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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 07:17:00 )
@keo: mhm, kinda~

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 22:55:11 )
@PoeticTorment: I'm sure. That's terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 23:03:57 )
@Gatorlec: Thanks. I felt horrible for kiddo. It makes me feel like I failed him but I know they shouldn't have had me sign anything while so out of it. *^*; But at least he's healthy so I suppose it could have ended up worse.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 23:16:27 )
@PoeticTorment: That's so messed up they got you to sign for that without you being in the correct state of mind!
I honestly have wept so very much over the whole issue and am still very heartbroken over it. He is completely healed now, but i still wish I never went through with it.

Oh yea, if you have a legit medical reason why you can't get vaccines I'm ok with that to!

Right now I still have a bunch of diapers left over from the baby shower! I'm going to be sad when they run out but I should ok for the next week or two ;3;
I have used some scented wipes and some fabric softener while washing his laundry. He doesn't seem to have had an allergic reaction to anything, so it may open up options for me for diapers :3
I have prime! That's why the whole amazon diaper thing was suggested to me lol

How are you doing today :D

@Totalanimefan: Sleep sounds so good ;w;
It's a far off friend to me... I friend I would very much like to visit but it never invites me over xD
Oooh! Pizza sounds good to!

@sunny: Oh thank you *w*
Do you have any cats?

@Gatorlec: Shark! Did is have cool lego teeth?
Also crab! how did the claws look? 8D

I am deliriously tired today!
My little dude isn't falling asleep until like 6am. And I have spent so much of today trying to keep him awake, but no matter how I pester him or try to engage him little man ain't having it lmao
I curse myself for making him a heavy sleeper hahaha

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 23:17:02 )
@Rubix: how you been friendo?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 23:28:52 )

@Keo: I do have a cat, he's black and his name is Logan.


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 01:01:12 )
@PoeticTorment: It's hard not to feel like you've failed your kid if you mess up. But you are right and I'm glad you don't dwell on it, clearly it's not your fault.

@Keo: Here's some pictures:
the teeth were their own pieces. It's cool. The shark took about 2.5 hours.

Omg I hope you get some sleep soon.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 02:29:07 )
@Keo: Yeah, it really is. It's a tough decision to make, you did what you thought was best at that time. I fully understand the feeling of heartbreak over it. But at least they're healthy and loved.
I have an allergy to some ingredients but the only one I really avoid is the flu shot. But it's because I have a worse allergic reaction the shot then how bad the flu gets me. XD
Well, I hope they last as long as possible! *^*
Oh, that's great! And yeah, it'll let you use most brands! We were stuck with one or two only, it sucked when the store was sold out. *^*;
Lol Then you'll have a lot of options on there.
I'm doing much better! How about you??

@Gatorlec: That's part of being a parent (well a good one) I try not too, that's for sure. I did sign it so whatever they said to me then did make sense to me at the time so I do accept part of the blame. Even if I don't remember what they said, I was coherent enough to sign. I just try to make up for it by doing better for him. I feel I might be a bit too overprotective now though. ;>>

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 04:51:02 )
@sunny: awww he's sounds cute!
where did you find him? how old is he?

@Totalanimefan: How was your day today? :D

@Gatorlec: The shark looks cool af!! :00
And looks like it came with a lot of pieces >u<;;
The crab is super cute ;0;
Did the kitty help you build those as well? lol

Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight ;w;

//Also since I finished Poetic's pixel I'mma be starting on the gator soooooon 8D

@PoeticTorment: Yes my LO is very very loved >u<
but every member of my family and then some! ;w;
oh wow! That's crazy :00
Have you ever caught the flu?
So do I xD but diapers do go very quickly lol
Oh no! that must have been awful to deal with D:

I'm doing alright >u<;;
Very very VERY tired lol
but I will survive, made a very very good dinner tn so it put a little pep in my step lol
ALSO!!! I finished your pixel *u*

I may go back and make that kitty in the teacup cuz that idea is to cute to put down tbh >u<;;

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 05:17:07 )
@Keo: I can tell just by how you speak! :)
I'm sure! *^*
I suppose! My mom has the same allergy so it might be genetic or something.
Yes, a few times and I tend to get over it in about a week and a half. (no longer than two weeks) And the shot was way worse. The rash stays for a month... I can't stand the itching. The only other one I had a major allergic reaction to was the Gardasil shot. And the nurses talked me into getting two out of three even though it recommends you not to get it if you show any allergic reactions to the first one. It was very close to sending me to the emergency room. It was almost as bad as my poison ivy allergy, which closes my throat up. *^*;;
I know but it's good to be hopeful. Lmao
Yeah, his poor bum got the worst of it.
Aw, I hope you get some rest but I'm glad you're going okay!
And OMG that's gorgeous!! *^*
I can show it off in my thread, right??!
And I'd love that! But no rush if you do. *^*

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 13:51:52 )
@PoeticTorment: As long as you don't beat yourself up over it.

How are you today?

@Keo: Thanks! Yeah, 230. This has the most pieces of anything we've put together.

The cat hindered this time. She kept knocking it off the table.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 20:05:30 )
@Gatorlec: I don't. Mistakes happen, that's life. *^*
I'm going pretty well! I'm finally making a dent in my remodel stuff.
I think the only thing that upset me recently was our washer pretty much quit on us. (It's not even 3 years old)
How about you? :)
Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

^^Page prizes = FREE Sketch!!
It's only forever~ It's not long at all...

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/6 21:43:30 )

@Keo: He's 6 years old. He was born from my other cat Raven who is sadly no longer with us :(


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/9 19:15:26 )
@keo: tired. cold. bored. angry. depressed.

@sunny: i have a black cat name monique.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/9 19:23:34 )

@Rubix: that is an awesome name for a cat!


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/10 05:55:04 )
@sunny: she came with it, when we adopted her ~

@keo: my cae avi is bangin' rn. idk if this is allowed, but ima chance it.
look at how sexy i made him ;o;

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/10 06:59:49 )
Hello. Sorry for being MIA. Wiped out from work and a bit bitchier than usual.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/11 22:02:39 )
-crawls back into thread-
iiiiimmmmm alive v.v;;
but i have been drowning irl BS!
Sorry i havent been on in a few days x.x

@PoeticTorment: You can shwo the art wherever you pleeeaasee!!!
Its yours, you can do whatcha want with it *w*
Also how have you beeeeen???

@sunny: I'm sorry for your loss :<
Losing a kitty is always so sad!
At least you have a piece of her in your current furbaby ;w;
How are ya?

@Rubix: bruuuhhh! your avi looks good AF! ;0;
you should be nommmmmmmeeedddd ♥

@Gatorlec: it's ok! I fell off the face of the planet for like a week x.x;;
how have you been =w=;;

@Totalanimefan: I have been tired! and struggling with life atm lol
but it is what it is =u=;;
I'll get on through it :3
How are you? :D
I'm gone babyyyyyyy~~~
You can find me on
DV // TH // Lasria
....Sry I don't do discord....

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/11 22:05:25 )

@Keo: yeah Logan acts so much like his mother sometimes that it's kind of upsetting :/ but he is a joy! I am ok thank you, just getting ready for bed. How are you?


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/11 23:18:43 )
@keo: i've been nommed nearly every week since i started making better avis maybe since late or mid last year.. but i've only won the monthly avi thing x) but thats okay with me. because i get free lovely dis <3

people liked my female witchy one but i feel kinda awkward with female avis, tho i like mixing it up sometimes~

ps; that avi is because of you ;o; so thank you again. TT your kindness.

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