“Oh w-wow … I s-seldom get to come into c-contact with mortals. I-I didn’t realize how interestingly you all d-dressed for the Reaping! I’ve always thought T-Treat was the best dressed in all the r-realms. Oh … Treat ...”
“W-well, since I-I’m just stuck waiting f-for p-p-pages to fall into my hands, I-I guess I could take a look around and see w-what you all are dressed like. D-do you p-prefer dressing for the spookiness of the event or p-portraying another character? I’d love to know, and see, and um … m-maybe reward the Volties that are the b-best dressed?”
Welcome to Trick’s Avatar Contest! The aim of this contest is to impress Trick with your awesome Halloween and cosplay avatars while he is on business in the realm of Voltra. Trick is interested in two things: seeing how Volties dress for Halloween, and seeing how Volties portray or dress as pre-existing characters, or cosplay! Trick will judge which avatars he likes best for both categories and, at the end of the event, pick the avatars he thinks fit the themes the best. The winning avatars will win a prize!
The two themes for the avatar contest are HALLOWEEN and COSPLAY.
The first place winner for each of the two themes will receive 500 Ohms and a full set of the reaper event items!
The silver runner up will receive 500 Ohms.
The bronze runner up will receive 250 Ohms.
Things to keep in mind:
★ Each user may submit up to 2 different avatars for EACH of the two categories (this means a total of four entries).
★ Trick will judge his favorite avatars based on how well it fits the theme of the category as well as originality of the avatar. Be creative no matter which category you are going to enter!
★ Avatars submitted must be the design of the user who submits them. Submitting an avatar that you did not come up with will result in a forfeiture of the contest and possibly a ban from the site.
★When submitting a post, please be clear which of the two categories you are submitting an entry for. If you are submitting for the cosplay category, you must include a reference image. Failure to mention your category or include a reference image for a cosplay category may result in your entry not being accepted.
★To submit an entry, post a screenshot of the avatar you want to submit using a direct link and the img code. Trick will not accept “current avatar” or similar submissions. Trick suggests using imgur if you need somewhere to upload the image prior to submission.
Entry #1:

Entry #2:


Entry #1:

Entry #2:

Entry #1:

Entry #2:

Entry #1:

Entry #2:

Miss Kitty:
Entry #1:

Entry #2:


Entry #1:

Entry #2:


Entry #1:

Entry #2:




For I am the Pumpkin King!

Another Movie Addict:
Ruby Rose/RWBY cosplay.

Cure Blossom (and Chypre!) from Heartcatch Precure

Soundwave from Transformers Prime

Miss Kitty:
Haruhi (specifically episode 1) from Ouran High School Host Club

Bubbles from The PowerPuff Girls

I'm Maka from Soul Eater

"Maka" From Soul Eater Anime

Marluxia Kingdom HEARTS Organization 13

Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club

Entry #2:

Velma from Scooby Doo

Bonnie from Five Nights At Freddy's

Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service

Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara

"Frank" the rabbit from Donnie Darko

Re-L Mayer of Ergo Proxy

Vanora from Highrise Accessories

Link from Breath of the Wild

Old Gregg from The Mighty Boosh

Haruhi Fujioka from the anime Ouran Highschool Host Club

Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls

Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls

Sonic the Hedgehog