Hello! My name is Booderdooder, but you can call me Booder. I'm 25 years old, she/her or they/them, and born November 27th.
I'm an artist attending a local community college for an Associates in Arts & Science, hoping to transfer into a degree in illustration.
I have been drawing since I was a toddler. My earliest memories are of watching Pokémon and Sailor Moon and trying to draw them
as well as I could off of a television screen. I began drawing more seriously when I entered the fourth grade, because that was when
I had made my first artist friend. I attended every art class I could get into through elementary school, middle school, high school, and
now college. I have been drawing for thirteen years (and counting)! ♥
I love drawing all kinds of things, but I love drawing faces and hair the most. I'm comfortable drawing people, animals, and most things
in between. I'm not very familiar with drawing robots or tech-things, but I'm confident that I could. The only thing I am not fond of drawing
is clothing. I can draw clothes and accessories, but they aren't entirely within my comfort zone.
I'd rather draw someone with strategically placed locks of hair lmao
I like to draw traditionally when I'm doodling or in a rush, but I prefer digital painting. I use a combination of Paint Tool SAI for painting,
and Photoshop for editing. For traditional art, I just grab whatever paper and pencil/pen is nearby. I dabble in other mediums, like
watercolor and markers, but I think I can make just about any medium work for me.