@ruby: Thanks! I used to be on Syndrone Online as gavindoesnotdance. I also have a super old IMVU as catsy11 and a Gaia as Gavin Esk. I have been missing the avi mechanisms on Syndrone a lot lately..
And thank you! They are some of my favorite colors.
@drowsy: I really miss old Gaia, grinding on zOMG and making friends doing it was the best. Had a whole group I constantly played with.
I'm super curious to check it out! I just have to find an extra moment. This week is crazy with Valentines since I have a family. lol
@totalanimefan: Thank you so much. :)
@bonnie: My job sucks so hard sometimes, but it truly encouraged me to move on to better things like nursing. If I didn't need the money I would probably run through the place screaming and then never return. lol
I love to learn, though. That's why I've found this love of medicine and the human body. There is always something new to learn or discover and it's incredible.