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Forums General Chit-Chat Wah. It's raining.

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/10 23:59:14 )
And I bike to & from work. It's also 40f/5c. T^T If it was dry: I'd love this weather, but naw, it's rainy. Luckily, it's only sprinkled thus far, and my home's only 3mi away, but still. I'm a bit worried about how bad it's gonna be when I head home tonight. Anyone else do commute biking?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 00:36:22 )

I always bike everywhere. This morning I had to be somewhere and the wind was strong and it was raining pretty bad. However I still live at home so mom was like "let me drive you to your appointment".

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 01:01:48 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Everything is too far away for biking
Plus idk if bikes can make it in snow and ice

Put ya guns awn!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 01:03:38 )

You ride a bike on the way to work? That's awesome ouo
I used to own a bike when I was young and I would use to go to the grocery store with my mum. Now I really miss owning one again.


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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 01:08:45 )
    I learned to ride a bike like a couple of years ago. I had an accident when I was younger and never got on it again until I learned. I still wouldn't be comfortable with a bike at all. When I stayed on campus for school I just walked in the rain and drove.

    I hate the rain though, it makes me a bit sad. The only positive is that a lot of the dirt my car accumulates is washed away.


Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 02:13:28 )


It is raining here as well. It is so cold and cloudy. ::shivers::


Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 06:05:18 )
Thankfully there was no rain on the trip home! Just cold and that's ok with me.

@Kitalpha Hart: Fair enough. I got lucky in those regards. Apparently bikes can. I read of some Colorado lady who biked 20mi twice a day in snow and stuff. Depends on the tires, and rider's balance I guess.

@vengeance: Ayyye, fellow biker. Oof. Mum saved the trip. Strong winds = the bane of my existence. I now almost refuse to bike in 10mi+ winds.

@PurpdaBurpPurp: Yep! Altho it's max 5mi from my house. I usually work 2 jobs and wind up with 18mi in a day. I can't do more than that rn xD It is really nice tho. I hope I can start going to & from the store.

@Bonnie: Aw, I got in an accident while riding my bike, too. Actually happened 3 months into my start of commute biking. I'm glad there's at least 1 positive! I'm about to heat up some hot chocolate.

@inatlaka: Here, lemme offer you some e-hot choco.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 07:12:35 )
    @Fellowsheep: It is so important to find positives! It helps cushion the fall of despair!


Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 07:51:06 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Fellowsheep: I can't do hills, I'm not even gonna try snow

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 12:42:16 )
I used to wear so many layers of wool long johns when I bike commuted, and I had multiple pairs of gloves so I'd have a dry pair if the ones I'd worn previously hadn't dried yet. My least favorite part was how cold my face got when it rained really hard

I'm glad you didn't get rained on during your ride home!

One of the tricks for biking in snow is to reduce the air pressure in your tires so there is more surface area to grip the ground. But you still gotta be careful until you're used to the new road conditions.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 18:15:58 )

I used to commute walk for about 3 miles. Took a lot longer than biking would but my asthma prevented me from using one xD
I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore but man, I've walked through flooded water, hail (hurt), blizzards, wind storms, rain storms. You name it, I probably walked through it. Always had to keep extra clothes in a plastic bag to change into when I'd get to work
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Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/11 22:08:09 )

@fellowsheep: ::sips e hot choco:: om nom nom nom, thanks :F


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Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:23:17 )
@Totalanimefan: I wish. I don't live near central downtown, and the public transit only goes to and from downtown rn. On top of that, my tires are too big to load my bike in the bus, so I'd have to leave my bike chained nearby at the bus stop. Maybe one day that'll change, or I'll learn somethin' new.

@Bonnie: Fosho :) I always look at how healthy I am now, since I eat well and exercise!

@athabm: Holy snowballs, I had no idea it was better to ride on lower psi when it's snowy out. I'll def remember that, thank you! Luckily I can handle with just a couple of thermal layers for 30f +. Once we hit 20s, tho, I just wear my snowboarding coat. It works out prettay well.

I'm sure once I move, I'll build up a pretty collection of gloves. It'll be colder and worth having more there! Maybe even just knit some. I'd have to find decent yarn tho.

@Jolly: My hubby walks 3.7mi or so rn. So, he understands your pain. He's always telling me about how, on the road he has to walk, assholes come from the center lane, to the one next to him trying to scare him, or splash him. If he biked, he could at least get them back by using the full lane, but alas, he's not into biking, and I'm petty.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:25:48 )

@Fellowsheep: I’m working on those last two passively. XD I’ll get there one day. I get happy when I decide to take a healthier option.


Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:30:06 )
@Bonnie: If I didn't commute bike, I'd skip out on the exercise fosho. Partially why I'm planning to enter a physical labor industry. Congrats on making baby steps to your health. :) Every little bit counts.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:32:32 )

@Fellowsheep: yes! Motivation being active is key. I’d like to be a bit more active because I don’t have an active job I’m at a desk all day but I do drink a lot of water.

I also should take vitamins....I need them


Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:38:34 )
@Bonnie: You saying that reminded me of a podcast I'm into. By the Book, and the ladies did a nature book a while back, where one of things was to get outside for 5 minutes daily or summin'. So, they had to find ways to do that with their desk jobs, haha.

Motivation is important, but my motivation sucks. So, I have to rely on my "life or death" play up of things. Having exercise connected to my work/pay helps a lot in that sense.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 17:41:34 )

@Fellowsheep: oh I can go sit outside easily we have two fifteen minute breaks so going outside isn’t a problem. I guess I can go for a walk today lol. I think I will. XD I can’t walk much but I can make a block.



Donator — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 18:01:15 )
I STILL don't know how to ride a bike, but I'm probably going to learn soon. My friend is as short as I am,
and she has a bike that's actually suited for our size. She's offered to teach me, and I'd like to learn so I can try to
take on mountain biking. It seems so liberating ;-;

I live way too far from everything to bike anywhere. Living out in the country, you can't get anywhere without a car.
There isn't even a convenient bus system out here. If I had to bike to work in the rain, I would just call out lmao.
That said, I do live 30 minutes from my job, driving. Biking seems like such a healthy and ~aesthetic~ way to commute.

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/19 23:11:38 )
@Booderdooder: Aaaahh, I hope you enjoy it! Your balance will probably be wibbly wobbly the first 2~3 weeks, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it! Bikings a blast. Altho, once you become a bike owner learning maintenance is hella hard for me.

I don't miss living in places like that, ngl. Altho, that's mostly cuz I can't afford a car and love the internet.

@Bonnie: If you managed to take that walk: I hope you saw something neat on it!

It's raining again today, and luckily, I don't have to work. Wahoo~

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