Forums Role Playing Painting the Past (1x1)
~Silver Hatake~

Bio: Though she may act like she was born and raised in the Hidden Leaf village, she wasn't. Silver appeared in the Hidden Leaf when she was nine years old. She didn't have the slightest idea on who she was or where she came from, she remembered who she was a year later, when she actually began to involve herself with the village. She later finds out that she was brought to an island as a baby and raised there by her adopted mother, father and brother by a very dear friend of her mother, Kinamaru because the woman thought she would be happier with a family that would actually look after her. Far away from the Hidden Leaf village.
Silver graduated from the academy a year after she enrolled herself (11yrs), then went back through the courses just so she wouldn't be ahead of her classmates- to try and make some friends. A short time before the chunin exams, she joined team 7 (a little while after Kakashi adopted her.) until she later found out that Kakashi was unknowingly her birth father, Kinamaru had lied to him when they were an item. And she is still very advanced compared to the rest of her newly found teammates.
This kunoichi had a very deadly secret though, she was following Orochimaru, from the moment she got to the Forest of Death. The snake demon promised her protection, and she, being an easily persuaded child, believed him over everyone else that tried to warn her about him.
The chunin exams were coming up very soon, they only had a couple of weeks left and Kakashi had a new member of team 7 he wanted to introduce to his students. Sure, She had been in academy with them, but she was now a part of the team, and he needed to see how well they could work together with an extra teammate. She was soft spoken most of the time, and mostly qualified kept to herself, but there was something about her he couldn't understand.. Why had a member of the anbu, a friend no matter, leave her to his care?
Kakashi was running late in meeting his team, as usual. Silver was getting ready in her room, dressing herself. Her long silver hair was tied up in pigtails and she wore a light purple jacket with lavender sleeves, a plain white t-shirt underneath, a white breathable skirt and sandals to match. She wore her headband with the leaf village symbol around her waist as a belt. "Sensei, we're late!" She called, annoyed with the male.
The chunin exams were coming up very soon, they only had a couple of weeks left and Kakashi had a new member of team 7 he wanted to introduce to his students. Sure, She had been in academy with them, but she was now a part of the team, and he needed to see how well they could work together with an extra teammate. She was soft spoken most of the time, and mostly qualified kept to herself, but there was something about her he couldn't understand.. Why had a member of the anbu, a friend no matter, leave her to his care?
Kakashi was running late in meeting his team, as usual. Silver was getting ready in her room, dressing herself. Her long silver hair was tied up in pigtails and she wore a light purple jacket with lavender sleeves, a plain white t-shirt underneath, a white breathable skirt and sandals to match. She wore her headband with the leaf village symbol around her waist as a belt. "Sensei, we're late!" She called, annoyed with the male.
(YAY character time give me a minute to do mine and you can start this one off )
(dont have a exact picture but this one will do) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/33/3a/0d333a9206e51deba45abf3b561ac77e.png (love this artist and this as close as i can get to my Alice)
She lives with her uncle and no one really knew her that well other than naruto. She was unallowed to join the Chunin exams because no team would take her. She's lived in the village for six years and is 13.
Alice was doing her morning training in the fields alone as she heard the loud mouth i'm going to become hokage one day boy. She sighs softly keeping her eyes closes as she balances on this beam trying to channel her inner beast. Her hair was wild and never tied back. alice had graduated from the academy and had the band around her arm. she was wearing a skirt and practically a crop top and bandages to hide her stomach today. she wasn't in the mood to be denied a chance to become an chunin because no one wanted her around. That changed earlier though at the early hours of the morning the three sand siblings has apparently wanted her to join them for there chunin exams. she was thrilled and accepted considering she knew hidden sand jutsu but never showed anyone. she knew the hidden sand, leaf, mist and sound jutsu's/skills. (she's uncontrollable sometimes so these don't really affect her or help her much)
She heard Sasuke mumbled he's late again. She opened her eyes to see part of team seven in front of her. "Hello duck butt and naruto. "She flashes them her welcoming smile as she jumps down landing on her toes as normal. Sasuke scoffs and rolls his eyes,"I told you to not call me that, brat." Alice smiled,"i'll call you whatever i please considering you still answer it since we meet." She is teasing him and her blue green eyes sparked up. "ooo...naruto, guess what happens today?''
(YAY character time give me a minute to do mine and you can start this one off )
(dont have a exact picture but this one will do) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/33/3a/0d333a9206e51deba45abf3b561ac77e.png (love this artist and this as close as i can get to my Alice)
She lives with her uncle and no one really knew her that well other than naruto. She was unallowed to join the Chunin exams because no team would take her. She's lived in the village for six years and is 13.
Alice was doing her morning training in the fields alone as she heard the loud mouth i'm going to become hokage one day boy. She sighs softly keeping her eyes closes as she balances on this beam trying to channel her inner beast. Her hair was wild and never tied back. alice had graduated from the academy and had the band around her arm. she was wearing a skirt and practically a crop top and bandages to hide her stomach today. she wasn't in the mood to be denied a chance to become an chunin because no one wanted her around. That changed earlier though at the early hours of the morning the three sand siblings has apparently wanted her to join them for there chunin exams. she was thrilled and accepted considering she knew hidden sand jutsu but never showed anyone. she knew the hidden sand, leaf, mist and sound jutsu's/skills. (she's uncontrollable sometimes so these don't really affect her or help her much)
She heard Sasuke mumbled he's late again. She opened her eyes to see part of team seven in front of her. "Hello duck butt and naruto. "She flashes them her welcoming smile as she jumps down landing on her toes as normal. Sasuke scoffs and rolls his eyes,"I told you to not call me that, brat." Alice smiled,"i'll call you whatever i please considering you still answer it since we meet." She is teasing him and her blue green eyes sparked up. "ooo...naruto, guess what happens today?''
Kakashi quickly got his things together, then went to make sure he had everything, before Silver picked up her own bag and ran ahead of him. "Hurry up sensei!" She called. Kakashi chuckled some and soon followed her to meet the rest of team 7.
Naruto jumped some when the wild haired girl suddenly jumped down in front of them, then he grinned. "Alicr, hey!" He greeted. He tilted his head a bit when she spoke and blinked. "What? What happens today?" Sskura scoffed quietly and went to stand over by Sasuke. She remembered their sensei telling them about meeting someone. .but who would it be?
Naruto jumped some when the wild haired girl suddenly jumped down in front of them, then he grinned. "Alicr, hey!" He greeted. He tilted his head a bit when she spoke and blinked. "What? What happens today?" Sskura scoffed quietly and went to stand over by Sasuke. She remembered their sensei telling them about meeting someone. .but who would it be?
Alice smiling,"I finally was added to a team but it's from the sand village....so i'm a bit curious on who is actually suppose to meet me today so i can meet them....."She sighs worriedly but smiles widely. "So now we can finally see who between us passes the chunin exams."Sasuke rolls his eyes,"I'd be surprised if either of you passed.. " Alice,"hey that's extremely rude considering i haven't done anything to you."She looks at him with an annoyed look but received a smile from him. Alice,"Ah...okay anywho i hope your new member is enjoyable. Naruto after training today , ramen my treat?" She never seemed to stop smiling. Sasuke annoyed by the friendliness of Alice goes to stand in the shade.
Alice looks up at the sun for a moment and mumbles i'm probably going to be to early at this rate. She looks at naruto giving him an grin,"See you later. 'She disappeared into smoke to appear elsewhere looking for the sand siblings. she was standing exactly where the hokage told her where she needed to wait for the team to come get her. she was nervous but excited. Her smile never faded considering her own monsters were toying at her thoughts. she tamed a bit of the fluffiness of her hair to make it less wild. (it's looking neat now)
Alice smiling,"I finally was added to a team but it's from the sand village....so i'm a bit curious on who is actually suppose to meet me today so i can meet them....."She sighs worriedly but smiles widely. "So now we can finally see who between us passes the chunin exams."Sasuke rolls his eyes,"I'd be surprised if either of you passed.. " Alice,"hey that's extremely rude considering i haven't done anything to you."She looks at him with an annoyed look but received a smile from him. Alice,"Ah...okay anywho i hope your new member is enjoyable. Naruto after training today , ramen my treat?" She never seemed to stop smiling. Sasuke annoyed by the friendliness of Alice goes to stand in the shade.
Alice looks up at the sun for a moment and mumbles i'm probably going to be to early at this rate. She looks at naruto giving him an grin,"See you later. 'She disappeared into smoke to appear elsewhere looking for the sand siblings. she was standing exactly where the hokage told her where she needed to wait for the team to come get her. she was nervous but excited. Her smile never faded considering her own monsters were toying at her thoughts. she tamed a bit of the fluffiness of her hair to make it less wild. (it's looking neat now)
(Ooc: you don't have stomping me every time you post lol, I'm stalking my bookmarks xD)
Naruto blinked again. "Wha, that's awesome!" He said, referring to her being accepted by a team, so she could take the exams. He nodded to the ramen offer, totally ignoring Sasuke at this point. When she left however, he glanced at his teammates. "Wait a sec.. What new teammate?" He asked. Sakura face-palmed. "God Naruto, do you ever listen?!" She scolded.
Kakashi poofed in with his smoke, arriving before the silver haired kunoichi. "Good, I assume everyone remembers what I told you yesterday? We're getting a new team member which will make us the only team with four members. It's essential you can still function as a team, even with an extra person." He explained as Silver approached. "Niceto meet you, I'm Silver." She said, bowing some.
Gaara and his group were just walking through the village. Kankuro stretched his arms out. "I can't wait to see Alice again!" He said. Temari rolled her eyes. "How do you know she's even here?" She asked, and Gaara paused, giving her a 'she's here' look, then started walking again.
Naruto blinked again. "Wha, that's awesome!" He said, referring to her being accepted by a team, so she could take the exams. He nodded to the ramen offer, totally ignoring Sasuke at this point. When she left however, he glanced at his teammates. "Wait a sec.. What new teammate?" He asked. Sakura face-palmed. "God Naruto, do you ever listen?!" She scolded.
Kakashi poofed in with his smoke, arriving before the silver haired kunoichi. "Good, I assume everyone remembers what I told you yesterday? We're getting a new team member which will make us the only team with four members. It's essential you can still function as a team, even with an extra person." He explained as Silver approached. "Niceto meet you, I'm Silver." She said, bowing some.
Gaara and his group were just walking through the village. Kankuro stretched his arms out. "I can't wait to see Alice again!" He said. Temari rolled her eyes. "How do you know she's even here?" She asked, and Gaara paused, giving her a 'she's here' look, then started walking again.
(oooo my god sammmmeeeee !!! im just sooo happy for these rps!!)
Sasuke,"Sakura...he has no brian...how he even listen..." He sighs rolling his eyes. He crossed his arms looking at silver.(the lies of the only team with four) Sasuke being nice which is rare smiled at Sliver. "Nice to have you on the team,silver. I'm sasuke." he seemed more friendly with her. Sasuke fixed his hair and stepped forward so he could see silver abit better.
Alice was standing in the opening her arms kinda crossed as she stood there a bit curious and hoping she's not too early or late. She was much taller and well proportioned compared to the last time they saw her. she definitely hit puberty and was going strong with her adjustments. (basically she has a chest compared to other females) She felt a shift in the air and could tell it was Gaara and her heart stopped. Her smile was more happy looking when she realized they were going to be her new teammates. She waited even more excitedly, but felt a little sad she had left them such a long time ago. she was much different but her smile never changed.
(oooo my god sammmmeeeee !!! im just sooo happy for these rps!!)
Sasuke,"Sakura...he has no brian...how he even listen..." He sighs rolling his eyes. He crossed his arms looking at silver.(the lies of the only team with four) Sasuke being nice which is rare smiled at Sliver. "Nice to have you on the team,silver. I'm sasuke." he seemed more friendly with her. Sasuke fixed his hair and stepped forward so he could see silver abit better.
Alice was standing in the opening her arms kinda crossed as she stood there a bit curious and hoping she's not too early or late. She was much taller and well proportioned compared to the last time they saw her. she definitely hit puberty and was going strong with her adjustments. (basically she has a chest compared to other females) She felt a shift in the air and could tell it was Gaara and her heart stopped. Her smile was more happy looking when she realized they were going to be her new teammates. She waited even more excitedly, but felt a little sad she had left them such a long time ago. she was much different but her smile never changed.
(Lies? O.o
Oh! He meant as far as the leaf ninja lol xD)
Naruto frowned some. "Shuddup Sasuke!" He shouted, and Sakura hit him in the back of the head. "Cut it out!" She scolded, then blinked as Sasuke addressed the new girl. He was smiling at her, and she was jealous. Silver nodded and glanced at him. "Sasuke Uchiha, right? It's an honor to meet you." She said casually, then glanced at Naurto. "You must be Naruto, and Sakura." She said, glancing at her as well. Sakura smiled, relieved they didn't have another Naruto. "Let's work together for now on." She said, Silver nodded.
It wasn't like she has a crush on Saskue or anything, hell, She was probably the first girs not to have a thing for him, but she admired him. His strength. That was for sure.
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Today's training is going to be a sparing activity. The first one to fall and get tied up is out until there's only one of you standing." He said. Naruto blinked. "Wha- wait a sec! Aren't we supposed to work together?" He asked, and Kakashi nodded. "Yes, but it's also good to know the limits of your teammates, Naruto." He explained, besides, it either that or keep going until they couldn't move, and he didn't want to completely wear them out. I'm a way, it was still a team practice, if they worked together to the up one teammate.
Gaara led his teammates to the meeting spot where Alice was already waiting, then Gaara stopped and stared at her. He was much more lost now than all those years ago, and blood thirsty. Kankuro grinned and waved. "Alice! It's been awhile!"
Oh! He meant as far as the leaf ninja lol xD)
Naruto frowned some. "Shuddup Sasuke!" He shouted, and Sakura hit him in the back of the head. "Cut it out!" She scolded, then blinked as Sasuke addressed the new girl. He was smiling at her, and she was jealous. Silver nodded and glanced at him. "Sasuke Uchiha, right? It's an honor to meet you." She said casually, then glanced at Naurto. "You must be Naruto, and Sakura." She said, glancing at her as well. Sakura smiled, relieved they didn't have another Naruto. "Let's work together for now on." She said, Silver nodded.
It wasn't like she has a crush on Saskue or anything, hell, She was probably the first girs not to have a thing for him, but she admired him. His strength. That was for sure.
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Today's training is going to be a sparing activity. The first one to fall and get tied up is out until there's only one of you standing." He said. Naruto blinked. "Wha- wait a sec! Aren't we supposed to work together?" He asked, and Kakashi nodded. "Yes, but it's also good to know the limits of your teammates, Naruto." He explained, besides, it either that or keep going until they couldn't move, and he didn't want to completely wear them out. I'm a way, it was still a team practice, if they worked together to the up one teammate.
Gaara led his teammates to the meeting spot where Alice was already waiting, then Gaara stopped and stared at her. He was much more lost now than all those years ago, and blood thirsty. Kankuro grinned and waved. "Alice! It's been awhile!"
(lmao my statement stands also how old are you going to make gaara because now i'm thinking lol)
sasuke nodded at her. his smile gone now and his rbf sitting there. He listened to Kakashi, "alright silver want to be my sparring partner for today?"He wanted to be the first to test her strength. he was curious in silver quite obviously. His eyes looks dull but had some life now.(sasuke will get more dialog soon just not right now)
Alice turned towards Kankuro seeing him and does a small wave with her smile. She looked at them,"wow.....it's been a while for sure. "She seemed to express more happiness when looking at Gaara. she wanted to hug him but held back her urge. "gaara....you've certainly look alot better."Her eyes portrayed she wanted to hug him and she looked at temari. She hugged her happily missing the only female she practically trusted but she also gave kankuro a much needed i missed you hug for the last six years of not seeing her closest friends and crush. she backed up quickly realizing most people aren't use to it,"S-sorry couldn't help it." She sheepishly smiled."So....you three are the sand siblings?and may i ask another question on as why you three want me on your team. " She looks at them curiously, but mostly at Gaara.
(lmao my statement stands also how old are you going to make gaara because now i'm thinking lol)
sasuke nodded at her. his smile gone now and his rbf sitting there. He listened to Kakashi, "alright silver want to be my sparring partner for today?"He wanted to be the first to test her strength. he was curious in silver quite obviously. His eyes looks dull but had some life now.(sasuke will get more dialog soon just not right now)
Alice turned towards Kankuro seeing him and does a small wave with her smile. She looked at them,"wow.....it's been a while for sure. "She seemed to express more happiness when looking at Gaara. she wanted to hug him but held back her urge. "gaara....you've certainly look alot better."Her eyes portrayed she wanted to hug him and she looked at temari. She hugged her happily missing the only female she practically trusted but she also gave kankuro a much needed i missed you hug for the last six years of not seeing her closest friends and crush. she backed up quickly realizing most people aren't use to it,"S-sorry couldn't help it." She sheepishly smiled."So....you three are the sand siblings?and may i ask another question on as why you three want me on your team. " She looks at them curiously, but mostly at Gaara.
(Huh?? There's a another team of four? I don't remember that ><)
Sakura's inner self was pretty ticked, and she looked at Naruto. "Naruto, be my partner, okay?" She asked, totally calm on the outside. Naruto smirked and nodded. "Alright." He agreed, and the two went off to the field a bit just so they could have room to spar.
Silver nodded to Sasuke. "Very well." She said, already thinking of a plan to upper hand the dark haired boy.
Kakashi could still see the four of them, in case things went too far. "Begin when you're ready." He said to his students.
(How old? Mn... However old he is in the anime at this point lol)
Kankuro nodded when he heard her. "Gaara's..been through a lot.." He said. Temari blinked when she was suddenly hugged by the girl, as did Kankuro when he was pulled into the hug. "The hell? You've been staying here too long.." He murmured, semi teasing her. Temari chuckled quietly as her question. "I wouldn't really call us siblings..but it was actually Gaara's idea." She spoke, causing him to glance at her. Gaara then glanced at Alice. "You're the only other one..who won't get in my way." He murmured, his eyes telling her how much he needed this chance at the chunin exam. He needed tk.find his purpose. Nothing else mattered.
Sakura's inner self was pretty ticked, and she looked at Naruto. "Naruto, be my partner, okay?" She asked, totally calm on the outside. Naruto smirked and nodded. "Alright." He agreed, and the two went off to the field a bit just so they could have room to spar.
Silver nodded to Sasuke. "Very well." She said, already thinking of a plan to upper hand the dark haired boy.
Kakashi could still see the four of them, in case things went too far. "Begin when you're ready." He said to his students.
(How old? Mn... However old he is in the anime at this point lol)
Kankuro nodded when he heard her. "Gaara's..been through a lot.." He said. Temari blinked when she was suddenly hugged by the girl, as did Kankuro when he was pulled into the hug. "The hell? You've been staying here too long.." He murmured, semi teasing her. Temari chuckled quietly as her question. "I wouldn't really call us siblings..but it was actually Gaara's idea." She spoke, causing him to glance at her. Gaara then glanced at Alice. "You're the only other one..who won't get in my way." He murmured, his eyes telling her how much he needed this chance at the chunin exam. He needed tk.find his purpose. Nothing else mattered.
( lmao nvm also i wouldn't know how old gaara is but can we just say 14 for the sakes of alice's age)
Sasuke gets his stance ready allowing silver to attack first. his guard was on high. He's eyes watched her body and his brain made many solutions. He could care less if sakura was jealous.He smirked slightly as he was ready and his footing was perfect.
Alice,"....oh......i have not been here too long...just opened up abit that's all...that and i've missed you guys...a lot..."She smiled slightly but lost her smile seeing the look in gaara's eyes. It made her heart sink and it showed in her own expression and eyes. Alice forced the smile back on,"Anyway....what are we doing for training today?..." She didn't respond to Gaara's comment of getting in the way. She wasn't sure if she would stay out of the way. she felt a bit out of place after all it's been six years. Her smile disappeared quickly and she looked at gaara studying his look returning one of letting him know he had purpose in her eyes. she seemed to get very nervous and avoided eye contact with gaara for now. She missed them but missed her crush,Gaara, more but she still feels guilty about going out that one day and getting kidnapped and forced to show her inner beast in the land of the fire.
( lmao nvm also i wouldn't know how old gaara is but can we just say 14 for the sakes of alice's age)
Sasuke gets his stance ready allowing silver to attack first. his guard was on high. He's eyes watched her body and his brain made many solutions. He could care less if sakura was jealous.He smirked slightly as he was ready and his footing was perfect.
Alice,"....oh......i have not been here too long...just opened up abit that's all...that and i've missed you guys...a lot..."She smiled slightly but lost her smile seeing the look in gaara's eyes. It made her heart sink and it showed in her own expression and eyes. Alice forced the smile back on,"Anyway....what are we doing for training today?..." She didn't respond to Gaara's comment of getting in the way. She wasn't sure if she would stay out of the way. she felt a bit out of place after all it's been six years. Her smile disappeared quickly and she looked at gaara studying his look returning one of letting him know he had purpose in her eyes. she seemed to get very nervous and avoided eye contact with gaara for now. She missed them but missed her crush,Gaara, more but she still feels guilty about going out that one day and getting kidnapped and forced to show her inner beast in the land of the fire.
Silver watched him as well, smirking when she noticed his footing had shifted. She knew most opponents would rush foreword, but the two of them were too smart for that, weren't they? So, she slipped a small smoke bomb out of it's holster and tossed it down on the ground to try and disoriented him, even if only for a moment. Then she'd make her move in getting behind him.
Kankuro shook his head. "No training, we were told to meet and try to blend in until it was time for the exam." He said with a bored sigh. Temari glanced between Alice and Gaara briefly, then draped an arm around Alice's shoulders just for the moment. "Which means, we have a lot of catching up to do." She smirked.
Kankuro shook his head. "No training, we were told to meet and try to blend in until it was time for the exam." He said with a bored sigh. Temari glanced between Alice and Gaara briefly, then draped an arm around Alice's shoulders just for the moment. "Which means, we have a lot of catching up to do." She smirked.
Sasuke jumped back and did shadow clone jutsu now there was six of him . They all were scattered and stanced the same. The all had that rbf though and his hair was looking more like a duck butt. He did have two of the clones(or what looked like clones) to be behind her.They all had this piercing stare as Sasuke still allows silver to be the one to attack after all defense was the best strategy and it would push the both of their limits.
Alice looks at kankuro,"..oh alright um.. that's extremely boring....but i'm pretty sure we could still practice if we go to the right area away from town and people. i know some good places." She didn't expect that answer and smiled a little but felt uneasy with temari's arm on her for that moment it was there but kept her joyful smile. She thinks for a moment her expression being the only thing that seemed to changed along with her new look."..That would be probably be best if we did just so we'd work better together." She looks at temari, confused and abit worried about that smirk. She looked at Gaara to make sure he was okay, she still worries about him even though she had been kidnapped, six years of her uncle keeping her updated on her friends infront of her. she knew what happened to him and still tended to be worried even if she did like him more than a friend; she never told him because she was afraid he would push her away.even though none of the past was her fault she still felt guilt since she was unable to return to one's she cared about most. "Do you three have a place to stay at? "She was unsure if the hokage had made them stay at a local inn or just stuck them into her family house where she and her uncle(who knows all kankuro ,temari and Gaara.) live in this large place. she had a calm look now ready to catch up with them .
(Background time really quick- Alice never was the one to seem unhappy but Gaara would probably be able to still tell regardless. He also be able to read the looks she gives him and the fact she still likes him is obvious to Temari. Cause you know girls know girls and it was a secret Alice told Temari before the day she ended up kidnap. Alice has bandages around her body for a reason to hide the scars on her back from the kidnapping from the sand village. she was taken the sound village when she was 6-9. So Her uncle who travels from the leaf village to the sand one is the reason she knew if they, temari, kankuro and gaara, were okay or not. they may know her uncle as someone they trust. Also they all should know about the kidnapping since at the time their current Kazekage of the time let the town be well aware of it, yet did nothing to help that fact until months later they got rid of the group of men and women who were taken children. All but Alice were found so they presumed her dead until fours years ago.)
Sasuke jumped back and did shadow clone jutsu now there was six of him . They all were scattered and stanced the same. The all had that rbf though and his hair was looking more like a duck butt. He did have two of the clones(or what looked like clones) to be behind her.They all had this piercing stare as Sasuke still allows silver to be the one to attack after all defense was the best strategy and it would push the both of their limits.
Alice looks at kankuro,"..oh alright um.. that's extremely boring....but i'm pretty sure we could still practice if we go to the right area away from town and people. i know some good places." She didn't expect that answer and smiled a little but felt uneasy with temari's arm on her for that moment it was there but kept her joyful smile. She thinks for a moment her expression being the only thing that seemed to changed along with her new look."..That would be probably be best if we did just so we'd work better together." She looks at temari, confused and abit worried about that smirk. She looked at Gaara to make sure he was okay, she still worries about him even though she had been kidnapped, six years of her uncle keeping her updated on her friends infront of her. she knew what happened to him and still tended to be worried even if she did like him more than a friend; she never told him because she was afraid he would push her away.even though none of the past was her fault she still felt guilt since she was unable to return to one's she cared about most. "Do you three have a place to stay at? "She was unsure if the hokage had made them stay at a local inn or just stuck them into her family house where she and her uncle(who knows all kankuro ,temari and Gaara.) live in this large place. she had a calm look now ready to catch up with them .
(Background time really quick- Alice never was the one to seem unhappy but Gaara would probably be able to still tell regardless. He also be able to read the looks she gives him and the fact she still likes him is obvious to Temari. Cause you know girls know girls and it was a secret Alice told Temari before the day she ended up kidnap. Alice has bandages around her body for a reason to hide the scars on her back from the kidnapping from the sand village. she was taken the sound village when she was 6-9. So Her uncle who travels from the leaf village to the sand one is the reason she knew if they, temari, kankuro and gaara, were okay or not. they may know her uncle as someone they trust. Also they all should know about the kidnapping since at the time their current Kazekage of the time let the town be well aware of it, yet did nothing to help that fact until months later they got rid of the group of men and women who were taken children. All but Alice were found so they presumed her dead until fours years ago.)
(I had time for a quick post :) )
Silver noticed the clones behind her, and made a couple of her own clones to tackle his clones to the ground. She then attempted the rope tying jutsu, but she knew he was on the defense and he make a move at any time.
Kankuro chuckled at her response. "Tell me about it." He said, referring to it being boring. Gaara gave Temari a look when he noticed the uneasiness of Alice, when she draped an arm around her, and Temari lowered her arm. Gaara glanced at Alice and nodded some. Temari thought a moment. "Yeah, the hokage is letting us stay at the inn around here." She said, then Kankuro glanced at her. "Hey, we could always drop in on the leafs while they train, just to see what we're up against." He suggested .
Silver noticed the clones behind her, and made a couple of her own clones to tackle his clones to the ground. She then attempted the rope tying jutsu, but she knew he was on the defense and he make a move at any time.
Kankuro chuckled at her response. "Tell me about it." He said, referring to it being boring. Gaara gave Temari a look when he noticed the uneasiness of Alice, when she draped an arm around her, and Temari lowered her arm. Gaara glanced at Alice and nodded some. Temari thought a moment. "Yeah, the hokage is letting us stay at the inn around here." She said, then Kankuro glanced at her. "Hey, we could always drop in on the leafs while they train, just to see what we're up against." He suggested .
Sasuke noticed she was using a rope tying jutsu and used his flame jutsu to burn the rope as he clearly makes distance. He wasn't to lose but he did another jutsu to distract her on the rope jutsu he had summoned before her that was wrapping around her at this point. He was watching but lowered his defense so it be alittle more fair. His eyes were focused on Silver they actually never left off her. (ooo)
Alice nods and thinks for a moment. She is looking at the ground but then she looks up. " that's probably one of the worst ideas i've heard....would you like to lose a fight before the chunins? But if you want tomorrow we can. Alice smiled alittle ," we could all go get something to eat or go to springs . you guys look very tensed..and tired somewhat.." She was reading each them and can tell the traveling clearly was not easy. she wasn't sure how to eve socialize with her old friends anymore or even with someone she still likes. she made an effort and smiled trying somewhat to lessen the awkward tension around the three of them.
Sasuke noticed she was using a rope tying jutsu and used his flame jutsu to burn the rope as he clearly makes distance. He wasn't to lose but he did another jutsu to distract her on the rope jutsu he had summoned before her that was wrapping around her at this point. He was watching but lowered his defense so it be alittle more fair. His eyes were focused on Silver they actually never left off her. (ooo)
Alice nods and thinks for a moment. She is looking at the ground but then she looks up. " that's probably one of the worst ideas i've heard....would you like to lose a fight before the chunins? But if you want tomorrow we can. Alice smiled alittle ," we could all go get something to eat or go to springs . you guys look very tensed..and tired somewhat.." She was reading each them and can tell the traveling clearly was not easy. she wasn't sure how to eve socialize with her old friends anymore or even with someone she still likes. she made an effort and smiled trying somewhat to lessen the awkward tension around the three of them.
Silver did a back flip with her hands when he used the fire jutsu on her ropes. She noticed him doing another jutsu, and got ready, just to have ropes tied around her. She quickly used a substitution jutsu to get out of the ropes and appeared behind him, resting her forearm against the back of his neck and pinning him to the ground, and keeping her weight on his back so he couldn't get away. She had also managed to tie his hands. "I win." She said with a small smirk. Kakashi never said they had to completely bind each other with said rope.
Saskura had already tied up Naruto, and was watching Silver and Sasuke. She already knew that if it was her, Sasuke would have already her tied up. Kakashi undid the ropes around Naruto, and chuckled some.
Kankuro frowned some. "Lose?" He asked curiously, then smirked. "Don't underestimate us, Alice. Besides, I just wanted to watch them." He said with a shrug. Maybe she misunderstood him? Temari nodded. "A hot spring and a meal sounds good enough for today." She said, glancing at Gaara who looked like he couldn't care less.
Saskura had already tied up Naruto, and was watching Silver and Sasuke. She already knew that if it was her, Sasuke would have already her tied up. Kakashi undid the ropes around Naruto, and chuckled some.
Kankuro frowned some. "Lose?" He asked curiously, then smirked. "Don't underestimate us, Alice. Besides, I just wanted to watch them." He said with a shrug. Maybe she misunderstood him? Temari nodded. "A hot spring and a meal sounds good enough for today." She said, glancing at Gaara who looked like he couldn't care less.
Sasuke smiling some,"n-not bad..." He poofed into smoke and appeared in a tree sitting. "....this will be a good fight to watch.."He mumbles rubbing one of his wrist softly. He knew he barely put up a fight but there was a good reason. he watched quietly and stayed up in this perfect viewing spot. He was wondering who or what family Silver belonged to and how was she much more advanced than them.
Alice,"...okay tomorrow i'll let you go watch a group..i've got to talk to the hokage tomorrow anyway." Alice keeps her smile and notices Gaara i could care less face. it made her smile drop slightly but it was barely noticeable. She didn't see the average human eyesight one hundred percent of the time. She could see chakra flows and heat temperatures. she see Gaara's chakra flow but blinked to change it back. "Alright, Hot springs aren't too far from here. let's go..?" She felt her left hand ring finger twitch but she ignored it. She suggests they should go now and she held her hands behind her back just so Gaara couldn't see her hands twitching or trembling every few moments.
Sasuke smiling some,"n-not bad..." He poofed into smoke and appeared in a tree sitting. "....this will be a good fight to watch.."He mumbles rubbing one of his wrist softly. He knew he barely put up a fight but there was a good reason. he watched quietly and stayed up in this perfect viewing spot. He was wondering who or what family Silver belonged to and how was she much more advanced than them.
Alice,"...okay tomorrow i'll let you go watch a group..i've got to talk to the hokage tomorrow anyway." Alice keeps her smile and notices Gaara i could care less face. it made her smile drop slightly but it was barely noticeable. She didn't see the average human eyesight one hundred percent of the time. She could see chakra flows and heat temperatures. she see Gaara's chakra flow but blinked to change it back. "Alright, Hot springs aren't too far from here. let's go..?" She felt her left hand ring finger twitch but she ignored it. She suggests they should go now and she held her hands behind her back just so Gaara couldn't see her hands twitching or trembling every few moments.
Silver blinked when he poofed and reappeared in the tree, and grinned. She was a little disappointed that he was mostly on the defense, but she wouldn't complain. Kakashi chuckled some and pat her shoulder. "I think that's the first time anyone has apprehended him like that." He said.
Sakura was hiding behind her smile, envious of Silver and her ability to be so much closer to Sasuke. Naruto grinned some. "Well, she's not the only one.." He murmured. Kakashi smirked some. "Alright, we can either do another training exercise, or we can call it a day." He said, leaving it to his students to decide.
Temari and Kankuro nodded when she mentioned heading to the spring. "Yeah, ok." Kankuro said. "But you'll have to show us where it is." Temari said. Gaara noticed her eyes and how she had suddenly put her hands behind her back. "Lead the way." Temari said with a small smile. Gaara nodded, trying to at least seem a little interested.
Sakura was hiding behind her smile, envious of Silver and her ability to be so much closer to Sasuke. Naruto grinned some. "Well, she's not the only one.." He murmured. Kakashi smirked some. "Alright, we can either do another training exercise, or we can call it a day." He said, leaving it to his students to decide.
Temari and Kankuro nodded when she mentioned heading to the spring. "Yeah, ok." Kankuro said. "But you'll have to show us where it is." Temari said. Gaara noticed her eyes and how she had suddenly put her hands behind her back. "Lead the way." Temari said with a small smile. Gaara nodded, trying to at least seem a little interested.
Sasuke,"I'd honestly like to see the girls battle......it'd make great teamwork to get the healer and another set of brains to work together..." He looks down watching. he didn't want to do anything other than get to know silver. he jumped down from the tree looking at naruto,"you can shut it bird for brains....she did a lot better than you could.."He is about to pick a fight.
Alice got her trembles under control and the smile was the same. " of course follow me." She smiles and leads them to the spring bath house. it was mostly empty minus for the employees. She noticed gaara was making a small effort so her smile grew a little more. Her back hurt slightly remembering this morning training with her mentor. she sighed softly thinking to herself being more quiet than usual. She could hear her inner monster(or tails) fighting for control but she kept pushing them down. She got them to the spring rather quickly and went to the female changing room with temari thinking of how good her crush looks not realizing she has been blushing this entire time or getting glances of him. Alice remembered her scars and her hand twitched as she realized she has to change now.
The springs have three huge springs ,one for males, one for females and one for both. the changing room was secluded and empty.
Sasuke,"I'd honestly like to see the girls battle......it'd make great teamwork to get the healer and another set of brains to work together..." He looks down watching. he didn't want to do anything other than get to know silver. he jumped down from the tree looking at naruto,"you can shut it bird for brains....she did a lot better than you could.."He is about to pick a fight.
Alice got her trembles under control and the smile was the same. " of course follow me." She smiles and leads them to the spring bath house. it was mostly empty minus for the employees. She noticed gaara was making a small effort so her smile grew a little more. Her back hurt slightly remembering this morning training with her mentor. she sighed softly thinking to herself being more quiet than usual. She could hear her inner monster(or tails) fighting for control but she kept pushing them down. She got them to the spring rather quickly and went to the female changing room with temari thinking of how good her crush looks not realizing she has been blushing this entire time or getting glances of him. Alice remembered her scars and her hand twitched as she realized she has to change now.
The springs have three huge springs ,one for males, one for females and one for both. the changing room was secluded and empty.
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