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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 04:27:51 )
@Gatorlec: OOOHHH SNAP! i love those socks to lmaooo
They're great! >w<

A complete gator outfit would be one sight to see! :0

I hope yours goes away as well!
He's good! just had his 1 month check up the other day and is on the complete mend from his circumcision!
He has gained 4 pounds since he was born ;;w;; he's gotten so big
And lmao he has had some trouble with baby acne and when the dr took one look at him, he looked at me and asked "Have you or anyone else been kissing the baby?"
me and my SIL just looked at each other and laughed. I sheepishly denied but then quickly said "How can you not kiss him?! he's perfect!"

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 04:32:41 )
@Keo: Ahaha they're the best socks. It would be grand!

Ah, he's already a month? That's good, he's doing so well. My boys and I never got circumcised. I don't see the need and it's not routinely done in Ireland, where I was born, but to each their own, I'm not judgey. ; D I'm so glad he's doing so well.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 04:50:39 )
@Gatorlec: Dude! Those are cool! XD

@Keo: Yeah, wic is super helpful! If you guys have a dollar general, I super suggest the coupon thing.
It saves a lot on wipes, diapers, and such. *^* Plus that Saturday spend $25 get $5 off coupon helps.
I'm sure that helps! Since we live in a small town our stuff tends to be overpriced. *^*;;
Lol I wish I had friends like that! XD I'm pretty much solo here...
I do thrift shopping too but the sale was literally 50% off then an added 50% off so they were $2 to $3 a pair. ;;>>
Oh no! X'D Well, the good thing is- there is no such thing as a spoiled baby, only much loved. XD He loves his family.


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 04:56:25 )
@PoeticTorment: I'm going to be the coolest dude at the pool this summer! B )

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 05:12:36 )
@Gatorlec: I can agree there! XD They don't sell cool stuff like that here. *^*

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 05:15:59 )
@keo: i fell asleep at 6pm and woke up at 11pm, and i'm not tired at all. this is troublesome.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 05:36:48 )
@Gatorlec: I'll be honest, I didn't want him circumcised at all... I really regret caving in and getting it done. But what's done is done and I can't undo it. :'C

but otherwise yes! he's perfect! ♥
right size, right weight he's very healthy and is scheduled for his vaccines next month ;w;
So everything is going well for him >u<

how has life been for you? :3

@PoeticTorment: oooh! thatnks for the tip! I was looking into amazon prime for diapers.
my other SIL told me if you buy a subscription to monthly diapers you get like 5-10 dollars of a box depending on brand. I've yet to check in on that ;w;
and I found formula at aldi's right now that is super duper affordable for me =u=

Well my friend is a shopaholic and overbuys so sometimes i get brand new clothes! I'm just glad she and I are the same size *A*

oh yes! I agree and my boy is very very loved lmao

@Rubix: D: why aren't you sleepy? 5hrs isn't a lot of sleep at all :<
are you well?

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 05:43:35 )
@Keo: Sometimes it's hard to not cave if you feel pressured.
That's awesome , I'm so happy to hear that! (I'm also glad you're getting him vaccinated. Antivaxxers cause me anger).

Okay. I saw my bitch ex wife (not Janna the ex before her) and it took all my willpower to not trip her as she walked by me. xD

Other than that, my son turns 8 in 16 minutes. It doesn't seem right because when I first joined Cae, before voltra was made, he was 4. T_T why's he so big now?!


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 06:12:20 )
@Gatorlec: Yeaaa it was a losing fight because I had no one in my corner ;m;
but it taught me a very valuable lesson to fight harder and stick to my convictions when it comes to my kid. Just sad that something so drastic had to happen for me to get to that point :'/

I hate antivaxxers with a passion. I can go on and on about how much they make my blood boil. >:T
But yea! I'd like my child to be alive and healthy sooo vaccines will happen lmaooo

whooo you're the bigger person for it then! But that's such a mood xD

omg! :0
wow! 8! he's such a big guy already! tell him to stop growing and stay small forever! D':
Happy birthday to him! :3

My life has been a never ending waterfall of stress lmaooo
My brother and SIL moved into my place.... between the two of them they have 4 kids.
So I was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to having a baby all the time to now juggling having so many more children around x.x;;
granted 3 of them sometimes go to their respective parents homes... that's only sometimes xD
It's just been major life changes all happening at once and it's been tough. But! I am making it through! ;w;

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 06:28:12 )
@Keo: Well, it's your kid, you're the only one who has any jurisdiction over what happens with him. I've always been a little aggressive butt head, so people don't really push me because I'm known to get snippety at them. I'm also stubborn as an ox and once my mind is set, lol good luck changing it. You'll need to be hella convincing.

Antivaxxers suck. Natural selection, I guess but too bad they put everyone at risk.

I'm only the bigger person because I can't afford a lawyer. xD

Aww, well that's sucky. I hope you get used to it soon.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 06:46:10 )
@Gatorlec: I am a very soft person irl and can easily be pushed over and told to do something... Which I'm working so desperately on.
I'm tired of doing things or getting my feelings hurt over stuff that I shouldn't be.
I just hate confrontation but it's a part of life and I need accept it and change myself to conform to it @A@;;

Can't have herd immunity if the herd ain't doing what it's supposed to :T

lmaoooo!!! that needs to be on a shirt because I would wear the hell out of it XD

I'll adjust eventually lol

How was your day? 8D

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 06:52:39 )
@Keo: It's hard of you're not used to being assertive. : (


Haha I need to find someone to make us a couple of shirts.

Hopefully it's before you lose your shit.

It was alright. I have been kinda angsty for no reason and I finally had a level day. Yours?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 07:44:22 )
@Gatorlec: that's very true :<
But I've learned you gotta be assertive when you have children x.x;;

hahaha I've already lost all my marbles! 8D
What else can I possibly lose??? lmaoo

oh no D:
I hope you feel better!

it was pretty good! got some sunshine and exercise! and my mom watched Phoenix last night so I could get a full night's sleep ;w;
and wheeew! boy howdy did I miss those! lmao

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 09:01:31 )
@keo: idk, tbh. my vision is foggy and i'm yawning but i'm not totally tired yet?

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 14:18:25 )
@Keo: Unfortunately that's true. People will try to push you into doing things they want for your own kid. : (

You sound like me right there lol.

Ahh, a night's sleep is extremely scarce after becoming a parent. I hope you were able to enjoy it nicely.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 22:12:52 )
@Rubix: I hope you were finally able to get some rest last night|! :0

@Totalanimefan: And good day! :D
lol did you sleep well last night? :>

@Gatorlec: Everyone has advice about kids... and alwaaays gives it when you dont ask for it x.x;;

How are you feeling today?
I'm gone babyyyyyyy~~~
You can find me on
DV // TH // Lasria
....Sry I don't do discord....

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 22:32:21 )
@Keo: Jumping in with your's and @Gatorlec: convo for a sec... I fully understand the circumcising issue. You're not alone there. I was on major painkillers right after giving birth when they convinced me to sign, needless to say, I was heartbroken when I realized. As for the anti-vax, I only support those who physically can't get shots for medical reasons.
And not a problem! We had to learn the hard way and didn't switch to it until later. I suggest trying out different diapers and find one that works the best for your LO, we had to avoid some as our kiddo has a bit of my perfume allergy. =^=; But it was majorly worth it in the long run. I dunno on the amazon stuff, I know their prime does tend to do that though so it might be worth looking into or buying in bulk when you can. I wish we had an aldi's nearby! I would have done that as well, their prices tend to be so much cheaper.
Oh.. That makes sense! XD That must be nice. *^*
Lmao, I'm sure! I know you sound head over heels for the LO. <3

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/4 23:11:17 )

Your cats are so cute!


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 04:08:43 )
@Keo: I try not to give unsolicited advice. Sometimes I do and don't catch myself.

I'm alright. Saw the kids again today and built more Legos. We made a shark, a crab and a treasure chest.


@Poetictorment: That's not right that they got you to sign for his circumcision when you were all drugged up. : ( Wtf.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 05:21:43 )
@Gatorlec: Yeah, it really messed with me. I had nightmares for a really long time about it. *^*;;
Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

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