@chika: They're amazing. All the girls are so good, I might sob. When I first started, Rin was my favourite, and when Aquors came I liked Ruby XD. And then for SIFAS I thought Rina was cute, but then I think it was her card in lives that screeched in my ear maybe so I was sad XD. But it's honestly hard for me to pick faves now XD
I think I can pick three per group at least XD
Like Muse would be Rin, Nozomi and Umi (I just picked Lilywhite didn't I XD) or Hanayo? and for Aquors I'd pick Ruby, Yoshiko and Mari or Hanamaru? Gosh, I'm sobbing, they're all so good.
I haven't actually seen the anime, I juet read all the game side stories, maybe I should check out the anime some day XD
Haha yeah, seems to be whichever device you start on, that's what you're better at XD
I have bandori on my ipad and I had Utapri and deresute on my phone once upon a time, (Utapri is probably the one game I'm better at on phone than ipad for some reason? My ipad lags it something terrible even with effects off) but both my devices are lacking space, like...technically they're both 16GB devices but software...and rhythm games take like several gigs on their own...I sob...maybe one day I can get a bigger storage and play lots more rhythm games XD
I didn't realise SIfAS EN was out, haha, I've been so disconnected from the world lately XD I forgot to check