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Forums Role Playing A new chapter in the new wonderland of vines.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 02:05:48 )
@xnovax :(fair warning i may end up writing less for the beginning but i'll pick up to writing more.)

It was a normal day at the highschool, birds were chirping, classes were ending until Hikaru and kaoru were yelling at each other as a red headed female was trying to get passed them. Hikaru,"i was going to ask her." Kaoru,"No i was-" within seconds the girl had pushed passed them after asking several times nicely for them to move and walked away. Hikaru,"....... that girl is no fun." Kaoru mumbles a snarky remark of rude.

several moments later Hunni joyfully enters the club room with Mori and another friend. Hunni,"Tamaki! Kyoya! I have someone i'd like you to meet!" This redhead female was standing behind Hunni, her hair pulled back as she studies the room with her light teal eyes and dark brown freckles. She spots the twins and sighs softly. Her accent wasn't from her but it was understandable at the least."Hi, im rosanna. You must the host club owners, so nice to finally meet you." She softly smiles. she stays formal and holds her bag looking around still. She never participated in the club or its events but hearing the chatter about it made her interested considering her friend Hunni was in it.

Hikaru was on his phone texting someone, hoping he'd get done with his day earlier than needed. He starts to play a game on his phone becoming distracted. He smiles not noticing Rosanna.Kaoru,"....i can't believe it.."He sighs and slumps slightly before standing up. Kaoru pointing at Rosanna,"You owe me and my brother an apology."He looks at her, she's a few inches shorter than kaoru. rosanna looks at him with an raised eyebrow. Rosanna,"I do not.. i ask you two several different times to move so i wouldn't be late to meet Hunni senpai..." She's a bit in distress.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 02:49:45 )
Tamaki was watching the twins from a short distance away, having a girl in his presence since the host club was in action. It was after school after all. Tamaki sighed softly and ran a hand through his blond hair before getting up from the couch. The girl blinked and glanced at him. "Tamaki, what's the matter?" She asked. He simply offered her a sweet smile and kissed the top of her hand. "Wait for me princess, I'll be right back." He said, then walked over to the group.

"Hikaru, Koaru, is that any.way to talk to a guest of our club?" He scolded lightly. Kyoya was back in his spot, switch my the group members from afar. Those boys still had some growing up to do after all.


Down the hall a ways was a girl with short blond hair and pale lavender eyes, Her skin color was lighter due to her and heath and she wore a female's uniform. This would be her first day at ouran high, and she no idea her childhood friends were right down the hall. Her mother would be late picking her up from the school due to a business meeting, so she was carefully exploring the large school. She couldn't take surprises. Her heart was much too weak and it would send her into an arrhythmia, and aside from her mother and herself, no one expect an friend of hers knew of her condition, and even that was an accident.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 03:02:57 )

Kaoru,"but boss. she- I- .This girl is no way at all-fine...i'll apologize...." He goes quiet when hikaru give him a look. he mumbles and apologizes to Rosanna. Kaoru,"Sorry....miss..."He does a little stunt with his devilishly flirting and gets a little too close to Rosanna to almost get hit but Hunni stepped in between them.Hunni,"Kaoru...i wouldn't try that with her . she's a fighter. " He smiles and gets all cutesy with mori.

Rosanna is clearly regretting being here and her expression shows that.(that's a first for the club an unsatisfied female ) she was unable to leave because Hunni wanted her to experience something here so he booked most of his club hours with her. (or well he paid her to do that so she could stay) Hunni grabs Rosanna's hand and drags her over to a table where cake sat not to far from it. she sits with Hunni keeping her voice quiet and just looking around thinking. rosanna sets her bag in her lap listening to the boy yap about cake and she played along with his game and nodded if she agreed. She did some math homework as Hunni and her test some cakes. Hunni does complain a little that it didn't taste as good as the cake she had brought in for homeroom but he continued to eat it. Mori got busy with some of the female wanting to talk to him.

Kaoru goes back to Hikaru ,"we should step out for a moment after all we need to get ready for our guest..." Hikaru stands up excusing himself from the room leaving with kaoru. They stepped into the hallway chatting to each other. Hikaru," you ever wonder what happened to Alice?..." kaoru,"sometimes yes...but others not as much . i hope she is doing well...." He frowns and noticed Hikaru looked slightly upset. Kaoru,"what's wrong brother?" Hikaru shakes his head softly speaking,"i just miss her......things haven't been the same.."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 03:14:22 )
Tamaki seemed rather content after Kaoru apologized to Rosanna, then turned and went back to the couch where his 'princess' was waiting for his return. She asked if he was okay and he charmingly told her he was fine.

Everything else seemed to be going as usual in the club. It wasn't everyday the small boy was focused on a single female.


Alice stopped briefly to take in her surrounding of the school, she hadn't even noticed the pair of red haired boys not too far from her. Her school back in France wasn't much different as far as size..but the layout was completely different. Well at least they had a music room, she could play the piano in there after classes if her mother kept being late to pick her up.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 03:22:30 )

Rosanna was writing down numbers for her calculus homework since she's bored out of her mind. Hunni,", you're really good at calculus...anyway would you make a few cakes for the club sometime soon?" Rosanna looks up,"thank you and i'm not sure why in the ever living world you'd want me to do that. it would practically giving you too much sugar...and probably end up destroying your male friends here." Hunni whined a little doing his act," would amazing if you did."he pulled the puppy eyes on her. rosanna felt a small bit more regret even more in her body swelling up. Rosanna,"Sure, how many?" Hunni smiling and outloud saying this, "15 cakes!" Rosanna sat there a bit shocked,"You said a few.....not many..." she sighed hiding her face in her hands her distress was obvious from miles away.

Hikaru,"..."He noticed the blond girl and went up to her but making sure she say him."excuse me, are you lost?" Kaoru stands next to hikaru. Kaoru,"You look very nice today miss...what is your name?.." Hikaru couldn't tell if that was Alice or not. Hikaru had a expression of a lost puppy almost as kaoru just looked amused.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 03:38:13 )
Kyoya sighed some as he observed the club members interact with their guests, before noticing Mitsukuni and Rosanna. He casually went up to their table and adjusted his glasses. "Honey-senpai, don't you think that's too many to ask your friend here to make? It would take her all night to make that many." He said, trying to reason with the smaller boy.


Alice blinked as the boys approached her, and her eyes widen, before she looked away and shook her head. She'd recognize those golden amber eyes anywhere. "I'm not lost.." She murmured. "I'm just learning my way around while I wait for my ride home." She said, lowering her eyes. "My name?" She repeated softly. "Of course.. Seven years is along time to not see someone, isn't it?" She asked, glancing at the boys again, testing them.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 03:45:33 )

Hunni," But she....she's done it before plus she said she'd do it." he is not going to give up this chance to share this wonderful treat. Hunni," be one day of savings on cake because she made some..''' he is trying to bargain. Rosanna weakly smiles and feels a soft blush appearing on her face. "h-he's not wrong the amount of money you're wasting for the cake's you buy ridiculous....compared to the free cakes...and it wouldn't take me all night..."Her voice went kinda quiet.

Kaoru," years...." Hikaru hugs alice he broke into tears. Hikaru,"Alice!" He was smiling and cheered up instantly. His expression happier than before. Kaoru was confused but it clicked after a moment. hikaru pulls away for a moment,"....since when do you go to our school??How are you doing?"He had too many questions and wiped his tears away.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 04:20:27 )
Kyoya smirked a bit as Mitsukuni began to pout, then he glanced at Rosanna. "True.. You're cake expense is no laughing matter." He said calmly. "I suppose it's alright then, if you truly don't mind." Kyoya spoke with a light shrug. "We're holding a theme for a new student tomorrow, if you're I interested miss Rosanna." He offered.


Alice was taken back when Hikaru suddenly hugged her, and her heart skipped a beat. "Hikaru.. Don't squeeze me so tight!" She said, being the first first person to ever tell them apart. Hikaru was Hikaru after all, and Kaoru was Kaoru. "My mom got transferred again.. We arrived just last night, and she's enrolled me in this school this morning." She said.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 04:24:56 )
Rosanna,"What type of theme?" She was new herself, to this rich school, so she was quite curious. She looks at kyoya enjoying his company alittle. Hunni," it''ll end up higher if you make me upset.."Rosanna,"hunni please dont be that way..."She rolls her eyes,"always with the empty threats and pouting as if you're three."She shakes her head as he pouted.

Hikaru hugged her lightly,and smiled happily. "Sorry but you should it expect it after all it's been seven years... and that too many years to not see you and your beauty." Kaoru,"Cool,know how long you're staying?.." he noticed how happy his brother was and just smirked.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 04:52:54 )
Kyoya smirked some and noticed how the smaller boy was getting with him around. "France." He said calmly. "Ms. Alice is an old friend of Tamaki's, so he asked me to make the arrangements as far as decorations go. She's also from France, just like Tamaki. It's where they met." He explained.

However, he wasn't aware that the twins also knew her, or how troublesome it could become.


Alice sighed some and returned his hug. "And here I thought you forgot about me." She teased some, glancing at Kaoru. Alice lowered her eyes. "There's no way to know for sure.. I could be here to finish school, or have to leave in a month." She murmured. "She hasn't changed much though, since you first met her. All she ever thinks about is work."

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 11:26:14 )

Rosanna nods smiling,"Alright i'll keep it when the theme. she starts to put her homework away. Hunni looks at her,"Your leaving already?" Rosanna gave him a soft smile and nod. rosanna,"Of course i need to go to the get the stuff i need for 15 cakes. you can join me if you'd like." Hunni jumps up,"Of course! just let me tell mori...." Hunni gets up and goes over to mori telling him. Rosanna mumbles well this isn't how i expected my first day back but it's better than nothing i guess. She seemed dissatisfied and unamused now.

Hikaru, "No why would we forget about one of our closest friends?" Kaoru," we'll make every minute you're around last. we'd truly missed you. " Kaoru hugs her softly. Hikaru is smiling happily. Hikaru,"Alice, would you like to come inside the club room?tamaki is inside there and i think he'd like to see you." he did know tamaki may have missed Alice as well but it didn't bother him that much until he started to think.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 15:21:42 )

Kyoya nodded some and glanced at Mitsukuni, chuckling. "Well, t was nice meeting you Ms. Rosanna." He said, glancing at her. He then turned and began walking off. Kyoya then glanced around to see if the other girl had made it to the club.


Alice hugged Kaoru gently, then she blinked. "Tamaki is here too?" She asked curiously. Wait, a club? She glanced at the boys. "What kind of club?" She asked, tilting her head. Regardless.. If She could see Tamaki, could her heart handle it?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 16:06:49 )

Rosanna stands up gathering her things as Hunni finally catches up with her. She nodded at Kyoya not realizing she may have been blushing some. She leaves the club with Hunni who begins to get all excited.

Hikaru,"It's a host was tamaki's idea and yeah he is.."Hikaru smiled at her hoping she could handle it. he didn't want to lose her or have her in pain. Kaoru pulled away sighing softly and grinned. Kaoru," yeah I should probably go get him instead though.....just so no one gets jealous."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 16:43:39 )
(Last post until I get home tonight)

Kyoya lightly leaned against the couch behind Tamaki as the girl got up and left. "Kyoy, do you see her?" The blonde asked, and Kyoya shook his head. "Perhaps she already went home?" He suggested, causing Tamaki to pout.


Alice blinked. What was a She wondered, then giggled at Kaoru's teasing. She could already see Hikaru getting jelous, he never did like to share her when they were kids. Alice shook her head. "I'll take a peek, but only for a moment. I've never seen a host club before."

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/1 16:51:04 )

Kaoru loops one of alice's arm through his as HIkaru do the same walking her to the host club room. Kaoru,"you're in for a treat." Kaoru was grinning wildly as they walked. Hikaru just looked at Alice as they walked memorizing every detail of her before she was swept back into tamaki's arms again. It boiled his inner core but he kept quiet about it. After all he wanted was to have Alice happy. Kaoru notices his own brothers jealous making note of what to ask his brother later. They enter the club room with alice in between them, kaoru in a happy voice. Kaoru,"boss, we brought you a present." Hikaru stayed silent but smiled or forced his calming smile and let go of alice's arm as Kaoru did too.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 02:11:53 )
Alice had to focus on keeping calm as she followed the boys into the room, her eyes wide with awe. Oh wow.. It was so big, and decorated! There were girls all around the room, talking and giggling among themselves. She hasn't even noticed the young man standing before her as the twins brought her to Tamaki.

Tamaki blinked and glanced at her when he heard the voice of one of the twins. His violet eyes lit up and he immediately stood and wrapped his arms delicately around her figure. "My dear Alice, it's been so long!" He voiced, hugging her. "I've missed you so much." He said. Alice hadn't had time to prepare for this, and her heart skipped a beat, her cheeks darkened with blush. Oh.. Oh no.. "Tamaki.. Mom got transferred here last night." She said quietly.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 02:20:52 )

Hikaru watched quietly as kaoru whispered to him as a pair of girls called to them. Hikaru looked at Alice frowning but went to go handle them. Hikaru thought were filled with jealousy and envy as Alice blushed in tamaki's arms. Hikaru did the usual game and put his face smile on as he tended to these other girls. Kaoru did the act of being flirty with his brother and noticed the pain in his eyes. Kaoru was worried and hugged his brother making these girls squeal.

Meanwhile, in the housing of Rosanna smith-

There was chaos and cakes everywhere. Rosanna had flour in her hair as Hunni had chocolate on his face. They took some photos together and Hunni sent that one to kyoya saying, 'we should keep her around she's sooo much fun.' Rosanna decorated the cakes to look like certain places of france. many of them were extraordinary. she was lucky she had room in her fridge for all these cakes.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 03:41:22 )
Alice noticed the twins had gone off to talk with some of the girls, and realized she was now 'alone' with Tamaki, who was and still is her first crush. "How long are you staying? Oh, now that you're here we can play the piano together." He said happily. Alice's heart pounded against her chest at this point. He remembered, when they used to play together? "Tamaki.. I.. I have to go. Mum's on her way to pick me up." She said softly, acting like her phone had gone off from a text or something. Tamaki let her go and pouted some. "You'll come back tomorrow right? To the club I mean." He said, hopeful.

Alice nodded some, then hurried out of the club room. She got part way down the hall before she stopped and leaned against the wall, and focusing on getting her heart to slow down.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 03:49:54 )

hikaru felt his heart crack slightly and looked at his own brother. he couldn't stay a minute longer. He excuses himself from the group going over to kyoya saying he's going home he'll be back tomorrow maybe. Kaoru gets up apologizing to the girls letting them go home and such. he went to the back room where Hikaru went to get changed into his normal clothing. Kaoru,"hikaru...what's wrong..." Hikaru sighed and just tried to keep himself together. Hikaru,"i-im just not feeling well....i think we should head the driver up...." Kaoru looked at his brother worriedly and nodded doing so and getting their stuff ready to go.

Come join me at my lil

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/2 04:14:29 )
Alice sat in the hallway, still leaning against the wall. Why did she want to see Hikaru so badly? He always got her to calm down after finding out she was sick.. Always followed her like a puppy.. They weren't kids anymore though. Her chest hurt and it was hard for her to breathe. She coughed into her arm, then hugged her knees. After all these years, she still couldn't be around Tamaki without this happening.

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