not for everyone but poly relationships can be quite harmonious if everyone involved has mutual love and respect. Even we had a little bit of jealousy in the beginning. But we worked past it. I think regardless of how a relationship starts and who's in it, what matters is the love. Any type of relationship can last if you are fully committed to keeping it. And thank you. I love that the people I've met on this site are so open and accepting. Makes me feel like I can truly be honest and be myself. :)
@Astral Ninja: That's really sweet! I love that the kids just get it. That's parenting done right and beautifully!
@aellotyphoeus: Right?! If kids aren't taught to judge they really don't. They take people as they are and don't really see anything wrong with them. I wish more adults could be like that.
@Astral Ninja: Yeah, but then again look at who raised those adults. The same people who really look down on everything that is not exactly the same as them.
I always support people being in relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and honesty. Your poly relationship sounds like it has that included, so I have no problems with it! I could never personally be in a poly relationship but I don't have anything against those who are. I'm just too much of a possessive/jealous person so it wouldn't be good for me. xD
I am also in a polyamorous relationship with my bf. We don't have a third at this time. But I am seeing two other people casually rn. He was seeing someone and they kind of fizzled out due to life being super busy. And one girl he was seeing before was super clingy and..not ideal. So we are still figuring out poly out and talking a lot about what to expect. But both of us agree that we feel the best we ever have in this relationship.
I never knew there were so many things to talk about until we decided to try it out. But it's for the best.
We would love a third thats in love with both of us, but it hasn't seemed to work out that way so far.
I'm so happy for you and your relationship! :D
I never knew there were so many things to talk about until we decided to try it out. But it's for the best.
We would love a third thats in love with both of us, but it hasn't seemed to work out that way so far.
I'm so happy for you and your relationship! :D
I'm forces to post using my phone at the moment so gonna keep this short but sweet lol. As Sam said, respect, trust, and honesty are what are important. As long as you have that, and happiness, then I am happy for you :) I support all sorts of relationships.
I could never personally be in a poly as I get jealous easily and am posssessive lol. But that's just me.
I could never personally be in a poly as I get jealous easily and am posssessive lol. But that's just me.

@Astral Ninja: I think perhaps if I can get my partner to be more accepting of poly relationships in general they may become more open to the idea...I know a lot of what keeps people from even supporting it is the lack of understanding.
I'm so glad to hear that, and I'm glad people are so accepting. We need more of this going on. <3
I'm so glad to hear that, and I'm glad people are so accepting. We need more of this going on. <3
@pixiebuns: oh wow, it's cool to hear that someone else is poly. According to the internet it's becoming a trend, but I usually don't see evidence of it. :vanora_xd: if you guys would like a third, be open about that fact. That you are looking for someone who clicks with both of you, who you can both find attractive. That's all I can really suggest.
@aellotyphoeus: Agreed. I can't stand to see people raising their children with fucked up ideas, like racist or prejudice attitudes and parents who break their kid's spirit by condemning their interests and choices and forcing them to be someone else. It breaks my heart and I'm always in the middle of, not my kid not my problem and it is my problem because you're fucking up the next generation. :vanora_huff:
Everyone else, thanks so much for your support. I feel so loved here. :vanora_heart:

@aellotyphoeus: Agreed. I can't stand to see people raising their children with fucked up ideas, like racist or prejudice attitudes and parents who break their kid's spirit by condemning their interests and choices and forcing them to be someone else. It breaks my heart and I'm always in the middle of, not my kid not my problem and it is my problem because you're fucking up the next generation. :vanora_huff:
Everyone else, thanks so much for your support. I feel so loved here. :vanora_heart:
@Astral Ninja: We would like a third, but we are also aware and open to having our own ..other s/o's. which is fine! everyone has to be able to get along though. We are not keeping it separate from us.
Stuff like that. Yeah, poly relationships seem to be a trend. but it is cool that it's getting out into the light and people are talking and it's getting slightly more normalized.
Stuff like that. Yeah, poly relationships seem to be a trend. but it is cool that it's getting out into the light and people are talking and it's getting slightly more normalized.
@pixiebuns: Yeah, I think it makes for much more fulfilling trustful relationships if executed the right way. I feel like giving up emotions like jealousy and possessiveness is very liberating. Me and my partners are all very close, I don't ever worry about cheating or them doing anything serious outside my knowledge. Usually they lie about little things, like breaking something, because they're little bitches who know I will get mad lol.
But, while polyamorous relationships are common amongst people our age, I've come to understand that older people have a lot of trouble grasping and accepting it. I can't count how many times I've been referred to as a polygamist or a swinger. :vanora_xd: I've also been called a whore, but for some reason that doesn't irritate me as much. :vanora_sweat:
But, while polyamorous relationships are common amongst people our age, I've come to understand that older people have a lot of trouble grasping and accepting it. I can't count how many times I've been referred to as a polygamist or a swinger. :vanora_xd: I've also been called a whore, but for some reason that doesn't irritate me as much. :vanora_sweat:
@Astral Ninja: Yeah. I feel so good in this relationship. We don't get jealous at all. Which is amazing. I've never really understood the whole possessiveness in relationships. We swing dance (haha, swinger jokes aLL THE TIME) and i get so annoyed when girl will ask me if they can dance with him. I always say, I don't own him, why dont you just ask him?
Yeah, older gens can't understand it at all for some reason. I haven't told many people yet about how we are poly. esp since we are still figuring some things out and getting comfortable in our own relationship. We don't need added stress from jerks lol
Most people our age we have told have been really accepting though.
Yeah, older gens can't understand it at all for some reason. I haven't told many people yet about how we are poly. esp since we are still figuring some things out and getting comfortable in our own relationship. We don't need added stress from jerks lol
Most people our age we have told have been really accepting though.
@pixiebuns: Yeah I hear ya on the jokes. My friend literally said, and I quote: "Sometimes a girl love a boy, sometimes a boy loves a boy and sometimes two boys love one girl and sometimes those boys like to make that girl look like a toaster strudel, and that's ok!" lmfao :vanora_xd: most of my friends and even outsiders are pretty accepting or at least have an each their own attitude about it. There will always be assholes though, that's for sure.

@Astral Ninja: oh the jokes. I have friends that just know i swing dance and they always like yell HAVE FUN SWINGIN and I'm wtf. STOP THAT. lol
yeah, luckily i haven't dealt with too many assholes. but i am sure i will eventually
yeah, luckily i haven't dealt with too many assholes. but i am sure i will eventually
I'm poly, personally, and my husband thinks he could make it work but when we tried it did not work out for us; we both grew pretty jealous at the thought of someone else being with the other. I don't know if it would work now that we're older, more mature, and have been together for a much longer time but I think we're happy to just be with each other. We have our own challenges just in our relationship alone; I don't think it'd be wise to add anyone else into the mix. Although sometimes I do kind of wish we could find a girl that we could both be into. I think it'd be nice for him to have someone who is more sexually active like he is because I am asexual so I almost never feel up for sex. And it'd be nice for me to be with a female someone who has more of those soft skills that my husband can sometimes lack. I think maybe what failed us the first time is we were seeing people separately. Maybe being with someone who would want to be with both of us would curb the jealousy because then we're all loving each other. But we're also planning to start a family in the next few years, which may include trying to get custody of his daughter and I don't know how that will affect things.
At the very least, polyamorous relationships are complicated to explain to others and just as complicated to be in yourself, and they aren't for everyone. But most of the people I know of who are in them are incredibly happy and that gives me hope that I can be too with the right people. At the very least I'm glad to see other people making it work and finding people who make them happy and understand them.
At the very least, polyamorous relationships are complicated to explain to others and just as complicated to be in yourself, and they aren't for everyone. But most of the people I know of who are in them are incredibly happy and that gives me hope that I can be too with the right people. At the very least I'm glad to see other people making it work and finding people who make them happy and understand them.

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