Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 16:15:48 )
@eleven: My acne acceptance has come a long way over the years lmao
I know most people aren't even going to notice it, but it bothers me that I notice it.
Also, good morning all! What are the plans this Thursday?
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 16:27:54 )
@eyry: You're an artist? Me too! I forced myself to draw something in a new notebook last night,
even though I'm not exceptionally happy with it. Drawing anything is better than drawing nothing.
Especially when I spend so much time devoted to work and school.
@Booderdooder: nice! I feel so awkward calling myself an artist, but I should try. |D
yeah I don't draw enough and I've had soooo much time off lately. I really should be working more on it
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 16:30:31 )
@eyry: If you have anything to show, share it!
That's why I feel guilty about having this week off >>; I had plenty of time to work on
Patreon stuff, but I couldn't bring myself to dedicate so much time to it.
I'll have to take a day off sometime soon JUST to get caught up on pieces.
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 16:33:15 )
@eyry: Patreon isn't that hard to set up, and I only have two patrons at the moment lmao
And they're two of my close friends OTL I really don't use it as often as I should
@Booderdooder: haha but it does sound official! xD I'd recommend looking through archive if you want to see more stuff haha. I've gone through longgg periods of not drawing much. so it's just like inktobers. and then little vector pieces and then digital art under all that
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 16:42:58 )
@eyry: Dang, I should really make some kind of chronological things to see how my art develops over the months.
Not that I draw more than once every three months, anyway @-@ here is the most recent drawing I've done that I'm the most happy with.
@Booderdooder: yeah it's cool to look through
I obviously don't have all the art I've ever made on there. but since I started the Tumblr at least. it's got all of it (or most if I forgot anything) haha
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 22:11:03 )
@eyry: Thanks! I doodled while at work, since it was a super slow day. I think that's the best of the three I did that shift.
@Bonnie: Sorry for my delayed response >>;
This vacation is actually making me pretty stir-crazy...I just caught up on homework willingly, I was so bored...
Here now, though!
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 22:27:23 )
@Bonnie: I'm starting to wish I wasn't @-@ I'm really losing it over here
I just have to hold out until Saturday morning. Then I actually have plans to go and do things.
Donator — She/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 01:45:31 )
@Bonnie: I think I just go nuts when I have nowhere to go and nothing to do @-@
It's like I'm just letting the days pass until something happens.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. At this rate, I think I actually prefer being overwhelmed with work and school lmao