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Forums General Chit-Chat ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ?

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 09:54:33 )
So, I'm sitting here is only 2 days into our local selfimposed social isolation. Not quite quarantine though that word gets thrown around a lot.

My point though, is that while I personally do not feel the facts of the matter warrant the craziness and sanitizer stockpiling, what are you doing to get through this and relieve the stress? Or, if you have an idea on ways to make the most of this, not really social distancing but physical distancing, then share your thoughts and ideas.

I really feel that through positive mindsets, and attitudes we can really make the best of this and mot fall victim to the extraneous hype. So pull up a chair and share!

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 09:59:31 )
My first idea is, now is a great time for families to bond and regroup. I'm not saying spend every waking moment together but simple changes like having a sit down family meal and talking with one another, can create positive bonds and help bridge the gap between parents and kiddos and even between partners. So take the time to share a meal and make sure when you do you stick the phones and electronics somewhere outta sight. :)

You can even step it up a notch and cook a meal together. I know my goal is to get my son in the kitchen and teach him some things and to get my special guy in the kitchen as well and teach him, too!

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 10:02:32 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I'm a homebody
So, for me, there hasn't been much difference irl
Mom and dad still have their jobs open, so they're still working
Mine is seasonal, and the reorientation class I had this Saturday got postponed. I work at a theme park, so depending on when this blows over, I might not even have a summer job this year. Yick

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 13:16:49 )

    i've been hermiting during the weekends before this week so i was pretty prepared haha
    starting a new big personal project helps a lot, i actually want to be home and work on it.

    my usual day job can mostly be done at home anyway, my coworkers and i talk through the group chat even in the office where we're sitting across from each other pffft


Donator — They/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 13:24:12 )
I've been having to work during all of this, and the online grocery area of walmart has been CRAZY for weeks now.
We've been maxing out orders every day by like 9am and im just so exhausted

Non binary | Pansexual | Taken

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 14:11:59 )

There is no coping with it, we just have to take it day by day... These are strange times we're living in. Stay safe everyone.


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 15:13:49 )

I meditate daily and just follow what needs to be done to prevent from having the virus. I try to eat healthy to strengthen my immune system and I have spent more time with my family. Social distancing is no problem for me since I'm very introverted and likes to stay home a lot to begin with.

But I need to go out today to stock up some food and not gonna lie I'm scared TwT


Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 16:21:28 )
I spend a lot of time at home, so it isn't much different save for the fact that my mom is here. Got my games, books, movies and etc to keep me amused for the time being. I'm still the resident errand boy though. <_< That doesn't change.
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 16:30:10 )

Nothing too out of the ordinary for me. I'm working still, just from home every day instead of once a week. Business as usual for us. My parents are retired so they don't need to work, though I wonder how long before they start to get stir crazy. We're just kinda taking things a day at a time since there's no way to know what to do next. I'm curious to see how this affects the way people look at things like grocery delivery, remote access, and healthcare.

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 03:14:54 )
@Kingslowpoke: I can only imagine the orders and craziness. Bless your heart.

@sunny: I think we can choose how we cope. It is up to ourselves to direct our thoughts and actions. For instance, I'm taking this time to gain some new skills and certifications through online courseware. This adds to my resume and ultimately my long term goal of taking care of my boys ... My family. This can be viewed as an opportunity and not a setback.

@PurpdaBurpPurp: meditation is a great idea! I do lile ambient music when I sleep but making it a point to just let everything go and just be would be a great way to handle the current circumstances.

@koneko: not gonna lie, at first I was kinda like your mom. I paid closer attention and realized it may not be as crazy as the general public seems to think but it isn't as nonthreatening as I first believed either. We don't watch a lot of news right now at my house. We stick to the facts. The CDC, NIH, and the WHO. Scientists have the floor for this issue not the politicians or general public lol.

@Priestess of Pie: I love the way you think. I, too, have wondered about the social and psychological effects this will have on people. Crisis changes people and when you create a larger crisis in your own mind than what exists, well, that perception is your reality and it has an impact and consequences. I'm thankful there's less traffic and pollution due to the recommended isolation. The earth needs time to heal too.

@Totalanimefan: excellent recommendations. Fresh air is still our friend. Just don't be sharing your germs lol. And yes, take everything as it comes, no need to borrow tomorrow's items today. :) I think it is great to have s plan. Both a long term and short term plan for what to do. Things like reading or playing games are typically short term ideas. Long term, this is where you can do things that not only will keep you busy but provide you with some sort of accomplishment. Training a pet. Learning something new. Reaching out to new people. This creates a feeling and sense of accomplishment and purpose that helps to keep the negative talk and thoughts at bay. It isn't just busy work so to speak. Exercise, fresh air, and not just cleaning but clearing away and decluttering! It'll raise your spirits in the long run.

Excellent ideas and wonderful posts. Thank you all for sharing! I'm loving this. :)
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 03:30:42 )

@xanthan: I just hope that some good comes out of all this bad.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 03:50:39 )

@Xanthan: I listen to some music sometimes when I meditate too but I don't do it too much because I often find myself distracted in the middle of it. I listen to a lot of relaxing piano and guitar music though :3

Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 04:33:23 )

Nothing's really changed for me so far. I still have to go to work and run errands 'cause some things can't be done from home. I wish I could get some "social distancing" time tbh. I haven't had a moment of peace and quiet in weeks. Anybody wanna trade? :'^)


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 05:35:29 )
@Xanthan: This is going to sound horribly girlie or somehow stereotypical of me. But I have taken the time to experiment with my skincare routine. I always had a decent complexion so I never had one, until I moved here and reactions caused splotches... Anyways, since pretty much no one except my family can see me rn, I am testing out what products I like, seeing what breaks me out and what doesn't. I am pampering myself with masks and whatnot.

And it's all possible because of online shopping. xD

Aside from that, I am focusing on my artwork, talking and checking in with my friends, and coming on here to become more active on places I love. =D also working. Because I need money to fuel my new addiction to cosmetics and skincare. And I'm letting all the crazies stockpile their toilet paper and sanitizer. All I need is a good exfoliator and a relaxing mask and some netflix and I am good to go.
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 12:44:12 )
I actually might have Corona. I finally was able to find somewhere that's testing yesterday after 5 days of being sick. I've had all the symptoms (just not at the same time); fever, cough, headache, and as of yesterday morning shortness of breath and a tight feeling in my chest so I spent hours on the phone calling around to ask if places test. No ERs local to me are testing for it. And they're all turning away people with flu like symptoms. I hadn't left my house in 5 days but I finally found a place an hour away so I got in my car and went there. They tested me for flu and pneumonia to rule those out and I came back as not having those, so finally they did a swap for Covid-19. But get this.....I won't know results for 5-7 days because I'm not considered a "priority" since I don't have all the symptoms at once. Nevermind that I have been having difficulty breathing all day. And they could only send it for private testing. So I have to self quarantine for 5-7 days or at least until I hear the results. It's currently 4:40am and I haven't slept much because I keep having shallow breaths and it's waking me up.

I'm only 25 but have many health issues and the other person living in my home works at a prison (aka is exposed to a ton). Other person also won't self quarantine and is going to a wedding on Friday. He even left town for it.

There's only been around 200 tests even done in my entire county of 250k residents and of those they've found 7 positives (so far). We ain't got this under control at all.

Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/19 14:23:54 )
@Count Trashula: my regular work has so little social interaction the social distancing really isn't helping. 😂 i'll trade you for 3-5hrs every day.

@Rocker: man, sympathies for your people. If it were me, the wedding wouldn't even be happening. But then I've never liked big gatherings.
I hope you get better soon.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 03:54:10 )
I don't think things are going to change much for me. My routine is largely the same, although work calls a lot more on my days off when I'm trying to do things(I work in a grocery store).

If I need to interact with IRL people, there's failbook or discord.
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 16:18:53 )

@Eruca: sounds good to me let's go
wait what kind of work do you do?


Donator — nightmaren Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/20 18:43:10 )
I've been a shut in for years, so nothing different for me personally (outside of slight worry over a convention...currently NOT cancelled but anything can change, that'd be in june)
I feel once you've been at it for awhile you just kinda get used to it....

Mom recently had to shift to working at home (but it seems not everyone in her work has to being needed apparently)
outside of shopping being a pain that's about it for now?
art gallery/avi closet

Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 02:01:09 )
@Count Trashula: I'm crunching brain wave data and answering emails mostly. I'm a grad student in experimental psychology.
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