Yeah by now I am at my wits end with people irl. The dramas in my college have gotten so much worse, and literally all I do is sit in class and do my work, then sit alone and do homework/internship hours before I go home. I've been pinned blame for stupid things I dont even know about, but now I have zero friends left (not that they were real to begin with) and its sooooo hard to get internship hours when everyone hates each other too much to work with each other. So I've been staying at my school extra late every day to work on my bf when he gets off work. Still not enough hours, so gonna have to bring him in on my days off too ;;;;;;;;A;
Bf's dad also hates me and keeps trying to start shit randomly.
Then I have the school's financial guy threatening me like a debt collector, only in PERSON cornering me, even though I don't owe him anything. He just assumes I eventually will and I can't report him cause the school dean is also a con woman who gives zero shits.
And my dad had a seizure the other day and refused to go to the hospital so still figuring that one out. Got him to a doctor finally at least.
There's so much more. I'm only half way through this course and my motivation is SO dead.