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Forums General Chit-Chat I wish I could...

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 13:29:52 )

This is a lil post about what you wish you could do!
Story of how I came up with this: I (finally) watched Yuri!!! On ICE and I was like ”wow I wish I could ice skate” and now we're here!

So, I wish I could ice skate! I've tried a couple times but it gives me WAAAAY to much anxiety, to the point where one time I had to get off the ice because I couldn't handle it, which is a pity because figure skating is so pretty ):

I also wish I could sing on stage, but alas, social anxiety and the fact that I can only sing when I'm alone. Plus I don't think I'm all that good LMAO

The last thing, I wish I could play guitar. I own a guitar but never learnt, so I'm gonna find it and learn, and maybe I can check that one off my list!

What do you guys wish you could do? Also does anyone else highkey have a fear of ice skating or is that just me?


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 16:04:32 )

Well honestly, I wish I could sing too. My whole family can sing except me and I used to sing too... but alone by myself also. I guess I have the same anxiety and I only sang to my closest friends but not in front of my family. They wiill ask me to sing before but I always abruptly say no. I still don't understand why I act like that way, maybe the pressure of me the only one who's not singing is too much for me maybe =3=


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 16:41:10 )

i wish i could do a lot of things, but my current living situation doesn't afford me the money, space, or peace of mind to take up any new hobbies or activities. so the list of things i wish i could do just keeps growing until I am finally able to move out.

-play an instrument (banjo and didgeridoo are at the top of my list)
-make soap
-make candles and incense
-make jewelry
-make miniatures, fairy gardens, terrariums, etc
-roller skate
-make props/decorations
-do voice acting
-compose music
-speak multiple languages
-do animation
-make comics
-practice magic
-build/refurbish things
-do face paint/fx makeup
-make masks and costumes
-make balloon animals

and pretty much anything else i see that interests me. I want to do/try everything. Maybe if I get lucky, I'll at least be able to cross some of it off my list one of these days.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 22:49:16 )

I wish that I was good at carpentry, so I'd never have to deal with lack of storage space. Just build what I need to the exact specifications that I need.

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/17 23:10:04 )

@PurpdaBurpPurp: singing in front of people is scary oof
i get u, i always just flat out refuse to sing if anyone asks akshdd

@Uncledaddy: oh jesus thats a lot akshdd
if u ever learn the digeridoo please show us omg

@koneko: i get u with like all of these
rats are misunderstood theyre adorable uwu

@Another Movie Addict: u know what thats a good one that'd be handy!!


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 02:21:27 )

@buggaboy: yeah i gotta do all the things
but didgeridoo has been something i've wanted to learn since childhood so one day i will definitely at least have to own one. learning it, however, may be a different matter... but we'll see.

AKA Count Trashula

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 02:37:18 )

When I was in high school, I was scared to ice skate, so my friends decided to take me to a rink and teach me. It went well for a year, and then I ended up tripping over my blades and breaking my leg. It hurt so bad that it made me regain my skating phobia all over again. 🙃
I do wish I could sing and draw faster. They’re things that won’t hurt me.


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 03:12:44 )
@buggaboy: Dude, I love ice skating!! I've only been ice skating about a year, and I had a fear when I first started.But it's so much fun! Eventually you will get over the fear. I recently started practicing the backwards crossover, and it was scary at first too, but now it's pretty easy. So please don't give up!! c:

@Uncledaddy: And I love roller skating too! I started with inline skating, and I can kind of roller skate with quad skates. You should try it, it's so much fun! I wish there were more roller skating rinks here!! I miss them so so much. :c

I wish I could jam skate and do super cool slalom moves!! :D

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 04:18:06 )
ohhh I love ice skating. I'm not skilled at it haha. I can't do any tricks or anything, but I like walking/skating around I guess |D I used to take lessons as a child and we were just learning to do spins when I quit because we moved away

I wish I could sing. it would be nice to sound nice when singing

I wish I had more focus I guess because I start things and lose motivation
not that I've tried to learn to sing. but for other things like learning languages, drawing, playing games haha


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 10:49:23 )
@eyry: I can't do any tricks either, but I want to learn!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 12:25:29 )
@djinn: are you taking any lessons? or just skating on your own? o:


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 12:28:11 )

@buggaboy: Sigh yep
But who knows, maybe we'll have the courage to sing in front of everyone one day ^^


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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 12:48:27 )
@eyry: Nah, I can't afford lessons on top of the train fares to the skate rink. I've inline skated for 2.5 years now, so I just transferred my skills to ice skating. I'd practice every day if I could! -u-

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 12:58:59 )
@djinn: ohhh I see. that's cool then. learn some tricks too (safely! xD)


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 14:38:31 )
@eyry: Yeah I'll try . I have hockey skates so I can't really do figure skating spins or anything
Buying/drawing art for: Showstopper, Bouncer, Yes Dark Master

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 21:18:28 )

@Uncledaddy: i believe in you! own that didgeridoo my dude
uncle daddy the didgeridoo player

@Tsundererra: ice skating is scary tbf, a friend in highschool cut his arm on the blade and i think that’s what made me have my fear even tho it didn’t happen to me LMAO
drawing faster would be cool, u could get a LOT more done

@djinn: i think it’s more getting huge anxiety over just being on the ice akshdj
i wanna go ice skating again some time and try and overcome it but just standing on the ice is enough to make me terrified aaaa
watching people ice skate is a whole different story tho it’s so pretty ;u;
plus i kinda wanted to be professional one day when i first went ice skating and now i’m 21 and i don’t think that’s ever gonna happen akshdj

@eyry: man i’d love to take lessons again aaa
also motivation is a difficult thing i feel u akshsj i believe in u getting motivation again!!
when it doesn’t just,,, leave u know? mine is terrible aaaaa

@PurpdaBurpPurp: one day! i hope
being on stage again would be so cool omg
if we ignore everyone in the audience at least


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 22:45:27 )

@buggaboy: Oof, my initial fear with ice skating involved falling and having someone skate over me with those blades. Now I’m just scared of all the hazards that come with being on there.

And yaaaasssss, I’m super jealous of the artists who can dish out them quality picks at super speed.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 23:43:28 )

I wish I could go back to living in the south! More than ANYTHING in the world! But alas, money~

I wish I could get involved in a dance class. There was a ballet one I found locally, but I was the only one to show up and the instructor didn't know what she was doing, so it was a little pointless. ALAS there are no others so I decided to save my money.

I wish I could trade my current college course for one that is more up my alley--without extra funds needed though ;A;
I want a desk job. I dont want a public people job. I guess I could do it if I wasn't terrified of debt.

Lastly, I wish I didn't have time anxiety!!! Its so bad lmao

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Donator — she, her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 02:12:27 )

I wish I would get over the fear and just art like I want to. I have unfinished paintings in my closet

I need to get past what my mom told me, that I just like to do things so I can say that I did them -.-
So not why I enjoyed art but totally put me off to creating for a very long time.

I wish I could organize my herbs and my witch space - working on getting through my depression and getting a handle on my things.

I wish I could just write like I used to.

Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 03:34:06 )
@djinn: ohhh but you can do that cool slide to stop haha that I have always been too scared to commit to

@buggaboy: yas I just have to remember to do the things that I know motivate me even when I don't feel like it. because after that initial hurdle I'll feel inspired |D

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