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★ ★ ★ god yeah i need to disinfect my phone too
or what good is it for me to wash my hands and continue using that thing 8(((
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I need to put hand sanitizer in my purse, but I wash my hands so much at work/home already my hands are so dry adljag
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isn't korea the only one testing/everything for it too?
they care if u guys die
they care if u guys die
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mmmm burger king
damn i'm still hungry but I don't want to make anything ID
damn i'm still hungry but I don't want to make anything ID
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Nah I just need to figure out what items voltra has that can layer/come in yellow. xD
I just got tired of trying to figure it out and saved this so I could start messing with another item. u wu
I just got tired of trying to figure it out and saved this so I could start messing with another item. u wu
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I just need to mess around with the items more lmao
or just keep trying different items until I find an avi I love a lot xD
I just need to mess around with the items more lmao
or just keep trying different items until I find an avi I love a lot xD
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Hello Purda!
The ears have a bit of blue on them so that's how this came about haha.
Rip your bed E. :( did your cat at least try to lick it up?
The ears have a bit of blue on them so that's how this came about haha.
Rip your bed E. :( did your cat at least try to lick it up?
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@PurpdaBurpPurp: I hid the ears very well (although that's how I started this avi was the ears xD), but the ears have like yellow/blue/purple on them?
I just covered them up mostly lol
I just covered them up mostly lol
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haha no it's fine
I'll wash the comforter soon
I'll wash the comforter soon
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