Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/22 07:48:37 )
@ephenay: well this happens frequently. So whenever I hear it I concentrate on the frequency and I can hear a microscopic song/tune.
Sometimes I try to communicate with the frequency my talking to it with my internal voice.
Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/22 08:18:18 )
@ephenay: ever since I joined the Aztec Community. I was a non believer of the spirit world. Most of my life I was Atheist. But Aztec Community saved me. I Was a very depressed, self harming, hateful, sad girl before I joined. But one day I was invited to a sweat lodge and that is powerful medicine. After My first pray dance practice which it does not feel like practice. You really feel something in that prayer circle. After that first day of dance I knew I was home! I was never going to leave this adventure. It gave me meaning to my life. Because I was in USA and I was taught to feel shame for being Mexican. So I carried lots of shame. Until I found my tribe.
Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/22 08:20:20 )
@ephenay: im still on my journey of fully healing myself.. I stil have bad thoughts every now and then but now I have weapons to battle that evil black thing that use to live inside me.
Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/01/22 08:21:35 )
@ephenay: sometimes I cannot sleep I feel it comes to watch me at night. I see shadowy figures over my bed. It doesnt happen often but there are times where it just happens out of no where. I just burn sage and shoo them away.
@inatlaka: what a beautiful transformation you've had in your life. it's so awesome to find somewhere you feel like you belong <3 i wish i could see what the prayer circle and dance is like! i sorta imagine something like being more connected to earth ~
@inatlaka: burning sage is what i heard from a coworker once. she was from Louisiana and practiced black magic, i believe? they would basically call out to spirits.
i remember she told me one time, the only thing spirits like to fester off of is negative energy.