@inatlaka: man, that must've hit really hard. but I'm happy to hear you guys were able to go and surround yourselves with a whole lotta love <3 i truly hope the best for your family and the healing process. it really takes guts to go through all this <3 <3
@inatlaka: I've been ehh.. rocky. juggling job hunting and depression. i get so numb some times, it's hard to find happiness and motivation to better myself, or just not be suicidal in a day. been doing a lot of soul searching lately and every day i feel like i am slipping.. but I'm trying my best ): sorry for the vent
Donator — She, Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 23:43:59 )
@inatlaka: I can't imagine having to start over on gaia especially with the inventory I have lol. But I don't blame you, voltra is a nice place! if I didn't already have gaia i'd definitely make voltra my main avi site home. ♡♡♡
Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 23:51:18 )
@ephenay: hope things get better for you! It's okay I'm happy you have a place to vent. I send you a big hug. I've been gloomy and emotional. But I try and stay busy like exercise, clean, and make food jaja.
Donator — Divine
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/13 23:52:57 )
@Nixiefae: Yes I lost so much both times. It made me lose interest. D:
But I did love gaia so much. I spent so much money on there. I have not gone on there in 11 years! I might make an account again and lurk. jaja.