@Cashmerella: Psh, Ravenclaw's are morons and we all know it.
I've been locked out of the Common Room too many times.
And I'm Head Girl!
That eagle is a DICK!
@Cashmerella: Yeah, is bronze knocker that demands answers to riddles to get into the common room.
If you're wrong, you have to wait until someone else comes to answer it.
@Cashmerella: Hey, sometimes I figure it out.
But yeah, I'm not good at riddles.
So Rowena Ravenclaw can eat my toe for making THAT the lock to our Common Room.
Gryffindor's just have a password!
Same with Slytherin's!
Why do we have to be so DIFFICULT?
@Ruby: Says a Gryffindor.
Forgive me if I don't feel very insulted by someone who's entire House IQ barely cracks double digits, Karen.
@Anarchist Beauty: It's because she wanted to be in Gryffindor haha I read a thing that said Gryffindors are students who could have easily been in the other houses but had the courage (or rather the balls xD) to sort themselves. Idk if that's accurate but I like it haha
@Ruby: Just wants to fuck with the students, too.
Like really... How did Hermione end up in Gryffindor?
How did Peter fucking Pettigrew, too???
That smarmy little weasel deserved to be fed to Aragog.