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Forums Serious Talk Thinking About You.

Donator — Him, He Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 01:31:19 )
Is there someone that you just can't stop thinking about? Do you try to brush the thoughts away? Or do you plunge into them and allow them to consume you? Please, share your thoughts and stories.

Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 01:42:57 )

I got out of a six year relationship a month ago and I used to consume every minute of every day with the thoughts about it, but as of recently, I am able to push them away. Being able to disconnect has been the best thing ever. My brain is clear and at this point I am really happy to be single? I just moved into my first apartment and I am getting my own cat on Friday~ I am so enthusiastic and I cannot wait to see what my future holds <3

I know this is a serious topic but if anything, my story sharing proves how good it can be to push away those thoughts, brush them under the rug and come back to them every now and then. It hurts less that way, maybe this isn't the case for others, but for me, it is the best decision I have done for the sake of my sanity <3


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 01:43:41 )
this is a sum up of my year of 2017-2019.

I met this really friendly alpha male guy in public. we hit off instantly becoming friends,hanging out, doing best friend kind of things even though we had a 2 year gap from each other. Then one week he just distances himself from me after one drastic issue of his(that i had no part in and didn't get involved in because i shouldn't get involved with his ex's) and one day he just disappeared. TO this day i still wonder if he's okay and how he is doing. People like him i rarely find but when i do i'm hesitant to talk to them and i become scared on what to do and what to say to them. right now i do have someone who has taken his spot and honestly been alot more open but still i think of what or where my old friend is. This consumes my mind everyday and my emotions.

Come join me at my lil

Donator — Trash Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 03:16:05 )

Since 1103 posts.

Throughout high school I had online friends that I was close to and there was this one particular guy from Dubai that I was pretty close to. We got along super well and talked almost daily. When either one of us was going through something we could go to each other for help. Of the friendships I've had, I felt my friendship with him was the most genuine and I really loved that. As we got older, life took its course for the both of us and we eventually just stopped talking. I want to reconnect but he doesn't really go online as much, which is understandable .


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Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 06:23:51 )
I think about my past in general, quite often. But at my age I learned that the past is a great place to visit not live. I allow myself time to remember and reminisce. I make sure to keep the good memories alive and well, yet not forget the less than pleasant ones. Those are where lessons lie.

Tonight someone is on my mind. They occupy a lot of space in my head. But I cannot become consumed. I've taken time to write out my thoughts both in a journal and via poetry. I've made it a point to discuss it in a healthy way so that instead of venting I am processing and praying because I need strength not sympathy.

Essentially, I try not to have regrets or what might have beens. My pain, my trauma, my choices, they were all learning experiences and sadly I've learned more from my mistakes than my successes. It was the one's who told me I would never be enough, never find someone as good as, told me to pick rocks, and even at times kill over that really sank in the message of what I will and will not put up with.

Keep the memories alive my friend. Neither consume yourself with them nor ignore them. Process through them. Try and stay objective. And look for the lessons. If ever you wanna talk feel free to hit me up.

Donator — Him, He Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 10:32:52 )
@Xanthan: Thanks to the growth from your mistakes, wisdom flows forth from you.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 11:36:27 )
@Colan: i assure you, I've made hella mistakes but rarely have I repeated them. Life is about living, not merely surviving. And life is meant to be spent lifting one another up and not tearing down or apart. Sadly, life is not meant for us to live solely for ourselves but to learn to live with ourselves and everyone else.

You doing ok? I'm cooking my son breakfast and am free if ya wanna chat. You pick any topic. :)

Donator — Him, He Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 17:11:46 )
@Xanthan: Dang. I was at work, but what’s it like having a son?

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 17:34:59 )
@Colan: well.....a blessing and a curse? Lol he is so mich like me that I really have nothing to say. He saved my life though. He has been my proudest accomplishment by far.

Donator — Him, He Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 18:03:17 )
@Xanthan: :)

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 19:43:20 )
@Colan: I never thought I'd have kids. Always wanted a whole slew of em though.
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Voltie — They/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/5 20:22:33 )
My mind keeps wandering towards the one who got away.
We made friends many moons ago, and instantly had chemistry. She had an abusive long-distance boyfriend, and we kind of had an affair behind his back. She chose him over me, although they eventually broke up, but we kept circling back to each other for years until she told me we should just be regular friends because she'd actually like to keep her bf-at-the-time and she had issues with my issues regarding showing affection.
We stayed in touch and would meet up when we were both in the same town, but now she feels like a stranger. We hardly ever message each other, and when we do, it seems superficial and just ends up the same old "how are you? I'm fine" bullshit.

We had a period in my life where we shared everything, and at one point, she was the only one who stuck by me when my other friends abandoned me due to a scorn ex of mine who tainted my reputation and drove them away.

I never stopped loving the one who got away, and even though we're still facebook friends, we don't talk much. I've long ago abandoned hope that it will ever be the two of us, and I'm not in love with her anymore, but I do sometimes feel sad that I let such a great catch go.
To this day I think she's one of the most intelligent, observant and beaufitul people I've ever met, and I would love to be a part of her life and be able to share mine with her.

I'm just too scared to send her an "I'm thinking of you, how are you" message because what if she brushes me off, or gives me some superficial stuff? The realisation that I don't mean as much to her anymore as she does to me would be unbearable.

More and more time passes between each time I think about her, and it no longer hurts, but my mind still keeps wandering back to that one person.
I've always wanted to lift a large quadraped over my head

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 01:31:52 )

I like this guy for years since seventh grade and I'm turning 25 this month. I was the type that falls in love too fast, even before I met him I had crushes on other guys. But boi I fell for this guy hard, I thought he was my soulmate, the one I'm going to marry.

I think is only this year I've come to terms with it and trying to move on. The dude ghosted me years back yet I stupidly forgave him too easily. I'm not gonna lie I did ghosted him back and had my fault in this. I know I'm confusing people here. But I heard he did like me back but we were both being shy about this. So basically nothing happened. I tried to chat on him online but I got really discourage because he didnt reply right away but the following day. He didn't seemed interested in my point of view back then. So I kind of ghosted him? That's when I truly started to kept my distance. I tried chatting with him the second time a few months later (because younger me could never get a clue) that's when he ghosted me. Then he forever moved to America not long after. He was really giving me mixed signals my brother who's close friends with him said he liked me. But I didn't believed it because well he never really talk to me, he did show some interest like I caught him staring at me a few times but the most I got on this guy is through online. He liked some of my posts I did the same back to him and that's it.

So I guess now it got to the point where I got really fed up with this "crush" that I've finally seen the light. So basically I learned the hard way and I've realizes a lot of things of myself along the way. The reality is, I barely know the dude yeah he's close friends with my brother. But I've come to terms on how things went out between us this guy is probably not worth it. Is just frustrating that I still think about him sometimes. But meeting him definitely gave me a different perspective on love and relationships. And I'm definitely not ready for it but that's hard when I'm a hopeless romantic TAT

Sorry for the long rant but felt the need to share, and maybe see your opinions as well. I do overthink a lot.


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Voltie — Moody Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 01:45:55 )
Moody Says. . .


For me, it's not someone I was in a romantic relationship.
But was sorta in a friendship with. But I don't really think they saw me as a friend.
We had a few common interests but it was very one-sided. It felt more like they were talking at me not with me
if that makes any sense. Every now and then I do think about them or they just pop back into my head
as i just think about the what-ifs.

I try not to think about them because I felt very hurt by them. Our friendship was not long
but sometimes I think what I could've done or acted differently but in the end I come back to the one solution which is
they didn't see me as a friend and that would've been a waste of time and effort on my part.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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