@kairie: I meant if things go horrid at your side.
Also, are you good with another response?
I feel bad I may be rushing you.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: not much. just been doing some online shopping and paying bills today
@khadijacandy: omg yes I need to start getting ender pearls and find the stronghold eventually
@Kairie: it's a deal :> I don't know what to do next now that I got my villagers under control in the one breeding area/farm. haha
@khadijacandy: omg yes I need to start getting ender pearls and find the stronghold eventually
@Kairie: it's a deal :> I don't know what to do next now that I got my villagers under control in the one breeding area/farm. haha
● ● ● e
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@eerie: Ahaha, well maybe I'll get it this coming week one I'm paid. >:)
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Aaah I'm tyring my best but I haven't been online at all today. ID Stupid work.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Aaah I'm tyring my best but I haven't been online at all today. ID Stupid work.
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@kairie: In the meantime, ever went to Netflix before?
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I've used netflix but I only usually get it for like 1 month a year lolol. It's whenever they release one of their originals that I really want to see. u wu Last time was birdbox or whatever haha.
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@kairie: At least you're keeping me looped, methinks that the Netflix Party App's a moot point most likely, since this isn't the month for it.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: In the loop of me just being constantly busy lolol
Not like I'm watching much right now anyways haha. xD
Though I'm trying to get through Gurren Laggen bc I always see it all over, but so far it isn't binge worthy enough for me haha.
Not like I'm watching much right now anyways haha. xD
Though I'm trying to get through Gurren Laggen bc I always see it all over, but so far it isn't binge worthy enough for me haha.
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@kairie: You know what I mean though, at least we're stateside.
To be fair that's partly because you're at the first quarter of the first half of the series, really.
The first half's quarter's not too great, it's better than the first half of Superior Defenders: Gundam Force Season 01, but not too great otherwise, sadly. :(
Get to later on in Gurren Lagann's first half once the first quarter's done, then you get something that IS THE HYPE, really.
To be fair that's partly because you're at the first quarter of the first half of the series, really.
The first half's quarter's not too great, it's better than the first half of Superior Defenders: Gundam Force Season 01, but not too great otherwise, sadly. :(
Get to later on in Gurren Lagann's first half once the first quarter's done, then you get something that IS THE HYPE, really.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: True true.
Ahaha I know, I'm just a big wimp and like binging series so if it isn't binge worthy at the start I tend to drop them by accident lolol.
Ahaha I know, I'm just a big wimp and like binging series so if it isn't binge worthy at the start I tend to drop them by accident lolol.
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@kairie: Here's hoping we get to meet under not too bad circumstances.
Yo, some Anime I'd put on hold because I'm waiting for Rabb.it to have some successors or something,
that and Netflix is easier lately.
Yo, some Anime I'd put on hold because I'm waiting for Rabb.it to have some successors or something,
that and Netflix is easier lately.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Hopefully if things decide to ever calm down. ID
Ahaha fair. I tend to stick with hulu so while not the best, my boyfriend also has crunchyroll if I ever wanted to use that. >>
Ahaha fair. I tend to stick with hulu so while not the best, my boyfriend also has crunchyroll if I ever wanted to use that. >>
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@kairie: Same here, really.
Ah Hulu, an Evil plot to destroy the world.
Ah Hulu, an Evil plot to destroy the world.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeahh. IDD
Hulu at least has a decent selection of anime haha.
Hulu at least has a decent selection of anime haha.
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@kairie: Hulu is an Evil plot to destroy the world.
Through entertainment in general.
Through entertainment in general.
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: haha hulu really doesn't have a lot of entertainment if you're not into anime imo.
There's nothing on hulu i would watch/pay for haha.
There's nothing on hulu i would watch/pay for haha.
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@kairie: Hulu is STILL an Evil plot to destroy the world, though.
Anyways the latest response is yours to read.
Anyways the latest response is yours to read.
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Then play with some kitties so you're not sitting around. ;)
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