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Forums General Chit-Chat Hypothetical Questions

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 18:00:56 )
The forums are all going pretty slow so I thought this would be a good way to get some movement. Feel free to do multiple (just make sure you don't break the triple posting/spam rules, this isn't the undercurrent!). Include the number of which question you are answering. The credit for some of the longer ones go to Chuck Klosterman, creator of the game "Hypertheticals". Go ahead and pick your poison:

1. You get to create a sitcom, guaranteed to air. What would it be about and how would the production work (i.e. would you have laugh tracks, what tropes are in it, how would you work with censorship)?

2. If you got to have any magical power (not super power, this is fantasy magic), what would it be and how would it function? -OR- What stereotypical power seems like a really trash power, magical or super (reading thoughts, flight, being invisible, etc.)

3. You get to solve one big problem in the world. What would the issue be and/or what would you change in the world to fix it?

4. Do you think that war can end at some point and people would no longer engage in it, or do you believe that it's too far ingrained within society to come to a final end?

5. In a zombie apocalypse, you get the choice of one very untraditional weapon (no guns, bows, knives, etc), what would it be?

6. You get to finally have your dream career instantly and be paid graciously, but in the process you will lose your mind. Would you choose to continue and have your dream career or stay in your current state to save your sanity?

7. You're now in a youtube group with your best friends, creating genuinely good content together that people love. The problem is - one of the members slowly starts to get more power/money hungry and starts changing the group dynamic, slowly making members leave out of frustration with the path the group dynamic is headed. Would you break off with some of the group members and abandon anyone that doesn't choose to come along or attempt to (and more-than-possibly fail) to bring the dynamic back to its original state?

8. Wattpad becomes a platform for new authors to make actual stories that they can't get published (for whatever reason) after fanfiction is banned. The quality of the new abundance of stories are much much higher than before the ban happens. Would you read the stories or avoid it to save your image due to Wattpad's legacy?

9. You are able to send a letter to yourself at any past stage of your life. You only get one sheet of wide-ruled notebook paper to get all of your points across (you cannot write multiple layers of text on a single line of the notebook paper). What age/stage of life would you send the letter and what would you tell yourself?

10. You own a multiplex building that has three seperate units in it. You are planning to move into one of them while collecting rent money from the other two units, but have medical/psychological needs that require someone to take care of you in a manor (it's not too serious, rather just inconvenient) and you have no one to move in to make sure you're okay. Because of this, you have to live with your parent(s) for the time being. Someone that you're close with that lives in another state is willing to move in with you to take care of you but they have to stay where they are for the time being for college or some other reason keeping them there. They will move to your city in four years, so in the meantime you decide to rent out all three of them, but when you need to move out, you would have to kick someone out in order to live there. You cannot move into a different building at that point until you can afford to buy another property, which would take years more than when you friend will move. Would you be okay with kicking someone to the curb (and losing their rent money) in order to finally live (kind of) on your own?

11. Some animals have the same level of sentience and intelligence as the average human, and also have proper vocal chords to communicate in human languages and can cross-breed with humans, making animal-human hybrids. Do you believe it would be morally okay for intimate relations with these animals to exist since they can fully consent and understand consent or is it too far in a moral grey area for it to be morally okay?

12. You/your partner (pretend one of you is a girl if the relationship is two men) are pregnant and very excited to have a child together. You've tried for years but nothing ever happened until now. During a checkup for the pregnancy, the doctor tells you the child will have down syndrome. Would you terminate the pregnancy to avoid having someone that would live with the struggles of down syndrome or not?

13. Someone builds a paranormal "Honesty Room." Within the walls of this room, it is impossible for anyone to tell lies (or to avoid answering whatever questions they are asked). This same inventor also creates a memory loss drug that is released into the air inside the Honesty Room as an airborne mist; what this means is that people who enter the Honesty Room will not remember what they said, what questions they were asked, or even that they were ever there. The only antidote to the memory loss drug is a pill, and you have this pill. So--in essence--you have access to a room where every guest who enters will tell you the absolute truth (about anything) and then immediately forget what they were asked and what they said. But you will retain everything you learn. You get to go in with a convicted criminal or someone who is suspected to have committed/been involved in a crime. Who would you bring in, and what would you ask them?

14. At long last, someone invents "the dream VCR." This machine allows you to tape an entire evening's worth of your own dreams, which you can then watch at your leisure. However, the inventor of the dream VCR will only allow you to use this device of you agree to a strange caveat: When you watch your dreams, you must do so with your family and your closest friends in the same room. They get to watch your dreams along with you. And if you don't agree to this, you can't use the dream VCR. Would you still do this?

15. You are hired by the government to help solve crimes related to murder or suicide, since you are a well-known medium that can actually talk to spirits (unlike all the phony tv show scammers). You are able to interview the spirits of the murdered individual(s) (or individual(s) that are suspected to be suicides but people are unsure of) to find out who killed them at their death sites. A long since closed case is being highly scrutinized by people across the world since the evidence around said case is very fishy. You are told that this case takes place on private property that the owner is very not okay with letting you on, which has ramifications with your career as a spiritual investigator. The court does not allow you a permit to be on the property without the owner's permission. In short - you are given the chance to finally put this huge and rather suspicious case to rest, but in the process you can possibly be fired and prosecuted for trespassing. Would you still go forward with your investigation in hopes to find the truth or would you avoid it to make sure you won't lose your job?

I apologize if this belongs in a different category, I wasn't sure where else to put this. Feel free to suggest new questions to add to this and I will update it if I think it fits and is thought-provoking enough.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 18:25:24 )
I'll start off by answering one:

Question 1:

I've thought about this one for a while. My biggest inspiration for it is That 70s Show.
It takes place in a small town with a small group of friends in high school that hang out at the apartment of a girl named "Cass Drew" who's an artist (haha "Drew" also I think an artist trope is very very underrated, so much hilarious potential that is overlooked) who has intense body issues from being short and extremely underweight and basically being bullied about it. There's a very obvious seperation of classes (lower income at the complete opposite side of the town from higher income).
The cast also includes Orchid Mcalister, daughter of *those* kinds of parents who want to look like they have a high (but fake) status, and use her as a trophy of sorts during the many unnecessary house parties they hold, but are completely broke due to really bad impulse-shopping of overpriced designer clothes by her mom. Her parents are very controlling and put a lot of pressure on her, which when she stays the night as Cass's apartment, Cass promotes her to take the pounds of makeup and super fancy clothes in exchange for comfier clothes to help her relax.
Then there's Grace Lemmen, next door neighbor of Cass, who's tall and a chunkier build which she also has bad problems with. Her parents are definitely on the lower side of the income issues in the town and always has something on her mind that she keeps quiet about outside of Cass's bedroom where they all hang out. She tends to act extremely differently between the outside world and in Cass's room.
Jamie Toddson is a freshman who's the son of very white-bread parents who - since they grew up in a small, midwestern town - haven't been exposed to a whole lot of diversity in races and non-cis/het people. They're excepting of other races and non cis/hetero people but just don't exactly understand or know how to interact with those things. Jamie is kind of secretive about who he genuinely is as a person since he acts a lot less white-bread than his parents and doesn't want his parents to act weird towards him.

Production-wise there's absolutely no laugh track since I think a lot of shows use it as a crutch for poor writing. Set design would be an important deal, I want settings for everyone's places to reflect them and/or their families, and I want the town to feel genuine. I want the characters to seem more realistic than just stereotypes you can drag from every other sitcom, but at the same time still reflect how people stereotypically act when they've grown up in a small town with a lower population. I want a catchy and simple theme song people won't want to skip over when the theme comes on (again, pulling this from That 70s Show). The layout of the town wouldn't have a grocery store , instead they have to drive to the next town over to get actual groceries, there's very few stores and certain services (dentist, hair stylists, etc) are ran out of houses that were modified to be small facilities. The only stores in the town are a dollar store with very very very basic groceries (if you can even call them that), a gas station (that Orchid works at), a small thrift store, and a store that sells things local citizens of the city make like candles, paintings and whatever else the citizens decides they want money for (that Cass works for to make money off of her art). There's a small performance center for local bands and a bar.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 18:57:35 )

    14 is pretty interesting - i would do it since my dreams are usually pretty wild and usually the people who make appearances in them aren't family or friends. some take place in places i would like to revisit and review for myself to draw |D


Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 19:03:27 )
@pachi: I was thinking no considering I remember vividly weird, uncomfortable things and don't want others to see it but you bring up a good point about revisiting things. My family might appreciate the dreams I have about my hometown. Still wouldn't due to the really stank dreams I get every so often

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 19:14:30 )
This sounds like fun! I'll give it a go...
1. You get to create a sitcom, guaranteed to air. What would it be about and how would the production work (i.e. would you have laugh tracks, what tropes are in it, how would you work with censorship)?

My sitcom would be about an assisted living and memory care facility. The main character would be a person who's just moved into the assisted living, and they're making their transitions as they adjust to not being so independent. It would include interactions with other residents as well as the employees, and address the everyday challenges that come with ALF/MC cultures.

For the censorship, obviously I couldn't use real names or situations (would probably have to put that disclaimer in the beginning that all characters and situations are completely fictional, etc. etc.).

What gives me this idea? My work. :) I work with old people for a living, and we joke all the time that the stuff we deal with could be on an SNL skit.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 19:23:49 )
@Aisukohi: That's a brilliant idea! I would definitely watch that and support it if it were to be an actual show

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 19:39:59 )
@grost: Thank you! ^_^ Yeah, the day that someone creates a series like that, I'll be all over it lol.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 19:48:42 )
7. You're now in a youtube group with your best friends, creating genuinely good content together that people love. The problem is - one of the members slowly starts to get more power/money hungry and starts changing the group dynamic, slowly making members leave out of frustration with the path the group dynamic is headed. Would you break off with some of the group members and abandon anyone that doesn't choose to come along or attempt to (and more-than-possibly fail) to bring the dynamic back to its original state?

Well, first of all I would probably try to talk to the member causing the issues. I mean, they're my friend, right? I think I would try to discuss with them how it seems they've changed and also try to figure out why they feel the way they do about things. If the discussion turned out to be unhelpful and the situation couldn't be saved, then I do think I would probably end up breaking off and going with my other friends. Also, I wouldn't really think of it as abandoning the friends that chose to stay because presumably they also would have had the option to leave with us and they simply chose differently. Although, my decision would also depend on how the people in both groups were acting. If either group tried to force me to pick them and cut ties with the other then that would probably make me more likely to pick the other group.

Actually, it reminds me of something that happened at school with my friends once. Usually, we all sat at the same table at lunch, but friend A and friend B fought or something, and most of my friends clearly sided with friend A. It ended up with friend B no longer sitting at our table. However, our school had lunch waves, and if you were on the first lunch wave then you left when the second wave was like halfway done eating. In theory, you were supposed to eat with the people from your lunch wave, but a lot of people would sneak over to their friends once they showed up.

Friend B was part of the first lunch wave, and the rest of us, except for my best friend who was also part of the first wave, were part of the second lunch wave. Instead of sitting with the rest of my friends for the entire lunch, I decided to spend the first half sitting with friend B (and my best friend, who was the only other friend who still sat with her) and then go to my other friends once they left. I was content with that, but then one day friend A asked me why I was still hanging out and sitting with friend B. Also, he asked it in a way that made it seem like he thought it was odd that I was doing that. I just glared at him and told him it was because she was my friend, and he backed down pretty quickly from that line of questioning. However, after hearing that question I realized that if he tried to make me choose between him and her then I would definitely choose her side even if it meant that he might turn our other friends against me too. Friend B was the one getting the short end of the stick, and yet she never once tried to make me choose between her and my other friends, so that was very telling to me. Also, I remember talking about it to my best friend after and her agreeing that she'd side with friend B too if she had to. Luckily, it never came to that and my friends eventually resolved their differences though.


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 20:08:37 )
So many Text @_@ but i think the Forum is slow because its sunday! Sunday is slowday.
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 21:27:41 )
@Miss Sandman: Ah that makes sense, I only recently become properly active in the forums, so I wouldn't know which days are the least active. Thanks for the heads up though!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 21:37:03 )
@Starlight: Those are good points you bring up.
I guess I should've worded my statement better, I meant that you have to cut off ties with the members left behind due to some circumstances within the hypothetical situation
Either way, good answer

Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/8 22:56:00 )
I was thinking about number 11 a while ago when a twitch streamer brought that up. The only part I can't conceptualize would be how to determine age of consent for such animals? since they have such different lifespans than humans. What would be appropriate? o_o Or maybe they would just have the same lifespans as us in that world.

Ping me!


Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/9 00:34:42 )
@Shark: Yeah determining an age would be really important with that. I would assume since we kind of do the "dog years" and "cat years" deal, we would just use that to convert ages to apply to the real world. I don't think the new level of sentience would make life spans longer by very much, only getting longer if the species were originally screwed up by old breeding practices and people stop due to the level of sentience

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/9 22:27:11 )

I would definitely break into the property where Kurt Cobain died, there was some fishy shit going on with that case and a lot of people (including me) believe he didn't kill himself. Hell, I could get some "witness testimonies" from any other possible spirits from the property to figure out Courtney's involvement.

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