Hi there! Welcome to my weird little shop, a thread selling interesting Pay-What-You-Want services.
(Note: the services offered in this thread are also offered in my quest thread as a thank-you for donators at any "price point.")
Services & Samples
1. Limerick Writing - (recommended price: 250v)
I will write a limerick about a topic of your choice.
There once was a quester called Bear
whose short, pink, shortcake-colored hair
went so well with her dress,
the whole site was a mess.
Jealousy causes despair.
2. "I Lik the Bred"-Style Poem Writing (recommended price: 250v)
I will write a poem in the style of the "I lik the bred" meme, on a topic of your choice.
My name is Bear
and when it late
and people on
the forum say
"It's time to have
a fandom talk"
I type one word
I typ "robot"
3. Blind Drawing - (recommended price: 100v)
I will draw a subject of your choice with my eyes closed.
(no sample yet)
4. Left Hand Drawing - (recommended price: 100v)
I will draw a subject of your choice with my left hand.

5. Meme Creator - (recommended price: 100v)
I will create a spicy meme (image) about the subject of your choice.
(no sample yet)
More weird services to be added soon!