For reasons, I wasn't able to buy my friend's birthday gift til Tuesday. Now it won't be here until Monday. It'll be like a week delayed birthday gift!! TwT
But it's a very funny gift actually. My friend and I have discussed the Squatty Potty unicorn a few times (if you're unfamiliar watch the commercial). Honestly I think it's kind of a waste of money. It's just a stool after all. But my friend really wants to try one. Then she promptly forgot we even discussed her wanting to have one. Never EVER forget telling me you want something silly, I will use that against you later. Anyway. I decided for her birthday that I was going to get her one, and with it the toilet spray the company also makes. Basically you spray it into the potty before pooping, and it'll make the poop not stink. Lmao the spray is called Fruity Booty.
Funny gifts are best gifts.