Big, big, big things to note here: Children aren't a "consequence". Sex isn't something that needs to be shamed, punished, or "paid for" with unwanted outcomes. The way we talk about these things absolutely does have an effect on the way they are viewed and treated in society.
Yes, if you know that you completely lack access to both birth control and abortion services and you know that you are not ready or able to undergo pregnancy, it may be unwise to risk PIV sex.
Yes, even if you have access to birth control but the latter part of that statement still applies, PIV sex can still be risky, because birth control is not always 100% effective.
However, sex is a natural and healthy part of adult life and it serves many more functions than just reproduction. Birth control, abortion services, prenatal care, adoption services, and everything else related to reproductive health should be made accessible, just like any other normal part of healthcare. Same with comprehensive sex education.
In most cases, cheap or free birth control options do exist. Reproductive health clinics often have condoms available without cost, and they can be found for very little cost anywhere from gas stations to grocery stores. But they are not completely without risk of failure.
So being able to afford birth control isn't the only, or even the biggest, thing to take into consideration when making the decision to have sex. And I'm certainly not saying that people shouldn't be encouraged to consider the possibilities and weigh the risks; they absolutely should. But just telling someone "if you can't afford birth control, don't have sex" is reductive at best, and at worst, it perpetuates the attitude that "sex without planning for pregnancy should be punished".
In conclusion: Yes, by all means, consider your options and take precautions! But it's equally important for people to remember that no matter what they decide or what precautions they take, sometimes shit happens. There should not be shame and stigma attached to people wanting to have sex without wanting to get pregnant, and there should always be options available. Reducing the issue down to "just don't have sex then" increases the risks and number of issues from all angles due to lack of resources, options, support, and information.