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Forums Serious Talk how to destroy a friendship in 1 easy step: work with them

Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 01:40:15 )
i've worked with my best friend for months but we recently started frustrating each other more and more. she would ask me questions both of us knew i wouldn't know the answer to (to get me to find the answer for her, instead of her going and finding the answer). yapped nonstop. always intruded on MY projects as though they were hers too (they're not. in any way, shape or form.) anyway one day i was a little more short with her than usual and she exploded. i apologized for making her upset, we went over what she was upset about but she never asked me why i was frustrated so i just let it go.

then yesterday she went off on me again just for doing business at work. i was on the phone with a client, turned around and asked my purchaser if an item was still stuck in customs, and my purchaser said we had some in but weren't putting them up on our site yet. he then told me to ask the owner if i could portion some of them out to my client, if i wanted. i didn't go to ask the owner because it wasn't worth it to me. i sat back down and wrapped up my phone call.

my friend started slamming things and mumbling and talking in a really snippy tone to one of our coworkers about me, in front of me. so of course i said "the only thing i asked was if they were stuck in customs." and she started going off on me, actually yelling in the office about how annoying it is to her that "other people need the item too" but i'm "getting special treatment". like, girl, it's business. if i had gone to the owner and he said "give 100 to your client" there's nothing she can do about it. but i didn't even do that, because that wasn't what i was asking for, it was whether or not they're stuck in customs.
i noticed people were really paying attention to her yelling so i said "this should be private. i will go in the back. you can come talk to me if you would still like to continue this." and went to the back. she never came. i paid zero attention to her for the rest of the day.

today, she went to my boss and told him she had tried to talk to me (she didn't, or at least didn't effectively get my attention because i have no recollection of this) but that i was being bitchy and blatantly ignoring her all day (i was, but if she had started talking to me i would have addressed her). my boss responded by telling her she was out of line for her behavior in the office yesterday. he then took me aside and suggested i move somewhere else in the office since my desk spot kinda sucked anyway. i had wanted to move my desk yesterday due to the repeated issues and my own frustration, but he initially advised against it.

so i packed up my stuff and went to a different desk, far away from her. i've realized she takes up about 3 hours of my day with her nonstop talking and that's time i could be spending on my clients, or pursuing new business. this has a direct impact on the amount of money i make. if i stop the useless chatter and instead focus on work i could add thousands of dollars to my pay every month. it would effectively double my active working hours. and i've been giving this up because i didn't want to start a rift between us by bringing it up. my management projects will be my own, without her interference or constant "suggestions" that only work for her.

i don't know what i'm trying to accomplish by posting this - i guess i don't really know how i feel about it? honestly i don't think i really even care. i do know i'm annoyed and frustrated, but i also feel kind of bad because i can't summon some sort of sad emotion about the whole situation.


Donator — She/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 01:52:18 )

If I had to guess, I'd say you don't feel sad about it because she doesn't sound like she was a very good friend.
You may have only expressed her bad sad, and we're missing the good times you two have had, but her going
ballistic without having enough investment in the friendship to try and salvage it, or at least apologize is very
indicative of what her character might be like. I don't think you're missing out on anything, I think you know it,
and I think she knows it. It sucks to lose a best friend, but it's a natural part of growing yourself.
You shed them when they don't align with the person you become. You've clearly become a harder worker.


Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 01:53:28 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Sounds like she wasn't a very good friend in the end
Always a shame when someone you think is halfway decent turns out to not be

Put ya guns awn!

Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 02:29:26 )
@Booderdooder: i wonder if it was just a proximity friendship. she's always sat near me at work ever since i hired her. she really, really does not like that i am her superior at work (even though i always have been) and has problems with all of management because she always thinks she can do it better. i guess it was only a matter of time.
it was very telling to me also that she did not apologize. i normally don't mind initiating that sort of thing if i had played some part in it, but i genuinely don't think i did anything wrong. so needless to say i'm not going to start an apology she doesn't deserve.
i was the only person at her wedding :/ she's gonna feel real weird looking back at those pictures.

@Kitalpha Hart: i really thought she had it together. she's married, has a cute house, 2 new cars in the driveway. i knew she had some problems before i met her with managing expectations and anxiety but i thought she was at a point where she was able to keep it together. i'm not perfect either, so i have been able to write off a lot of it or excuse her for having "off" days, but i am no longer willing to do that because i don't have never-ending patience and understanding.


Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 02:50:43 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@kegs: clearly she doesn't have it as together as you thought. Oh well
Also sounds like a person who shouldn't have any power over anyone either, yikes

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 02:59:22 )
Lets assume she did was a good friend to you in the past. The fact that she didn't owned up whatever the caused of your former friend's distress is a sign that she would at some point going to put it all on you. What she did is also a result of self defense on her part. that or she hurts herself. She chose doing in on you so one of your pains from all of this is because you felt devalued as a person.

I would rethink of leaving a company because of someone else.. unless there is no other way to solve this, then you can.

She has been a big destroyer on your workplace.. for a motive.. in my opinion. The more you should face that fear head on. I mean, this is one of the chances that can help you mold into a better person. My advise isnt about talking to her. if that is something you cant do, thats okay. Whats more important in the end is how to cope with a darkness that she placed on you.

If you ever feel that you can't handle this alone, its okay to ask help. it doesnt make you any lesser.

I hope it helps.

Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 15:23:42 )
@Totalanimefan: i think she'll eventually end up leaving. she absolutely hates all of management and can't stand the way the company is run. if something doesn't go her way or she isn't treated special enough, she throws fits. the only thing tying her to us is the money.

@Kitalpha Hart: oh god no. she is super condescending. everything always comes down to her previously being a "database engineer" or "warehouse manager" or "I went to [this college]". funny thing is, i went to a significantly better ranked school than she did and i don't think she even knows that because she'll constantly try to throw her schooling in my face lmfao.

@Kairu: lol i'm not leaving my job, i only moved my desk! i sat 3 feet away from her before so there was a lot more opportunity to get into fights or be annoyed by her talking constantly.


hello again

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 20:45:37 )
thats good OuO dont let the gal pin you in the corner again and by yourself. its better to understand much more with another fellow worker's perspective in your workplace. it will eventually be a part of you when it comes to auto response from same situation. the drama will just go away in time.
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 21:02:14 )

There's a massive difference between being a good friend and being a good coworker. It's possible to be both but it doesn't have to be. There's different kinds of responsibility that may just never come up with a friend, but when it comes to business if you're relying on them to do their part there's a lot less leeway that can be granted because it affects more than just you.

There's people you trust with your life, and people you trust with your money. I don't recommend working with someone who isn't at least the latter.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

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