Hello! Welcome to my quest thread!~
Let me start off by saying a huge thank you to those who have already donated things to me. I really appreciate the warm welcome to Voltra~
And a future thank you to you again or to others who donate after this is open and running. I'm grateful for every single thing, big or small.
I want to clarify that I in no way expect to fulfill everything on this list right away, maybe even at all. Any and all donations are wonderfully appreciated and names will be posted in this thread unless otherwise asked.
Feel free to stick around and chat with me even if you have nothing to donate, the more the merrier :3
Most wanted of each section is listed at the top, but every item wanted is listed in spoilers in no order of want to least want.
All banners made by me
pixel images by Glukoko on dA, slightly edited by me
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