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Forums Role Playing Painting the Past (1x1)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 03:11:10 )
(Sakura isn't a medical ninja until after the exams lol)

Naruto growled some. "What'd you you say?" He asked, ready for a fight. Sakura hit Naruto on the back of the head. "Knock it off!" She scolded. Naruto held the spot. "Why'd you hit me? Sasuke started it!" He complained. "And I'm ending it." She said.

Silver chuckled and glanced at Sakura. "What do you say, Sakura?" She asked. Sakura blinked. "Oh, right. I don't see why not." She said, smiling. Kakashi nodded. "Alright, we'll do the rope tying thing again." He said. The girls nodded and met in the middle, both getting in a stance.


The group was quiet as they followed Alice to the springs, Temari and Kankuro were taking in their surroundings and the village buildings.

When they arrived, Kankuro went with Gaara to the males side and Temari went with the ladies side with Alice. "This is actually pretty nice.." Temari admitted as she went into the changing room.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 03:21:52 )
( i know but sasuke knows these things before anyone else plus sakura is too weak to fight in his eyes)

Sasuke gave sakura a slightly amused and grateful smile. "you heard me bird for brains...." he watches the girls once they got stanced. his eyes were fixed on silver. Something about her had him captured on to her eyes and hair. he didn't believe himself as he thought mentally he may like her already.

alice nodded,"They remodeled it not too long ago.....heh...i come here often it nice after a long day of training..."She sighed softly her blush still present and wrapped a towel around her body after removing her crop top shirt. she got undressed and looked down wincing feeling her scars pulsing. "'s new with you girl talk wise? got a boyfriend yet?" She looks up ,the towel tied tightly around her body so it doesn't fall. she doesn't want temari to notice her back full of scars so she keeps it faced away from her. she smiles at Temari kinda being that old alice she use to be.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 04:05:25 )
(Works for me lol)

Naruto crossed his arms and grumbled something under his breath. Kakashi had noticed Sasuke fix his eyes more on Silver as the girls began their sparing match. Silver briefly closed her eyes and focused on her chakra, knowing Sakura would most likely take her on head -first. When Sakura came at her with a kunai knife, Silver flipped back in her hands and threw a ninja star to knock the kunai out of her hand. Sakura was caught off guard by her speed. She hadn't even seen the star before it was thrown!

Sakura then poofed, and reappeared before Silver and she flipped on her hands once more. Sakura began to get a little ansty and made a couple clones, the three of them scattering to try and confuse her.


Temari listened as she undressed and wrapped the towel around herself, before shaking her head. "Nothing really new since you left." She said with a shrug, going with her to the spring and slipping into the relaxing water. "No boyfriends, just constant training." She said. "Well, aside from the alliance the sand village has with the leaf village, but everyone knows about that."

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 04:14:47 )

Sasuke watched clearly seeing a pattern. he was just figuring her out in his mind yet it didn't feel that way. His eyes shifted over watching the both of the girls seeing the way sakura was going to lose. he was disappointed in sakura. He kept his mind off it and paid attention.

Alice followed removing her towel after she got into the water, knowing they were in the mix spring not females only one. "hm.....same here....other than know my secret...."She smiles at temari and sighs softly. she thinks for a moment losing train of thought as the temperature of the spring became perfect. She meant the secret of her liking gaara and her inner tails. no one but temari, Gaara, kankuro, naruto and the old prev (cause he trained her too at some point) and her hokage knew of her tails. she sunk down into the spring water not ashamed of her body other than the past scars and closes her eyes. she got her hair wet and it straightened out. it was long but flowing only by her.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 15:28:28 )

Silver paused when Sakura and her clones scattered and glanced in the direction they each went. Usually when someone used clones, they'd send the clones in first then come in. When the clones came in for a hit, she used an earth style jutsu that made some vines come out of the ground and wrapped around the ankles of the clones, just to hold them in place. Then Sakura came in for a hit from the tree, and Silver raised her arms to block a kick. She then grabbed her ankle and threw her lightly, next she poofed above her and did the same thing she did to Sasuke, pinning her with her forearm behind her neck and her weight on her back, and tied her hands with her free hand.

Naruto was dumbfounded. This girl was unbelievable! "Sensei, let me take her!" He said with excitement. Kakashi glanced at him. Silver got off of Sakura and untied her, then held a hand out. "Nice job, Sakura. You almost had me." She said. Sakura took her hand and smiled.


Temari had taken off her towel as well, before getting into the water. She glanced at Alice when she spoke and nodded. She then lowered her eyes and sank into the water a bit. "Gaara.. I never know if he's going to snap and go on a killing spree. He's so much more dangerous now." She said. Truth was, they weren't just here for the exams, but should she tell her? Could she, without getting in trouble? Alice was like a sister to her, she didn't like having to keep things from her, and now she was apart of their team.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 23:58:14 )

Sasuke watched this girl defeat sakura easily. He scoffed slightly knowing it wasn't a challenge to beat her but still she showed amazing awareness. Sasuke thought it was funny that naruto wanted to take sliver on. Sasuke had a goal to get to know silver before naruto did. He knew naruto would probably get his butt kicked but he'd get a laugh out of it. Sasuke felt himself becoming a bit awkward in his own mind and tried to put it elsewhere like his training. He made a goal to overtrain himself today.

Alice,".........well....let's hope...we can prevent him from uncle told me what happened.......i wish i knew how to help him...."She sighed and opened her eyes. " it odd...even seeing him today my heart skipped too many beats to make me realize i still like him after all this is funny...and weird..." She winced setting her back against the spring wall, seeing that temari was hiding something. she didn't push on it or even mention it plus it was none of her business. She knew it was odd they were here maybe there was another reason she shook her head like she did as a kid and frowned. She put her mind elsewhere like if Gaara even still liked her as a friend.....or just wanted her away, her inner tails got her a little sad and her smile was gone. The water against her skin felt warm and reminded her she was alive and not where she was all those years ago. (she still has ptsd from her childhood but it is rare if she gets upset)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 01:15:23 )
Kakashi glanced at Silver. "What do you say, Silver?" He asked. Silver took a breath and glanced at Sasuke, then at Naurto and nodded. "I don't mind, it'd be nice if I they wouldn't hold back though." She murmured softly, pouting some. Sakura blinked. "Wha-?" She started to ask. "I may be a teammate, but we're supposed to be testing each other, right? It just doesn't feel natural." She explained. Naruto chuckled. "I won't hold back, then, just don't get too badly hurt." He said, readying his stance.

He quickly summoned his shadow clones, several of them, and Silver blinked. How'd he summon so many clones? She wondered. Kakashi sighed some. "I think that's enough for today, the goal isnt to see how far you can push your opponent." He said. Silver sighed, and Naruto disbanded the clones.


Temari nodded. She glanced at her and noticed she had gotten quiet, which was wierd, for her.. "Alice, I wouldn't really know about that, I'm sorry." She said truthfully. "But.. I don't think it's weird.." She said, offering her a small. smile.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 01:23:14 )

Sasuke sighing at the comment silver made. He was just about leave and go train by himself. He did hold back only because he didn't want to harm her. He thinks next time he won't hold back. ".....'' he looks into the shades of the nearby woods. His mind roamed elsewhere.

Alice,"...i didn't think you would..heh....anyways away with the bad for today.....let's talk some real chat for once, maybe before the boys end figuring we're here in the middle springs." She smiled back small but smiled. "I think you'd like one of the boys in the villages...he's we'll say just your type.."She flashed the little innocent mischievous smile. (i believe temari and Shikamaru Nara get together right???)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 01:41:54 )

Silver noticed the change in Sasuke's attitude and smirked some. "Sasuke, want to train together more?" She asked, noticing how Sakura tensed.

She then excused herself since the training was over, and wandered off. Naruto went off to see if Alice had gone by the ramen place yet.


Temari chuckled quietly. She rose an eyebrow when she mentioned her possibly liking a boy from this village. "Really? What think that?" She asked curiously.

(Ah.. Eventually, yea ^^)

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 01:57:34 )

Sasuke,"Sure....why not."He had his rbf on but inside he was a bit shocked. He went up to her, "what type of training where you thinking of doing?" He did analyze her to the best of his abilities.

Alice," He just seems your type. Shikamaru Nara is the boy i think you'll like. he's on team ten....."She all of a sudden twitched and shifted away from temari . she had a face of discomfort and got out of the spring wrapping her towel back on."i'll see if they'll let us watch. they'll probably will." Alice knew the best people for others but one of her tails let her know that. Her scars started to create intense pain for her resulting in the twitch and her getting out. "U-um i'll come back for you and the other two in say half an hour?" she stands the towel wrapped around her covering her back nicely enough. She wrings out her hair.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 02:16:09 )
Silver thought a moment, then glanced at him. "I'll let you pick." She said, unsure of how to answer him. Her method of training was mostly meditating or target practice.

Naruto stopped by the ramen place and realized Alice wasn't here yet, so he waited for her.


Temari blinked and glanced at her, then relaxed in the water. "We'll just have to see about that." She said teasingly, now she wanted to go and see what she meant by that. Temari blinked again when she noticed Alice had gotten out of the water, and nodded lightly. "Yea.. Okay." She said quietly, a little worried about her.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 02:24:02 )

Sasuke,"Meditating is what i should be doing today so....we could do that and work on channeling our chakras." he was good at it but could get better. She seemed so stunning oddly.He felt the wind blow at his hair and he fixed it. his rbf was just stern and emotionless.

Alice smiled weakly nodding back."Okay, make sure the guys know t-too..."She leaves going and getting changed and washed up. She was redressed and dry by the time she made it to the noodle shop. She stumbled slightly as she slowed down her pace from all the way from the springs. "A-ah.."She caught her self and stood up."S-sorry i'm late...i took my new team to the springs to relax. " She was trying to calm down slightly but forced that normal smile of hers. She felt her bandages feel nice and snug on her torso. she sighed slightly sitting down,"I'm not gonna eat since i'm pretty sure my team will want me to eat with them...but i'll pay for yours. Anyway how's your new person?She cool and smart?"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 02:58:12 )
Silver nodded when he mentioned mediating. "I know this really neat place where we can meditate." She offered. "I go there everyday. There's a pond and a field of grass, it's really calming. I think so anyway." She said casually, hoping he'd be interested.

Naruto stood from his sitting spot when he saw Alice and grinned. "It's no biggie, I just got here." He said, going into the ramen place with her. "Meh, she's alright." He said, telling her about the training they did and how easily she tied up Sasuke and Sakura.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 03:47:37 )

Sasuke,''Okay....."He takes a moment to think."Lead the way..."He doesn't try to say too much so he doesn't seemed too interested. Yet, he is and his expression shows it. He follows her to this place.

Alice surprised and smiling,"Ah she sounds like she'll make a great addition to your team.." They took about half an hour to chat and eat. Alice paid the large bill and returned to the spring looking for the siblings. Her pain was still present and hoping Temari didn't tell the other two. After all no even knew she had scars from her kidnapping and forced training years ago. She tried to think happy things like a happy gaara which honestly made her smile grow a little bigger and gave her a soft blush.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 04:02:01 )
Silver nodded and easily led him to her favorite spot to meditate. It wasn't far, it was actually behind the academy. It was where she first started each my the students before she was enrolled, when she was a kid. When they got there, she stretched some before sitting over by the pond.

Naruto was started to think of Silver as a female version of Sasuke, but only a little. She was nicer. He enjoyed his chat with Alice up until she left, then he headed home.


Temari had gotten out of the hot springs and redressed before finding the guys outside and telling them that Alice would be back for them. Gaara mentioned heading to the inn to get some rest, and Kankuro went with him so he wasn't by himself. Temari stayed and waited for Alice.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 04:11:15 )

Sasuke looked around smiling remembering the days he use to come here and practice with one of his teachers. "thought no one else found this place........" He seemed at peace and calm. He sat down and thinks of the pass younger sasuke. He had a normal sized smile and sat in the grass.

Alice noticed only Temari. She tilts her head,"where-actually i have a pretty good idea they headed back to your guys inn rooms...." She sighs and mumbled something relaxing abit. "Sorry i'm late....Naruto and I were chatting about his new teammate. "She smiles slightly but loses it slightly faster than usual. "Anything you'd like to go do ?Unless you'd like for me to walk you back to your inn?...." She wasn't sure she'd get adapted to being on their team as fast as she thought. things were tensed and It'd been awhile since she seen them and yet she had so much to tell them about her and so much she wanted to tell gaara....but yet....she couldn't knowing herself. She zoned out looking down for a moment a small smile on her face but the look of concentration in her eyes. ( >-< im trying with her)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 04:41:43 )
(Should we time skip to the written part of the test, or them going into the forest.if death?)

Silver wanted to tell him how before she joined the academy, she'd watch them from here if they were outside, but decided against it. Instead, she closed her eyes and focused on her chakra.


Temari shook her head. "It's all good, Gaara said he was tried so Kankuro went with him." She said, watching Alice curiously. She then nudged her gently. "Why don't we go get something to eat? I'm starved." She said with a small smile.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/3 04:51:26 )
(we could skip to that honestly XD but i also dont remember much about the chunin exams other than the arena fights. we could skip to the end as well if needed)

Sasuke mediated with silver.

Alice took Temari to a bqq place and ate lunch with her. Alice also dropped Temari off at the inn bringing Kankuro and Gaara some lunch/ dinner back too. Alice decided she would tell Temari of her scar another not painful. *lee skippy to the before the written part of the test*

Sasuke looking around thinking to himself sticking close to his team."Remember guys stick close and work together."

Alice hasn't told Kankuro or Gaara of anything of her past but she let Temari know. She was unsure of Temari told the others or not. She was nervous about the test and it showed. Her hair was extremely tamed and her band was on her arm still but she had her hair in two long braids today. Her tails were getting out of control recently and she didn't want to break down and lose control in front of them. She was quieter today too. (did the four of them get closer???)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 00:26:18 )
(Wait.. Before or after the written test? I'm confused O.o' and I'd think they got closer after the hot spring and bbq ^-^)

The three of them nodded as Sasuke spoke. "We need to be on our toes." Sakura said quietly. Silver waa quiet, unsure of what to expect. Naruto opened his big mouth and claimed he was going to win, no matter what.

Temari hadn't told the boy's what she and Alice talked about, and she was a little concerned about how quiet she was being today. Gaara glanced at Alice with eyes that wanted to know if she was alright.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 00:40:29 )

(After since they all passed.)

Sasuke sighs hitting naruto on the back of the head."Keep quiet......don't need to make you center of attention with these other teams."He was worried about silver and kept an eye on her. He looked up at the sky seeing it was just about time to start getting ready for the next part.

Alice kept her eyes on other people than her teammates, analyzing them and her eyes met Gaara's but quickly looked away. "we should problem with any of these teams...." She had each team ranked from hardest to easiest. her eyes showed the nervousness and she went quiet again as they were giving out instructions. She knew gaara's glance but didn't respond to it. She didn't feel it was safe for others to be around her right now especially since they were getting stronger and wearing her locks out.She'd hope she could hold them back enough to at least survive this test...or help her friends too.(The self sacrifice is always okay)

Come join me at my lil

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