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Forums News & Updates The Surge: Event Credits, Event Feedback and Community Debate

Question: Should we continue allowing "How much -blank- currency do you have?" Thread?

  • Yes: 56 / 96 58%
    58% Votes
  • No: 40 / 96 41%
    41% Votes
Npc — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 06:46:34 )

Heya Volties! It's that time already, I hope everyone got a chance to get all the sets they like and stash away a couple of extra's. :')

We are glad that we were able to finish off another year with a bang and we hope everyone had lot's of fun.

Let us know what you liked about this event and what you think should be improved on next time in this survey!


Thank you so much to everyone that made this event happen and took the time out of their holidays to run the event.

Jigsaw: Pathologic
Currency: Pathologic
Advent Calendar: Pathologic

Vichard's Memory: ghost
Vregory's Memory: ghost
Violet's Memory: ghost
Virgil's Memory: ghost
Velvet's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Volkan's Memory: Kreitzen
Vyctor's Memory: ghost
Vaughn's Memory: Lilypoo
Valentina's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vontell's Memory: ghost
Vanora's Memory: Lilypoo
Vivienne's Memory: Lilypoo

Voltie Memories: ghost
Get In The Solstice Spirit: Lilypoo
Memories of Solstice Past: KreitzeN

Vichard's Memory: ghost
Vregory's Memory: Alethna
Violet's Memory: ghost
Virgil's Memory: ghost
Velvet's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Volkan's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vyctor's Memory: ghost
Vaughn's Memory: Fozzy
Valentina's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vontell's Memory: Fozzy
Vanora's Memory: Fozzy
Vivienne's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Solstice Spirit: ghost
Photo Album: ghost
Bundle: ghost
Ticket: Q t e a p o n

Vichard's Memory: ghost
Vregory's Memory: ghost
Violet's Memory: ghost
Virgil's Memory: ghost
Velvet's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Volkan's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vyctor's Memory: ghost
Vaughn's Memory: Saeyra
Valentina's Memory: Saeyra
Vontell's Memory: Saeyra
Vanora's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vivienne's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Memories of Solstice Past: Q t e a p o n
Banners: ghost

Vichard's Memory: ghost
Vregory's Memory: ghost
Violet's Memory: ghost
Virgil's Memory: ghost
Velvet's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Volkan's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vyctor's Memory: ghost
Vaughn's Memory: Lilypoo
Valentina's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vontell's Memory: ghost
Vanora's Memory: Q t e a p o n
Vivienne's Memory: Q t e a p o n

Lilypoo, Q t e a p o n, Fozzy, Hadsvich.

With that being said, we would like to address a subject that we have received multiple complaints in regards to. We understand that everyone won't always agree on everything, but making decisions for a community isn't always easy. That's why we wanted to hear YOUR input on the subject before making changes. Please keep in mind that this is a constructive debate so please do not attack anyone that disagrees with your point of view. We would like to hear everyone's opinions.

How much -blank- currency do you have?

Originally we had allowed this thread to help those that do not feel comfortable with posting on the forums to be able to obtain currency easier. We now have multiple revenue's of currency gain during events, such as the jigsaw game. This thread has become a subject of complaint due to it's spam like nature as many users simply copy and paste the same message, which is not allowed on Voltra, but in the spirit of the events we've allowed it.

Currently we want to know if the community would like to keep this thread and what are your reasons for keeping the thread. If the thread is to continue it would be staff maintained and we will have to set some boundaries, such as no copying and pasting the same messages among perhaps others. If the thread is voted to continue, what are some regulations that you can suggest for us to put in place?

If you do not feel comfortable voicing your opinion then please take the opportunity to submit your input at the following link that will keep your submission anonymous.


As promised, since you guys really like the ticket item all users are granted:

2 x


Coming Soon!

Community Discussion [ January 26th, 2020 ]

:crate: Monthly Crate [February 1st, 2020]

And with that, I'll be signing off. Ciao!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 06:58:34 )
I think it's a decent way to make some event currency if you don't have anything to say at a particular time, but that's just my opinion.

Although I do think there shouldn't be more than one, maybe two at any one time during an event.
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 07:04:30 )

Holy shiet, once again RIP Ghost. I was hoping he got to take a break with this event, but nope. T^T Thank you for everyone who pitched in to put this event together. And also thank you for giving us a chance to have a discussion about the event.

I really liked how this event was not as jam packed as the other events I’ve experienced because a lot of peeps would’ve been busy around Christmas and New Year’s. The only downside is that it felt much harder to rack up the event currency. It seemed like a lot of people expected the bundle price to be lower than it was, and have been scrambling last minute to rack up more candy canes.

I think the candy cane thread is a good thread to have because a lot of people don’t like to converse (I felt the struggle in the community goals thread, and appreciate everyone who pitched in regardless of their social skills). The downside is that a lot of people copy and paste because they don’t realize it’s spam. I was doing it too until another member mentioned that it could be considered spam, and I stopped (even went back and changed a good number of my posts). If there was a mod in there to gently remind people that what they’re doing is not acceptable, I’m sure it wouldn’t have gotten out of hand like it did. A lot of the people who were copy and pasting aren’t bad people, and prolly got carried away with the mob mentality because they saw that they weren’t getting reprimanded for it, so it must not be against any rules.
I can see the pros and cons of having the counting thread, and wouldn’t mind having the next event not have one just to see how it would go. Heck, maybe more people would participate in the activities and goals threads instead of hiding in the comforts of the counting thread. Curious to hear what everyone else thinks.


Artist Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 07:06:32 )
I really liked that the thread was available because I'm new and it was very helpful to me to get all my sets. And sometimes conversation can be slow so it's nice to have a little extra after the jigsaw game was maxed. I don't know if copy paste should be allowed because they were always the same post. Mine were similar but I always typed in what actual number I was at. I even chatted some in there haha But I do think it's a good thread to have.

EDIT: this is also my first event as I joined during it and I really appreciated this thread because it really helped me get a full set when I didn't think I'd have enough time to get everything having joined so late into it.

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 07:23:23 )

Yes keep it. I agree on copying pasting it should be different. I started not changing my amount because I saw most just copying and pasting and no mod never said anything so I thought it was allowed. Whoops D: but yeah please keep it.


°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 07:25:25 )

You can pry my currency threads from my cold, dead pixels. >:^(

As someone who is big on lurking, not easily engaged with random chat threads, and also often too busy to do a lot of posting (or spend much time on the puzzles, nice as those are), I love the currency threads. They give me a boost when needed and I honestly don't see where they've caused any issues. They aren't filling up the event forum or killing off conversation.

I'm fine with "no copy/pasting" and ensuring that the thread is limited to a single one per event. I think that's fair. But I see no reason to remove it entirely and I'm surprised to hear people have asked for this.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 08:16:52 )

Not to bash on the mods, but I don’t think I’ve seen them ever tell someone in the counting thread that they’re breaking the rules. It could be a case where the thread is moving so fast, that they’re not seeing everything. I feel like near the end of the event, I didn’t see any mods posting there, unlike the previous events. Would’ve been nice to see what they would’ve said to all the copy and pasting.

It’s really good to see all this feed back. I didn’t know there were so many people who were bothered by the thread, and they all have valid points and some great suggestions. I can’t wait to read more of what people think. ^^


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 08:51:59 )
You all did such a great job with this event, but I really hope that you let @ghost: sleep a bit afterwords.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 16:48:36 )
I can honestly see this going either way, but if it's spam, it's spam. I never really thought about it, but I suppose it really is. If there are more ways to acquire candy canes via other games (I like the jigsaw, but it's not everyone's cup of tea), then shunting this to Undercurrent isn't really so bad a thing. In the interest of keeping the event forum spam-free, as seems to be the main intent, instituting a word minimum may be just the trick.

Candy Cane Lane
Curious Case
Unique Bases
Vaughn's Belt

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 17:36:21 )
I'm fine with the thread having more rules, but I wouldn't like it to be gone completely. For example, if you have to post exactly how much currency you have with each post then I think that's fine. I actually started off doing that in the candy cane thread and only started posting more vague numbers when I saw everyone else was doing it. I thought it was okay because I saw them doing it and I had only been back to the site for like a month when the event started, so I guess I assumed everyone else knew what they were doing better than I did. In the case of the jigsaw puzzles, I don't mind doing them, but the larger puzzles have ridiculously tiny pieces, at least on my iPad, so I didn't really feel like doing more than the easiest two sizes of puzzles. Also, doing puzzles every day kind of gets boring to me after a while. It might be better once more games aside from puzzles are added though.

Thanks for the event ticket items! Also, the event was fun while it lasted. Good job to everyone that worked on it~


Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 18:44:52 )
I really liked the how many thread, it made it much easier to gain currency so I could buy a few copies of each set. If I would've known there was a bundle it would've been a blessing to have that thread so I could afford it. The limit in the puzzles was really annoying so having it around was very convenient and helpful. I don't find a lot of threads interesting to post in so it would set me back quite a lot if you banned them.
Banning copy+paste posts is perfectly fine by me (if you go back to the one for this event you might be able to see my posts where I copy and pasted my message but I added more and more adjectives and what-not to describe the candy canes, making them more absurd as time went on until I got exhausted of it) but I also feel if you do that people will get around that by writing nonsense and continuing the same thing, so I don't see too much of a point.
All I ask is if you do ban copy+paste posts that you don't restrict how fast people post them.
If it's about keeping spam down just restrict it all to one thread being allowed so people don't fill the main page with those kind of threads

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 20:14:09 )

      What did you vote?

      Why do you feel this way?
      Because not only is it fun, but it's also an easy, low-pressure way for people to gain event currency. Which is useful for people who don't feel overly comfortable with open conversations, or "butting in" to other conversations, or who can't keep up with the speedy conversations that can take place in other event threads.

      If the thread is voted to continue, what are some regulations that you can suggest for us to put in place?
      No spam/copy&pasting. Each post needs to be different and have your actual event currency # in it. Which is the exact point of the thread.
      Posting "chicken butt", or you know whatever, in every post isn't exactly answering the question "how many event currencies do you have?"
      "I have [###] currencies" is an answer, and that number should be changed with every post.
      Hell, even "[#] Chicken butts" would be better. XD
      People just need to remember the point of the thread is to track currency amounts, therefore the currency amount you possess needs to be tracked in your posts. Otherwise you're just spamming to spam, which isn't cool.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/19 23:42:42 )
Normally I'd say allow it but now that we have the jigsaw puzzle, there's literally no need for such a thread. Don't wanna chat? cool, take a few minutes to do some puzzles and you'll be able to get the currency you need without spamming away for ages. It's much easier to earn currency through the puzzles than it is to just sit and spam how many you have xD

So yea...get rid of it.
Just a fangirl living in FFXV hell
Multi-shipper shipping: Ignoct & Gladnoct

Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/20 12:24:26 )

I think it was too easy to reach the jigsaw cap this time around. Maybe increase that cap to remove the need for the "how many" thread? I did find it more enjoyable to do than post and far more time efficient. Not completely sure about this but the how many thread also gave volts whereas the puzzles only gave currency. So might wanna add some small volt rewards in as well for the jigsaw? Just a thought.


Always ping me please.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/20 16:57:21 )

I have personally never liked the how many currency thread because it is something that belongs in the game forums and doesn't feel like it belongs in an event thread. Also because it's so easy to spam post in it people don't chat in other threads and you see threads with post goals not reaching their goals but the spam thread souring well past it and beyond.

Every once in awhile when things were slow I'd type out one hundred and two or whatever I was at into the thread. But after a couple posts if get bored with it and leave the thread again. I tried to instigate conversation as well. But the thread just isn't for me. I'm on forum sites to have socialization :/

But I get that many others love it. So as much as it isn't for me, I get why it's there. And I'm not going to fault them for enjoying something that I don't. I assume it will stay, I just will continue to not post in it.

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/20 23:13:28 )

Like Sha mentioned, it was suuuuper frustrating to see the counting thread fly through all the pages every day, meanwhile we were lucky to even accomplish one goal a day in the the community goals thread. T^T It’s one of the reasons I wouldn’t mind doing away with the thread if it does come to that.
Also, I wish there was something more engaging to get people to post in threads like the evolving/goals thread. Maybe people just weren’t aware of the thread’s existence?

And thanks Lily for clarifying about why the mods weren’t stopping the spamming. I wasn’t sure if they weren’t aware of it happening since the site is so huge. Thanks for being lenient on the peeps posting there and giving us a chance to have a discussion before changing/banning something as big as the counting thread.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — He Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/21 06:51:16 )

ahh i already give my input in the anonymous response xD
for me, i think there's no problem with the thread tbh
more event currency given = more event items in circulation = cheaper event items
which is good, because its easy to get for newbie who doesnt participate in the said event

i know that we have another source of event currency which is Jigsaw
but remember, some people go to voltra on their mobile phone
and jigsaw kinda hard to do in mobile phones, like its hard to do just the easiest one there
so until there is a mobile friendly way to get event currency, the existence of jigsaw isnt a valid reason for me xD

Spam reason also isnt really that valid tbh, as long as the posts are following the forum rules..
and people really post their current amount of event currency, i dont think its a spam in the first place?
i do agree the copy pasting is kinda not okay tho.. i think that is the one that could be considered a spam

Some suggestion:
- No Copy Pasting ( to remove the spam )
- Exact Number Only post ( to give limited amount of volts if thats what you guys are worry about )
so instead of "I currently have 1463 Candy Canes" or "One Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Three Candy Canes" or "I Have around 1k Candy Canes"
people are only allowed to post "1463"


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/21 10:56:16 )
I have mixed feelings. I voted yes, but I understand why ppl say no. It's like spam, which is againt the rules outside of certain forums. So, why not just put rules in place or tweak it so that it's not straight up spam? IDK, like maybe only one thread can exist, and there must be at least 2 users in between your old and new posts.
Buying/drawing art for: Showstopper, Bouncer, Yes Dark Master

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/29 15:13:05 )

—I’m adding this to the time because my thank you for running the event and ghost for all of the hard work and should be resting right now! Should go up first after I wrote the text below >|||< shouldn’t have to read all of that first for a Thank you and warms wishes!!! —

As someone who used to post a lot and have a lot of conversations on forums sites but now I only post or have a few conversations as I get older or feeling ways I tend to go more toward “How many do you have?” Threads because it gives me a chance to post in the event and get me started on collecting the currencies. I never knew others just copy pasted their numbers or their amount. I always put in hello or I got this? Or at least waited until a new person posted to post mine with a different message.

I always thought the spam or posting three times in repeat still applied to that thread as well as well as it applied to the rest of the site. I think the thread should stay for those who have little time and/or are not good or do not want to keep a conversation. I love small talk about sometimes while trying to get currencies for an event and you don’t know a lot of people or people are talking it is hard to want to jump in.

The only time I’ve actually gotten a full set of items was when I did all three. Post on the How many do you thread, played jigsaw, and had a few conversations. I tried late in the Halloween event I think but having these options I had a chance to get a full set and one more to give away. I think it should get a mod on its own during event where it could be a volunteer user keeping the thread in check/or multiple seeing how fast the thread can get? Seeing as the thread seems to be getting spammed a lot with copy paste posts?

That is my two cents.

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