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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 10:56:59 )
Roleplay for me and Kairie only.


Race:Woodland elf
Description: Red tea hair, blue green eyes, a look of innocence in the eyes and a soft pink blush accompanied with the deep red lips. Short-ish(5'7 is short for an elfs) She's got a medium build and some ways curvy but healthy.
Bio: Seems to nice to be alive.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 22:14:23 )
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Name: Vicran
Race:Dark Elf/Drow
Description: Short shaggy white hair that grazes his jawline, silver eyes, relatively tall even for an elf and a lean build.
Bio: Is aloof due to the discrimination against Drows as he's experienced it first hand since being young.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 03:44:19 )

(wanna start it when they are announced to save their peoples and forced into a prearrange marriage?or however you wanna set it up?)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 09:01:59 )
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(oops realized I didn't put a name in my profile lol, updated that.)

Shifting a hand to the dagger at his side, Vicran's silver eyes squinted at his surroundings a frown forming on his lips. It was way too bright here for the drow's taste, yet the elders called him and regardless of personal views no elf ignored the elders calling. The trees around him started to thin as a clearing came into view signalling that he was almost at his destination. As a tall wooden building came into view he moved his hand away from the dagger to appear less threatening his eyes darted to the woodland elf guards that were already glancing his direction as he approached.

"State your name drow." A voice spoke up as a woodland elf moved to stand in front of him stopping him from going forward. "Your kind are not welcome here."

Hesitating he bit back a retort, instead deciding to attempt to be civil. "Vicran Khurae. Though I think I am welcome considering the elders called me." Shooting a glare he straightened, pushing past the guard with his shoulder, receiving a grunt. "And last I checked I did not need your permission to pass if I had the elders blessing." Glaring back at the guard who looked at him disgusted before muttering something, Vicran continued walking. The mutterings of the elves around him were plenty, but tuning them out was second nature at this point.

As he reached the doors, he stopped giving a small bow of his head to the two elves at the door, after all he did want access to the building. Ignoring the mutterings of the guards as they moved aside and opened the door he moved past them, adjusting his cloak as he entered the dark building. Light eyes adjusted to the darkness easily as his eyes landed on four drows, and four woodland elves. Doors closing behind him, he bowed his head as his eyes averted to the ground, though he said nothing to the elders in front of him.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:02:37 )

Alice had arrived moments later having seen this dark elf walking to the place of where she was being called to made her quite curious. She had no judgement to place against this Male dark elf and smiled at the guards as she continued forward.This wasn't her first calling in her life but yet every time she was called it ended with some project on medical or territorial or hunt. It wasn't uncommon to see an Dark elf but it was a little confusing as he headed towards the Elder's room. She felt no need to bring her bow and sword with her but they were with one of the guards for safe keeping.

She was an normal elf with normal ideas or she had hope so. She was an woodland elf and Her features showed she made a extraordinary attempt to see less wild. She had harder to tame hair but her skin was clean as well as her garments and light armor. She never to seem stop smiling and being polite. She was extremely civil and knew being impolite was going to bring trouble after all no one is really rude to a helpful lady of her type. She shook her head no as she thinks about something and took a soft breath as she continued forward.

She entered the Dark building her smile and bewildering curiosity never faltering. Her blue green eyes took a few seconds to adjust to low light and She saw the dark elf. She bows slightly and smiles at her elders as she does the proper greeting towards them. She stood only a foot away from the Dark elf but greets and smiles at him quietly. She seemed happy and she was but she looked at her 8 elders awaiting what they had to say.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 11:12:24 )
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As an elf entered behind him he turned towards the elf next to him, eyes going over the elf as he looked for malicious intent in her greeting, but he didn't come to an answer as one of the drow elders spoke.

"We appreciate you both coming on such short notice." She began, gesturing to both of them. "You must be curious why we asked both of you here. For that answer we must first tell you of a problem both of our people face." Pausing a woodland elf male took over speaking.

"Our people face certain extinction on two fronts. The first is war among our own kind is causing a divide and causing some to side with other species. If we do not bring them together it will be a certain end."

One of the drows spoke up as the other elf trailed off. "The second issue that faces our people is that we need to find the artifact of Ield. Without it war will be inevitable and our people will die needlessly.

The drow trailed off, which caused Vicran to frown. "I don't mean to interrupt, but what does that have to do with us? Couldn't you have called any elf of your choosing?" He spoke frankly looking between the elders.

"You are correct in a way young one, but you are both chosen for different reasons, and for one reason ultimately." Looking from Alice and then to Vicran the elf nodded. "After all, you both are known among your people for your talents, and if we were to bring you together it will bring all our people together."

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 13:44:58 )

Alice watched the elders and noticed the Drow next to her looking at her for a moment. She listened to them curious of what the artifact of Leld was and how it would help. She wanted to help keep war away and her smile dropped slightly as she listens more. She stayed quiet noticing the look the elder gave them. Her brain instantly made her step to the side and give them a wtf(what in the bullfrogs)look. "Bring us together in what way? if we may know our elders?" She kept her inner fire within knowing they were up to some shady things now.

She thinks,'what the moon-shadows are they trying to do with me now? what type of way woul-'Her expression went blank for a second and she mumbled something softly but barely noticeable.. She realized she was going to be put into a forced relationship now he was cute in her opinion but not of the importance. She looked at her elders wanting to the explain everything why they would expect it to work out. She wasn't mad at the fact they were going to do this but it made her a little angry that they tried to slide it in with the more important item.

(honestly if elders just tell them they are going to be forced to be together and kick them out imma make her a angry hunter.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:57:30 )
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Vicran instantly connected the dots the elders weren't outright saying, causing him to step away from the elf next to him as he glared at the elders. The elders seemed to sense the anger emanating from Vicran and the unease of Alice as they continued on deciding not to give either time to speak. "In order to find the artifact of Ield, you will head to the library of Rition for what information they have regarding the artifact. From there it is up to you two to find it."

"Keep in mind you two are going to need to show the unity of our people at the same time. Do not do anything that would bring shame on our choice to appoint you two this task." Another elder continued after the first elder had given the information they would need.

Finally an older drow male looked at the two as he took a step forward. "In case my brethren haven't been clear enough to you two we expect you two to get along and show that it is possible for both of our kind to be together, love, and inevitably have children. We have fought amongst each other too long and it is time to end that."

As the elder finished Vicran opened his mouth but was silenced before he could speak by another elder. "I hope you do not bring shame on our people, and we are putting all our hope in you two." As the elder finished speaking elf guards entered separating the elders from the two elves causing Vicran to take a elf steps back as the guards got closer and essentially pushed them towards the doors.

"Wait, you can't just do this-" Attempting to argue, Vicran got no where before he found himself outside the doors and the guards closing the doors behind them as both him and the woodland elf that was next to him found themselves outside. "Hey, you can't just do this!" Shouting Vicran moved towards the door before two guards stepped in front of him blocking his way. After a moment of staring at them he moved back shooting glares back at the guards as they gave him looks of disgust and glares of their own.

(angry hunter isn't bad. >:) )

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 20:31:16 )

Alice listened,"wait- "she was over spoken by The male and looked at the ground for a moment. She backed away from Vicran as he yelled at the doors and guards. She turned her back walking off slightly to go collect her hunting gear from the person holding it for her. She ran a hand through her hair thinking this was a joke. She smiled half jokingly. "Great.....just another one of their fouling games...."She was angered as well but she could hide it behind her witty smile.

She put her sword on her hip and bow and arrows across her back. She hears the lines,' to be together,love and have children.' this made her feel hollow. what would it matter if they could , she wasn't ready to be alone in the world blank on anything with this stranger yet alone being forced to love and possible more with him. She looks over at him feeling her own anger boiling but not showing. "...We should get going to the Library of Rition.....No use at yelling at them..." She sighed softly just releasing the anger slightly.

She stayed her calm usual self but inside she was screaming and honestly unsure if she's stable enough to even be near someone right now. She felt her locket on her skin and felt at ease. Perhaps she was just looking at this the wrong way and maybe he was too. She looked at him differently as if she was more than willing to learn and get along with him after all she didn't have any judgement or issue with him.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 21:45:26 )
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Debating his odds against the guards if he were to fight them, he turned his gaze to the female next to him as she spoke. Looking back at the guards he debated once more his chances of being able to win in a fight against them before letting out a soft sigh. "To be fair I was debating more than yelling, but I do not think the odds are that great at the moment." Glaring at the guards once more he turned moving farther away from the guards. The last thing he needed was to be over run by guards because he decided to fight them.

"The Library of Rition? I guess they at least thought it through since that's a trip we can make in a day." Muttering the words to himself he glanced at the elf next to him already forgetting if her name was given or not. He hadn't thought that it would be of use during the meeting, after all who would have thought that he would leave with a bride to be. As if the realization had just crossed his mind he stopped completely before glaring at nothing in particular. "You can't tell me you're okay with this. I don't know any woodland elf that would want to be in a relationship with my people." Stating the words plainly he glanced back at her, still not sure he was going to go through with this arrangement.

"What is your name anyways? I doubt you want me calling you 'you' all the time." Better to get it out of the way now rather than later, that was if both of them stayed together once out of the area.

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 22:14:33 )

She looked at him giving him one of her rare but very sweet interested smiles. She held one of her giggles back considering she thought it was funny he was debating to fight the guards. "I have no reason to hate or dislike you or any other Dark elves......i can't lie that it is a bit uncomfortable but yet....i feel okay with it....i'm still trying to process what they are truly trying to do.."She looks away for a moment thinking for a solid second. Her eyes lit up a little,"Oh my name. It's Alice rosemarie woods but you can just call me Alice if you'd like.." She does a little bow and continues to smile.

Her last name has the past of wonderful Healers,warriors and leaders. There wasn't many of her family left but they were the most caring and outgoing elfs. They did sacrifice over putting themselves first. Alice lived her own code and most of her family had been the reason she was her and so well known. As for right now she would be considered more naturally beautiful compared to many others but she tends to hide it through her wildness of her personality.

"what is your's if we are doing the proper introduction?" She had just noticed in the light he had looked much more handsome to her eyes. She felt her own blush lightly appear as she stopped herself from studying him. She was curious but didn't want to make him uncomfortable or be impolite. She didn't think today would of been the day she'd be put with someone for her to be with til time's end. She knew the route to the library quite well enough to know when and where they should rest for the night if needed. She felt a loose strand of her hair move in front of her eye and pushed it back behind her ear. The silver symbols of her own clan(family's symbol) dangling as it was made into earrings for her. She stayed nice and smiling even though his attitude and speech seemed harsh and unwanting towards her.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 22:41:33 )
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At her response Vicran stopped momentarily and studied the elf to see if he could find any lies in her words or in the way she held herself. After a moment he decided that she was telling the truth causing the male elf to ponder his own actions a moment. "Are you really okay with them deciding your life like this?" The words came out a bit harsher than intended, causing Vicran to frown at his own tone. "I don't mean that in a bad way, but they have decided our futures for us without even asking, or even giving us a heads up." Gesturing to the air slightly, Vicran trailed off before running a hand through his hair, taking note of her name when she finally gave it.

"You can just call me Vicran." He replied deciding it was only fair that he gave his name in return. It was a fair trade after all. Taking a deep breath the male stopped walking as he pushed thoughts of running away for the moment. Running away from someone who was willing to follow the elders orders wouldn't end well for him, no one in his clan would be able to save him if he did that. After a moment of clearing his thoughts he started walking again his eyes moving towards Alice as he took her appearance in fully. She wasn't ugly if he was being honest, was she a drow? No, but she wasn't ugly in Vicran's opinion, but he wasn't wanting to settle down now regardless of what the elders said.

Looking away from her again and focusing straight ahead Vicran decided to get what information he could while he was here. "So I hate to ask since it means I am debating if what the elders said is true, but what makes you well known among your people? You'll have to forgive me for not knowing already."

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 22:55:20 )

Alice noticed he did seem tensed and upset. "I'm not ready to settle down the way they are intending me to and get married but I can't exactly refuse my elders at this point....even if their ideas are stupid and pointless most of the time..." She frowns slightly and forced her smile back on as if it was natural.She didn't know what to do with the elders at this point and disappearing sounded nice but then she thought of the people she cared about. it made her heart sink knowing how her father would react. she crossed her arms over her stomach feeling a little less positive.

She heard him ask what made her well known,"My family's symbol.....i come from a long line of fighters,warriors, healers, peacemakers and may other helpful professions. also the clan People who tried to connect the two races of elves together before but always...failed it's my turn.."she kept her distance and kept her eyes off him as her tone went less of the happy and proud tone it started as she starts remembering her mother and her heart ached remembering that a Drow killed her. Yet she never hated anyone for it she forgave the person and moved on but the locket rested around her neck. "We should get started on this journey before it gets to dark..." she moves past those dark thoughts of her really just trying to stay together now. (she goes from mad to happy to sad to happy and hopefully sticks to it . vicran rudeness is kinda making her depressed and upset after all they are suppose to at some point be love-y dove-y)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 08:12:23 )
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Listening to the elf beside him Vicran took her words to heart as he listened to her, feeling like there was something she wasn't mentioning. Staring at her for a bit longer he finally nodded deciding trying to get information or continue the conversation would not be worth it. "We should definitely start moving faster, otherwise we'll have to stop for the night." Vicran agreed, frowning as something nagged at the back of his mind.

Realizing what what getting to him the drow did the only thing he could do at the moment to alleviate the nagging feeling. "Look, I realize I'm not the most eloquent, nor am I the most friendly drow you'll ever meet, and that is no excuse for me to pass along any ill feelings your way. Since you haven't done anything to deserve it." Keeping his tone even he forced a small smile as he felt uncomfortable by the small action. "I guess what I am trying to say is I apologize, I'm more mad at the elders anyways, I guess unlike you I haven't ever been one to really follow the rules, and following an order blindly like this is well," Pausing, the drow seemed to think over his words carefully before continuing. "Intimidating I guess? Especially with the backlash we're going to receive." Finishing the sentence simply Vicran let out a breath. "I wish I had half your faith in this I guess." He finished plainly deciding to not list any of his other concerns as he picked up his pace. "Guess I'll be quiet and speed up, since we don't want to arrive at the library tomorrow, especially since this artifact must be needed for our people."

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 14:05:23 )

Alice looked at him following his pace,"we're going to have to stop for the night regardless they close up the path at nightfall.I accept your apology? but i can understand your anger and frustration......this isn't the first time they have done something similar like this to me...i wish i had more faith to be honest....the elders make it sound easy but doesn't seem that way right now. it's two different pressures from two different issues making twice as much issues with ourselves. "She lightened up abit as she continues. "the backlash won't matter especially if we have each others backs...I'm not following this blindly ...i honestly not even sure if (she motions the two of them) will even work out considering every factor right now"She looked around still seeing the looks of disgust from her own people towards him. it kinda made her a little mad at this but she pushed it away. she gritted her teeth slightly giving one of those people her murderous glare before returning to her happy smile and grateful calm eyes. "...i never asked but what makes you so well known with your region?i'm sorry i've not heard much about you from many of the drows i talk to." She looks around for a moment.

She looks up the path thinking and smiles abit as she looks at him. "We could make it before nightfall....but i'm going to need to leave you here for a moment.Think you'll be okay with that?"Something in her eyes sparked a wildness remembering she has a few different mounts at her own home not too far away. she stopped walking for a second knowing being on foot with him will be tiring and they could get to the library quicker. She was smiling widely and her sharp canines started to show but she lessens her smile so they don't show as much. She's really so far is only following is of these two issues because it will work better if they got along and just trusted each other to save one another and it would help them greatly . They didn't have to fall in love and do much of the other stuff her elders said to her they just needed to get along....right?...the doubts and insecurities she rarely got flooded her mind but never showed on her expression.

(roll a d20 for sense motive to see if he notices, you've gotta get higher than a 6 )

(im thinking she gets some enchanting mounts like griffins? cause that sounds effing cool)

Alicethemadhatter rolled a D20 1 times for; and 19. Totalling: 19
For a grand total of 19!
Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 14:07:59 )
(this is just a tester because im not sure how the die roll generator works like. )

Edit:(woah oml a 19 first try)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 08:04:05 )
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(I dunno how to die roll :( )
At the mention of stopping Vicran couldn't help but look at her a little blankly. He hadn't stopped for the night just because the path closed for as long as he remembered, after all there was always a path to take even if it wasn't on the normal path. Deciding not to go there he nodded in slight agreement to her following words about the elders. "One of these would be hard enough on their own, adding both at once makes it seem a little bit impossible to do both at once." Thinking through his words he took a deep breath. There was no point dwelling on it, he hadn't run yet which meant he was sticking this through to the end, or until it was no longer possible. "While we might not work, I think the idea is we fake it so that everyone else believes it works, even if it doesn't. Besides, it isn't as if we are the first of our kinds to get together, just the most public facing couple. Since from what I hear most get pushed into exile or a darker end." Fading off as he didn't want to dwell on that anymore, he winced slightly at her next question.

Her answer had been pure, and honorable in a way. "I don't think my name is many drows would speak to your kind." Pausing his words once more he couldn't help but not want to answer the question but he couldn' ignore her. "If I am being honest I am known for my skills on the battlefield, as well as more covert operations." Keeping his answers short he pushed the ill feeling he had away stopping as Alice's mood changed.

Studying her features as she appeared to almost became a bit feral, Vicran couldn't help the slight grin that tugged at his lips. It was an interesting expression for a woodland elf, and if he was to be stuck with one he would rather have one like this. "I guess I don't mind waiting here. Since what, worse case scenerio you leave me here and we're both free, best case scenerio you come back with whatever it is you're thinking about? Seems like a win-win to me, and I happen to like surprises."

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 13:07:57 )
(you click the new reply button and it'll bring up a reply box but it will have post opinion,you get a number generator or die roll)

Alice listened to him saying they should fake it, she didn't think that would be believable and honestly she was more than willing to try with him.Her eyes seemed focused to him as he's telling her as to what he is well known for. "....i'd love to hear a few stories about your covert operations if you don't mind telling them." She smiled more seeing his slight grin."why'd i leave? you are more interesting than most elves and alot more good looking too..frankly you are more of my taste when it comes up to men....Alright i'll be back shortly." She winks at him before disappearing to the left in the trees.

She returns with two proud and strong griffins and some supplies for an unknown battles. She was petting one of the griffins as one flew but landed in front of Vicran."i'm back."She smiles and the griffins seemed calm and well behave perhaps they were tamed. "i really hope you're not scared of heights and this will cut the trip in half since i'm believing you don't want to stop for the night." She looked at her as her wild but sweet nature continued to show. She was beginning to find herself liking him and wanting to know more about him.

One of the griffins had some black feathers and it stuck to her. the other was one of a tea color. it made a small noise wanting attention from Vicran. Alice smiled seeing that her own creatures were getting along with him. She set her sword in the supply pouch on her griffin.her emotions more of happy and excited now and perhaps willing with her feral expression. (yes he has one too)

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 22:37:16 )
(boop, you doing alright?)

Come join me at my lil

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 05:36:44 )
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(i c i c
Also ye I'm doing fine, stuff is going on at work so I had to go to work earlier than originally planned haha.)

Vicran couldn't help but stare at Alice as she said that she wanted to hear about his covert operations. Already knowing now was not the time to bring up dark topics like that the drow stayed silent. Turning the mood dark would not benefit the situation at all, though it might be enough to end the arrangement that they had started. At the slight flirting Alice gave him, silver eyes blinked almost blankly at the girl as he was unable to process it before she was off. Staring at where she had left, he moved to a tree before leaning back against it, eyes closing as he waited for her to return.

Hearing the flap of wings his eyes opened once more silver eyes looked at the griffins before a soft chuckle left his lips. "Griffins, wouldn't have guessed that." Saying the words more to himself than anything he looked at her with a slight raise of an eyebrow. "Do I look like someone who is afraid of heights?" At the noise from the tea colored griffin he stuck a hand out to give it a chance to smell him before he began petting it gently. "Do they have names? They really are beautiful creatures." He added the last bit as he grinned at the griffin as he continued to pet it.

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