I know bodyshaming is supposed to be a no-no, but I would like to say something.
It really really bugs me when I see too thin girls with legs the size of my forearms wear skinny jeans. On the contrary, it also bugs me when I see overweight people wear clothes so baggy it makes them look twice their size.
Am I a total asshole for thinking people should dress according to their bodytype?
That it's not okay to make yourself look even more skinny or fat than you already are?
Especially skinny people annoy me when their wear tight clothes. And when I say skinny, I don't mean people within a normal weightrange. I mean people who make you think "dear god would you please just eat a hamburger".
I know we're not supposed to care how we look in the eyes of others, and that it's politically correct to say everyone is beautiful no matter what. But what could possibly be obtained from making your legs look so thin it makes others want to kick them just to see if they snap?
What could possibly be obtained from looking obese when you're just slightly overweight?
Shouldn't the goal be to try and look healthy?
I'm not a fan of the whole "fat people can't wear tube tops" spiel, but I do think people should pay more attention to what fits their bodytype.
I know what fits mine and what doesn't. I know what makes me look like a homeless landwhale and what just makes me look like the nerdy enby I am. I know if I wore some of the clothes I really liked I'd look 8 months pregnant because they DON'T FIT MY BODYTYPE, so I DON'T WEAR THEM.
And I know it's none of my business how others dress. Still, it bugs me that someone would willingly make themselves look unhealthy.
Forums Serious Talk People should dress according to their bodytype. [rant]
I like wearing baggy clothes with my after Baby body! Even if i look more fat. Its just extreme comfortable
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I'm a larger person and i wear baggy clothes because when their SKIN tight or at least 'against the skin' i feel claustrophobic. and it makes me uncomfortable, another reason is that i have poor balance, so my clothes get caught on things and i got tired of it RIPPING when i did wear tighter clothes then i do now. because lets face it you can probably go tot he store and spend fifty on an outfit. for me its 150 to 200 dollars for an outfit, so it HAS GOT to last. and at least when it gets caught on a door handle or nail or something while being baggy it doesn't rip, it just tugs.

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Honestly, I really don't care that much about what other people wear. I wouldn't like it if someone tried to tell my how I should dress, so it wouldn't make sense for me to do it to someone else. There might be times where I see someone wearing something that I don't particularly like, but it's not like I think they need to wear something else. They're the one wearing it, so they're the one that needs to like it, not me.
People should wear whatever makes them feel the most comfortable/happy. I don't think someone should be limited in what they can wear. It's just clothes. lmao. It's like saying guys shouldn't wear dresses. Why not? Because it gives someone the ickies? Pretty poor reason.
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
My weight fluctuates a lot because of hormonal problems, and when I’m fit and feeling good, I wear stuff that’s true to my body type. But when I start gaining weight, I tend to wear baggy clothes because it’s comfortable and makes me feel less self-conscious about my weight gain. I don’t care if it makes me look bigger because I’m not dressing for anyone else but me.
People who are super skinny never bothered me, but I also don’t worry too much about what people are wearing. Even if it’s not visually pleasing to you, it’s not hurting them or anyone else. It’s just too much energy to be stressing about stuff like this. xD
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: just yes tsun! Baggy clothes are soothing and super cozy!
Beauty has always been subjective, so it's hard to what is the best for each body type. Honestly as long as the person feels happy and isn't exposing themselves to minors who cares?

TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I knoooooow girl! Back when I was dating, I used to wear my bf’s shirts and hoodies because they were so comfy. uwu Now I buy men’s hoodies to relive that snugness.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yuuuus! I actually wear a shirt from my bf xD i do so every day since the birth because other clothes just dont do the same comefort like them! My breasts hurt and my belly isnt Flat yet so tight clothes just would be annoying to wear
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

As someone whose clothes are usually too big I feel called out rn :U
I can't say I understand your discomfort, OP. Other people's clothes are their own business. There is no universal goal to look a certain way, so what you're saying about trying to give the appearance of a healthy weight doesn't make much sense to me. Most people just wanna go about their day and wear clothes so as not to be arrested. Maybe they pick different-looking ones based on personal taste, or different sizes/materials/styles based on comfort. That's pretty much it. Clothes aren't "supposed" to do anything except protect us from the elements and maintain public safety to some extent... and, you know, get us service at grocery stores where we might otherwise be kicked out.
Is it possible your discomfort is with these people's body types after all, and not their clothes? Not saying that's necessarily the case, but you do only point out presumably unhealthy body types as being the issue. Regardless, I think considering why it bothers you so much would be a good place to start.
I can't say I understand your discomfort, OP. Other people's clothes are their own business. There is no universal goal to look a certain way, so what you're saying about trying to give the appearance of a healthy weight doesn't make much sense to me. Most people just wanna go about their day and wear clothes so as not to be arrested. Maybe they pick different-looking ones based on personal taste, or different sizes/materials/styles based on comfort. That's pretty much it. Clothes aren't "supposed" to do anything except protect us from the elements and maintain public safety to some extent... and, you know, get us service at grocery stores where we might otherwise be kicked out.
Is it possible your discomfort is with these people's body types after all, and not their clothes? Not saying that's necessarily the case, but you do only point out presumably unhealthy body types as being the issue. Regardless, I think considering why it bothers you so much would be a good place to start.

@Count Trashula: I've been thinking about how to reply to this post for a while now.
Yes, it does bother me when people are unhealthy, and they flaunt it.
I don't mind someone being a little underweight or overweight, I'm on the heavier side myself.
But it bugs me when someone is far, far out of the normal bmi range in either direction. I can't help but feel they imposed it on themselves, and to walk around looking like they're okay with it, and even flaunt it like it's some sort of beauty standard, it disgusts me.
I get that some people can't help it, like untreated binge eating disorder or anorexia or bulimia, but I feel like most people can and just can't be bothered to put in the effort, and to say to the world "I choose to look like this and I want to excaggerate those features like I'm living up to a beauty standard you aren't" just annoys the crap out of me.
I put on a lot of weight due to medications. But I got treatment for it and altered my diet. Sure, I'm still overweight, because I don't exercise much and I don't want to do intermittent fasting or counting calories (because that would send me right into an eating disorder, I know myself well enough), but I still put in enough effort to not be obese, and I don't do anything to make people think I'm proud of looking the way I do, or exaggerate the features of my overweightedness.
Especially with thin girls it bugs me. I don't get how they can say to the world "I look like I haven't eaten in a week and it makes me more beautiful than you, look at my expensive skinny jeans and my tight shirt, look at my legs the thickness of a soda can. Aren't I sexy?"
Yes, it does bother me when people are unhealthy, and they flaunt it.
I don't mind someone being a little underweight or overweight, I'm on the heavier side myself.
But it bugs me when someone is far, far out of the normal bmi range in either direction. I can't help but feel they imposed it on themselves, and to walk around looking like they're okay with it, and even flaunt it like it's some sort of beauty standard, it disgusts me.
I get that some people can't help it, like untreated binge eating disorder or anorexia or bulimia, but I feel like most people can and just can't be bothered to put in the effort, and to say to the world "I choose to look like this and I want to excaggerate those features like I'm living up to a beauty standard you aren't" just annoys the crap out of me.
I put on a lot of weight due to medications. But I got treatment for it and altered my diet. Sure, I'm still overweight, because I don't exercise much and I don't want to do intermittent fasting or counting calories (because that would send me right into an eating disorder, I know myself well enough), but I still put in enough effort to not be obese, and I don't do anything to make people think I'm proud of looking the way I do, or exaggerate the features of my overweightedness.
Especially with thin girls it bugs me. I don't get how they can say to the world "I look like I haven't eaten in a week and it makes me more beautiful than you, look at my expensive skinny jeans and my tight shirt, look at my legs the thickness of a soda can. Aren't I sexy?"
I've always wanted to lift a large quadraped over my head
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
Oof, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having good self-esteem regardless of your body type. I think it’s unhealthy to be bothered by the way other’s look to the extent you are, but that’s just my opinion. x__x If you have a therapist, you could try to talk about this more with them to get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do.
The only time I’m bothered by extremely overweight people are when they’re riding around in those electric wheelchairs at Wal-mart, and it’s not because of how they look, but more of the inconvenience they cause (like taking those chairs away from disabled people and blocking aisles). I am never bothered by super thin people, ever.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi
All the super thin people I've personally known have been so thin because of medical conditions, and were not trying to be thin, so I never assume that being super thin is something done for attention.
But honestly? I don't care what type of clothes people wear on their bodies. I like to wear looser clothes now than I used to, because of medical conditions that mean my circulation cuts off extremely easily, and my increased sensitivity to being squeezed by snug clothes. There are so many comfort reasons to choose clothes other than what I look like to other people.
But honestly? I don't care what type of clothes people wear on their bodies. I like to wear looser clothes now than I used to, because of medical conditions that mean my circulation cuts off extremely easily, and my increased sensitivity to being squeezed by snug clothes. There are so many comfort reasons to choose clothes other than what I look like to other people.

I'm really thin due to metabolism issues that is faster than I can possibly eat enough calories lol. I have super big issues about my body, and my choice in tighter pants is only because my legs are the thing I'm most proud of on my body. It just makes me feel better about my body
I do agree though, I will go onto amazon or aliexpress and see a lot of extremely thin models with thigh gaps bigger than their actual thighs wearing tight pants. It's,,, honestly really bad looking and makes me really sad for the girls
Although when it comes to bigger clothes, I don't think it's that bad for bigger girls. My partner has big big problems with weight and wears baggy hoodies to hide everything so she doesn't have to look at it or even have to think about it.
I do agree though, I will go onto amazon or aliexpress and see a lot of extremely thin models with thigh gaps bigger than their actual thighs wearing tight pants. It's,,, honestly really bad looking and makes me really sad for the girls
Although when it comes to bigger clothes, I don't think it's that bad for bigger girls. My partner has big big problems with weight and wears baggy hoodies to hide everything so she doesn't have to look at it or even have to think about it.
I wear whatever I can get second-hand, in second-hand stores or be lucky to find fitting me in normal clothing stores. I might not entirely fit your 'category' but I do wear baggy clothes especially on my legs as I have a serious problem finding pants that fits my whole legs and not just my shins. I have a pear-shape, like EXTRA pear. just yesterday I took my measurements to try to find some gown I could borow for a LARP as I cant afford to make my own in the time for the masquerade. 81-70-105 that is my size in cms, Im not afraid to share it
some might say " it is easy to find pants as long you know your measurements. " but apart from insanely wide hips I also have some pretty dang muscular legs thanks to biking. So pants that would usually fit me as 'per standard' would only be able to over the shins and not much further. I cant wear high waisted pants as it provoke a pain in my inner private areas ( doctors have not been able to find the source for it, though they have more than once checked if it should be cancer ) so usually I wear a size L-XL and wear a belt to make sure my pants dont drop down over my ass when I sit or bend over.
I have as far as NEVER been 'educated' in what suits my bodytype, im from a poor family and living on orphanages where I had NO females to teach me about fashion what 'look good' and what dont. The only the females in my life have ever focuseed on about me has been to give me tons of perfume and deos that I never asked for.
makkeup I can barely figure out to lay down but at least I make an attempt
coming baxk to my body yes I have an absolute hate to my bodyshape and wish I coul just cut off certain things and donate to others bu no its not an opportunity as per medical sience right now. so yeah g ahead and laugh at me my body is my bloody body and there is nothing I can do about these stupid saddlebags I got. ( saddlebags cant be ttrained away according to health peopel )
ALSO I would like to point out that for overweight people no matter if they wear baggy r fitting clothes there will always be people who complein or bully them for what they are wearing and for how they look. at least that is my experience seen from both my mother when she was heavily overweight and got bullied into a unhealthy image of how her body looks making her believe that now when she is so thin that she dont even have boobs anymore and wear a size extra small, that she still is ' too big fat and thick' but also from friends.
some might say " it is easy to find pants as long you know your measurements. " but apart from insanely wide hips I also have some pretty dang muscular legs thanks to biking. So pants that would usually fit me as 'per standard' would only be able to over the shins and not much further. I cant wear high waisted pants as it provoke a pain in my inner private areas ( doctors have not been able to find the source for it, though they have more than once checked if it should be cancer ) so usually I wear a size L-XL and wear a belt to make sure my pants dont drop down over my ass when I sit or bend over.
I have as far as NEVER been 'educated' in what suits my bodytype, im from a poor family and living on orphanages where I had NO females to teach me about fashion what 'look good' and what dont. The only the females in my life have ever focuseed on about me has been to give me tons of perfume and deos that I never asked for.
makkeup I can barely figure out to lay down but at least I make an attempt
coming baxk to my body yes I have an absolute hate to my bodyshape and wish I coul just cut off certain things and donate to others bu no its not an opportunity as per medical sience right now. so yeah g ahead and laugh at me my body is my bloody body and there is nothing I can do about these stupid saddlebags I got. ( saddlebags cant be ttrained away according to health peopel )
ALSO I would like to point out that for overweight people no matter if they wear baggy r fitting clothes there will always be people who complein or bully them for what they are wearing and for how they look. at least that is my experience seen from both my mother when she was heavily overweight and got bullied into a unhealthy image of how her body looks making her believe that now when she is so thin that she dont even have boobs anymore and wear a size extra small, that she still is ' too big fat and thick' but also from friends.
As a representative of the "eat a hamburger" committee (LOL) I can tell you that being thin sucks also.
The problem is... no one wants to hear it.
They just want to hate you for it.
They don't care that this body burns through everything it has, unless put on a SUPER HEAVY protein diet, which sucks for your insides.
I wear whatever I can find that looks vaguely cute, because I hate my body.
If I wear skinny jeans, it means I'm okay enough that day to wear them.
Okay enough not to hide myself underneath baggy jeans and three hoodies.
Please don't let anyone tell you how to be. You are all wonderful.

The problem is... no one wants to hear it.
They just want to hate you for it.
They don't care that this body burns through everything it has, unless put on a SUPER HEAVY protein diet, which sucks for your insides.
I wear whatever I can find that looks vaguely cute, because I hate my body.
If I wear skinny jeans, it means I'm okay enough that day to wear them.
Okay enough not to hide myself underneath baggy jeans and three hoodies.
Please don't let anyone tell you how to be. You are all wonderful.

Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)
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