----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- @star2000shadow:
He sounds like he was a very solid support for you. ----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- Questing:
Haunting -----------------------------
he really really was. and he was so positive on everything. and had the corniest jokes, he got that from his dad but still it was..kinda cute.
Unicorn: @star2000shadow: awe I am so sorry to hear that, I am here if you need someone to talk to.
Sorry everyone for not being online much, I am going to do the other gifts soon for the number picking, so if you get a trade just accept it and if you can enjoy.
Thanks Hun, 'rubs face' my sister's been reall supportive and even my kitty has been which is nice.
@Unicorn: Thank you for the trade! I can't wait to play with it!
And thank you for hosting the thread - it was a good place to hang out during the event.
I hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations, and the event! I also hope you're feeling better and the snow isn't getting the better of you!
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 15:23:41 )
----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- @star2000shadow:
Do you remember any of them? ----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- Questing:
Haunting -----------------------------
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 19:55:09 )
----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- I cant' wait to see what's in store here next. ----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- Questing:
Haunting -----------------------------
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/18 21:30:43 )
@Ruby: perhaps so and it is all good.
@star2000shadow: well I am glad to hear that your kitty and sister have been there for you. And also your welcome.
@Wildfire: it is still a blizzard outside, the snow isn't bothering me. But thank you and I enjoyed this and hosting my thread I am glad that you all enjoyed my thread to.
@ephenay: your welcome and hopefully you enjoy it.
@Avocado: I don't know what the next event will be but hopefully we can all be active.
----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- @star2000shadow:
Do you remember any of them? ----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- Questing:
Haunting -----------------------------
there was the one about, the man who got run over by the ...the thing that flattens the road as they re cement it.. he ended up in a room from room 'a' to room 'd' or something like that..it was really corny i'd groan but chuckle it always put me in a good mood.
Unicorn: @star2000shadow: your welcome, and I am feezing cold cant get warmed up. How are you doing?
@Wildfire: I always enjoy seeing the snowfall, but I am to cold and can't seem to warm up sadly.
well i kicked the cold, but its a toss up sometimes im warm sometimes cold. right now just emotionally drained and kinda wanting to hide from the world.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 03:58:19 )
----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- @star2000shadow:
Corny jokes deserve their own special category. The same one as B movies! ----------------------------- :plasma-orb: ----------------------------- Questing:
Haunting -----------------------------