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Forums General Chit-Chat If you could take out your fear

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 18:47:42 )

What do you think would REALISTICALLY happen?

If I had no sense of fear, I'd probably end up dead LOL
I am a strong believer that there is a reason for my fear of driving. Like, being afraid protects me from something that could go wrong. I've gotten stronger about it in the past year to where I can drive but there are some days where I stop at the front door like... no, my intuition is saying something about this. So I'll walk or have my bf drive me instead xD

But yeah, without that fear I'd probably lack the caution that I believe protects me from harm. Or, maybe it really does just hold me back, and I'd be living a far better life driving all over the place and accepting that job that would require an hour commute >>

If you didn't guess, this is coming from a place of phobia I've always had haha
But yeah,
what about you?

Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 19:02:04 )

i used to be afraid of driving too! i was in a bad car accident when i was 18. i didn't drive for months because i was so scared. i pitter-pattered around with little sports cars for a while after that thinking having some hp under my foot would help make driving fun so it wasn't so scary.
i ended up buying a rally car that i didn't know how to drive (it's a manual), took high performance driving lessons (as in, how to drive on a track), and solved the source of the fear because now I was in control and truly felt like it.

i'm not sure how applicable that is to your situation, but i hope you can find inspiration from it.


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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 19:33:44 )
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well if you didn't have fear you wouldn't double think things, you'd just do them and that could lead to me getting in a lotta trouble.

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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 19:35:33 )

@Jolly: Like Kegs, I had a fear of driving after a driving accident when I was 18. I eventually got over it because my job was an hour away, and I had to drive to work regardless of my feels. x__x
I recently got over another driving anxiety, but this one was due to working overseas and not driving a car for 4 years. I would legit order food and grocery delivery because I was too scared to use my new car to drive. Then I got a job that required me to drive, and I once again got over it.

Desensitization works if you’re desperate enough. It’s not pleasant, but it does the trick. xD I hope you’re able to drive little by little.
Also, I agree that fear is there to keep you safe. But excessive fear can hold us back, and it’s hard to identify those situations (at least for me).


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Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 20:16:49 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I don't like driving with mom. She was in a car accident a handful of years ago and ever since then she's been extra paranoid when I'm driving

Lack of fear could get you to do things you'd never do otherwise, but at the same time lack thereof doesn't keep you from doing anything that could be bad

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 20:36:31 )
。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚ 。・:*:

@Jolly: I think it is really important to have fears, it gives you something to strive for, something you want to overcome. It allows you to have goals and when you work through your fears, take those steps, no matter how small they are, gosh, doesn't it feel great?

It is okay to have a fear of driving! Just like it is okay to be afraid of the dark (which is my biggest fear). Everyone has valid reasons. Also going off of your senses and intuition is BIG, never stop listening to your own thoughts! <3


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/9 20:36:59 )

As someone who gets easily scared by everything, I'll probably be dead by now too xD
But I'll have that confidence to do everything I want. So is either die early and live a crazy life, or live a long and normal life.
I still prefer the second option because I do love a good character devlopement.


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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/10 00:32:36 )

I too have a fear of driving, which only feeds into itself. Because I flinch and panic, and that makes me a dangerous driver.

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/10 03:00:53 )

Well, just because you may not fear something, that doesn't mean you can't rationalize what is and is not a good thing to do. Fear and self preservation are not mutually inclusive. You can have one without the other. I don't have to be afraid of heights to know that being up high can be dangerous and I need to use caution if I want to continue living. It wouldn't be good to die regardless of whether I fear death or not. I just wouldn't be able to do what I want if my life were cut short.

I honestly think I'd be able to do a lot more if I could remove the fear aspect.

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Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/10 19:24:39 )
Yeah, fear is adaptive, and I'd probably die without it because your rational mind can't take into account as many details as your intuition. But if I could magic away my social anxiety, it'd make my life a lot easier. And it'd make me a less generally palatable person but who cares about that?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 06:48:04 )

all of these answers are super important, i love the input ♡ gets my little gears spinning.
i see a lot of similar ideas, and then one that is different, which i find interesting.

its true that taking away fear doesn't necessarily remove our sense of logic at the same time. fear and logical thinking even occupy different parts of the brain. maybe we all assume that without fear, our actions will end in death, because it is death (or serious harm) that makes us fearful to begin with.

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Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/14 01:22:49 )

i mean, the line between "fear" and "valid concern" is kinda blurry so it'd depend on where you drew said line. if i could get rid of all the unhealthy shit like anxiety and paranoia, and even the more valid but still limiting things like driving and taking various risks, that would certainly help me get more done . but no fear at all would have me dead in about a week, as it would most people, since that's literally your sense of self-preservation.


Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/14 03:27:05 )
@KDA Drew: i think your fear of death is sooooo interesting, especially the point about how you can only truly live without it. Can i ask you a series of pedantic and possibly stupid questions?

Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/14 03:44:44 )
@KDA Drew: oh so it's not rational.
What about death brings you dread? Do you prefer afterlife or no after life?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/14 06:20:26 )
Fear is the driving force behind decision making and thought process. You do and don't do things because you fear outcomes. If I removed my fear, I would be nearly an entirely different person. No regard to social pressures, I would be more harmful to the people around me, I would feel much fewer emotions and won't be able to properly act in social situations. Considering my anger issues, I would have no reason to hold back when someone pisses me off, so someone's getting stabbed early after the fear is removed lol

Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/15 04:30:19 )
@KDA Drew: but if you're dead, you won't experience emotionlessness, soundlessness or anything. To experience nothing is still an experience. To have no subjective experience is death, and to me that's the only eternal rest we can have. What do you think about this argument?

So I'm actually afraid of the after life. More of this for eternity? No. Thank. You.
What's your preferred afterlife?

Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/15 05:01:17 )
@KDA Drew: Do you watch the Good Place?
If not, I think you might like it. It's about the afterlife.

Boredom sucks yes!
Alternatively, maybe eventually when our physical bodies decay and become one with the universe, so do our consciousnesses... I think that'd be pretty dope.
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Voltie — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/15 06:26:52 )
hope you don't mind me jumping in a bit late ^_^
for general fears/concerns, i think they're all right to have. they tend to make us cautious and keep us safe. but anxiety & phobias are a bit different lol. i wouldn't get rid of a sense of fear, but if i could i would absolutely get rid of my phobia. it's been holding me back for a decade and i'm exhausted.
i guess it's the difference between feeling afraid vs being unable to actually live my life. feeling afraid sometimes is ok for me, it's a normal human emotion. but i'd like to be able to eat at restaurants again and be able to walk around the store for more than 10 minutes without feeling like i'm gonna die, lol

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