Sango smiled and headed inside, taking a shower as well. She washed her hair and got cleaned up before getting out. She wrapped up in a towel and started to look through her clothes, wondering what to wear.
Kagome smiled and went into the kitchen. She came out a little while later with some ramen for both of them. She smiled and handed Inuyasha a bowl,"Here you go." She said before sitting down with him to look for something to watch on tv.
Sayuri nodded and walked down the street towards the street she lived on. She sighed softly again,"I'm just really glad he was okay for the most part. I know he had a few minor scratches and bruises but other than that, he looked alright." She felt so much better it was just crazy all the worry she had just melted away. She looked over at Ginta,"Thanks for taking me." She said,"I won't ever tell Koga I've been there, I don't want him to be mad at me for looking for him."
Kagome smiled and went into the kitchen. She came out a little while later with some ramen for both of them. She smiled and handed Inuyasha a bowl,"Here you go." She said before sitting down with him to look for something to watch on tv.
Sayuri nodded and walked down the street towards the street she lived on. She sighed softly again,"I'm just really glad he was okay for the most part. I know he had a few minor scratches and bruises but other than that, he looked alright." She felt so much better it was just crazy all the worry she had just melted away. She looked over at Ginta,"Thanks for taking me." She said,"I won't ever tell Koga I've been there, I don't want him to be mad at me for looking for him."
but living takes true courage.