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Forums Serious Talk Let it all out and move on with your day. COVID-19 Pandemic

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 00:43:00 )

I know this is a tough time for everyone and everyone has their own worries and frustrations around this time. So I'll be sorta copying this other post your rant thread (sorry I hope I won't get in trouble by this) but COVID-19 theme.

So if you have anything to let out around this time during this pandemic you can post it here. Put a spoiler if you feel is necessary.
There's no judgment here. Some thoughts just need to be let out no matter how wrong or right they are.

All I ask from you is take a deep slow breath and hold it for five seconds, then naturally let it all out before you post. Or not that's up to you (^.^)


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 01:31:35 )

I just wish I could get some soap :/ I am worried about bigger things obviously, but the lack of soap is really stressing me out.


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 01:50:40 )

Since I’ll be out of my original office job until god knows when, my cousin asked me to help out at his small international grocery store so my aunt and uncle can stay home. I don’t mind doing this kind of work, the low pay, or the extremely long hours... but oooooof... I really hate some of the customers that come in.
There are the ones that believe this is a hoax and will be like “WHY IS _____ SOLD OUT?!”, then laugh in disbelief or get all huffy when I tell them there’s a pandemic going on.
There are the people who come in because they’re stir crazy and bring their whole family in. Seriously, stay the f*ck home.
And then there are crazy people who talk about stealing my hand sanitizer or Lysol spray if I leave it out on the counter and they think no worker is around. I’ve started to hide everything.

I pretty sure I’m going to end up getting it since I’m always working, but anything to keep my aunt and uncle safe. T^T I just hope I get a mild case and I’m able to test for it so I know I can stay home.


Donator — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 05:53:33 )

The main thing that sketches me out is that you can have the virus without even showing symptoms. I've been staying home,but had to leave the house the other day to pick up a prescription. It's also frustrating that some people are buying excessive amounts of supplies. I'm on a fixed income,and I'm used to buying everything I need on a month by month basis,as I can't afford to do it any other way.

Art by the fabulous Inatlaka!

Donator — SIR Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 06:36:32 )
For me, there is quite a bit I wish I could just let out and let go. It has been hard because my place is small and now not only is my kiddo home all day but my bf now works from home. That is a blessing because he can work, however, again small space. And for me, my job puts me at risk daily. I work at an embalming agency and about to begin working at the coroner's office. I love my work and I love being able to provide comfort for others during life transition but I worry about bringing anything home tbh. In the end, we are being proactive not reactive and we have plans in place. I guess this is just all stressful and we need to focus on the positive in our lives and focus on what we can do, not what we can't. End rant. Thank you.
🌈 Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry or invited a stranger to come inside?

Donator — she, her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 13:59:03 )

Feeling all of this is really taking a toll on me, my normal safe guarding isn’t working and my job is putting so much pressure on me- a clinical assistant NOT the nursing supervisior, to find PPE such as masks and face shields- I’ve called every government number and have been told essentially we’re SOL.

My dad and girlfriend are immunocompromised - my girlfriend and I are considered essential employees and have to report to work.
My job isn’t allowing anyone to use their time off.
It’s all around a ball of stress and I haven’t been able to decompress.

On top of that I haven’t been sleeping well and my nightmares have intensified.

Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 20:37:36 )

Can't stay home because I work at a grocery store, but can't go anywhere besides work, so my life is being put on hold YET AGAIN due to outside circumstances and I'm just really sick and tired of it. I've been trying to move out for years now, but one thing after another keeps holding me back, and it's not for lack of trying on my part. Now the house we wanted to inquire about has been sold, and I'm not holding out hope that the travel restrictions will prevent whoever's sale is pending from going through with it. So I'll have to keep looking, but there's little point in it because it could be months before we even get the chance to go to a viewing... and that was hassle enough as it is, due to how far away we're trying to move and how little our work schedules overlap.
Aside from that, I just have to keep dragging my ass to work, despite supposedly being at a somewhat higher risk due to my own health problems, and exposing myself to people's germs day in and day out. Customers come in, hand me their filthy cash, and then be like "stay safe". I know they mean well and just wanna get their groceries, but I can't stay safe doing what I do and it's very frustrating. All the hand sanitizer in the world ain't gonna protect me from your kid who just coughed right in my face, is it?


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 20:38:01 )

    i just want everything to close down for 3 weeks except essentials (water, electricity, trash pickup, etc.)
    so this thing can die out and we can resume regularly scheduled programming
    but i guess that means the economy will take a hit which is supposedly more important than human lives

    i'm also worried about elderly in assisted living homes cause while they're on lock down, the workers aren't and could accidentally bring that mess in coming in for a 12 hour shift and infect everyone there

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 17:14:28 )

I'm trying my best not to get sick right now. I have a very good reason. I live in Canada meaning to foreigners or anyone outside from Canada knows we have free healthcare, but not in my case because I'm not covered. I can't blame anyone but by myself for this, I'm the type to never even go to the doctor unless I really really need to. Let alone reapply my healthcard it has been expired for a few years

I've been beating myself up for it this whole time but at one point I need to admit of my own stupidity. Now is crucial for me to get my healthcard this year. I felt I've been taking granted on what this country can offer me until crisis like these strikes out of nowhere.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 19:54:56 )

My parents are becoming restless with staying at home, and called me yesterday to ask if I wanted to go to Fredericksburg to get food and walk around. -__- I had to remind them what being quarantined means and they quit their plans.
Then I found out today they invited my aunt over... and this aunt is supposed to be quarantining because she just came back from a trip to Australia (with a layover in California). I feel like this virus will never go away because of people like my Boomer parents and aunt... HALP.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — They/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 04:13:55 )

I miss my ex and wish I could message her during all this pandemic chaos,
I want to know how she's doing but we haven't talked since she broke up with me almost 2 years ago..... :vanora_unamused:
I have anxiety starting messages and have been waiting for her to contact me again.
But I doubt that will happen since she was pretty pissed at me and she wasn't sure if we could stay friends. :/
Also part of me thinks maybe just maybe she was waiting for me to message her after she cooled off,
but since I obviously didn't she might have another reason to hate me.

Still I worry, since she has health problems,
and her mom I think works in healthcare, at a long term care facility type place if I remember correctly.
It's also just her, her mom, and her dog living together. So I don't really know how this is all affecting her.
I hope she's okay.

Voltie — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 09:09:06 )
all of my housemates left and decided to spend the rest of the college school year with their families since we have online classes now
so i get the house all to myself for a couple months :) im happy

they arent paying the pg&e or wifi tho, so i have to pay it all now, but it's worth it if i get to be alone
i was tired of their passive aggression anyway. things just might be ok now

Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/5 00:14:12 )
i am bothered that "working from home" now means, for my company, "work 7 days per week"


Donator — He/They Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/5 17:00:48 )

What I thought was a cold or bad allergies has some weird symptoms and basically I've never experienced anything like this before. So I'm concerned that it might be you-know-what, but because I haven't had a severe cough, trouble breathing, or a fever, I feel like it's gonna be brushed off. Already made the mistake of talking to my grandma about it and that's exactly what she did. She even tried to claim that I probably felt dizzy because I'd been "laying around in bed", but I've been slightly dizzy off and on for the past few days and it's worse when I move around more. I tried to call my doctor, but it's Sunday so they're closed. So I guess I'll just have to call work and ask for their opinion, which I'm not really jazzed about. I'd like to wait a little longer and see how I'm feeling today so I have more to report, but I have to call at least 2 hours ahead of my scheduled shift in case they need to find someone to take my place for that day. So at most, I've got about 30 minutes to decide if I feel sick today, and I'm scared that if I don't feel particularly bad today, they'll tell me to come on back to work. Not that I like staying home and missing out on getting paid, but if I do have something and I go back this soon, it's guaranteed I'll be giving it to coworkers and customers today. Never mind risking making my own problems worse.


Donator — haunting Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/6 18:35:58 )
the guy doing our IT work is wholly incompetent and it's making everyones' jobs very difficult to do from home. emails stopped working for some reason today, he tried blaming our computers even though clients couldn't email us either. the website has been working like shit - we're still having the issue of people being able to LOG INTO OTHER PEOPLES' ACCOUNTS and he just blames the person on the other end of the keyboard. like, clearly it's not their problem dude. it's a problem with the site and whatever part of the server migration you did wrong, because THAT'S WHEN IT STARTED HAPPENING LOL. he just continually blames other people for things not working even though he's the only one with control over any of it.

we really need someone who knows what they're doing working on this stuff. we move 50m worth of product every year. how do we have some dude who doesn't know what he's doing still doing our IT work? i damn well know it's in the budget.


hello again

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 18:30:46 )

Was banned from eating yesterday because suddenly my mom decides that the family is only allowed to eat, if we eat at the table like a family.
There are 2 confirmed cases at my job, and we KNOW my bf had worked with one of them two days before they knew. And we literally got a doctor's message this past week saying if my sister (whom we live with) catches this she'll die. My bf went down to eat with them anyways!!!
I was so mad (still am obv), like, my meal is not more important than her health. Call me extremist but??? Would you risk that?
Why am I being treated like a disobedient child over just being cautious? And why NOW do they decide to be anal about where I eat? I've eaten in my room my whole life, even when I had my own home with my own dining table. I only had one for visitors or super messy dishes!

I'm so frustrated cause this problem is carrying on until today still. I ended up having to sneak in the middle of the night to eat something. But she also says I'm "not allowed" to eat after she's gone to bed?????? So I have to sneak in order to eat at all, or sit at a small table and breathe risk all over the 3 people who would probably all die from this stupid pandemic. Not one of them is healthy in the least.

I am leaving Voltra
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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/17 16:20:02 )

The longer this quarantine comes the more I find myself avoiding my mother a lot. Don't get me wrong I do love her and we do have small conversations sometimes. But our relationship is complicated and it used to be very toxic.

Plus she's like the type of person who would just ruin your day and drain your energy by not really meaning to. She feeds into drama, has a pessimistic view about everything especially when it comes to COVID-19. And like controverseries and believes on anything on social media without giving it a proper research first. I want to accept her for who she is but I don't want to be close to her at all times.

I can't help but be disappointed and disgusted on some of the stuff she's saying right now. She blames the Chinese over this whole pandemic and at one point she said that these people deserves to die. I felt the need to correct her after that and my brother pitched in and said she was being borderline racist. I think after she said those things I kind of lost my whole respect for her and I can't take her seriously anymore...


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Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/23 19:13:48 )

My mom just showed up out of the blue yesterday. She's an EMT, so on top of violating the whole "stay at home when you can and don't visit anyone unless you're taking care of them" thing, god only knows what she could have been exposed to in the past few days before coming here. Me with a lowered immune system due to health problems, and my grandma being... well, old-ish. For all her talk about worrying she'd catch it from me because I work in a grocery store, wtf was she thinking letting my mom come over? I wish her dumb ass woulda got pulled over and questioned; she doesn't even live in this state! And then they come clawing at my door trying to get me to come out and "speak". I'm not some performing animal that you can just call upon to entertain company that I had no say in. Fuck that. As if the whole situation isn't stupid enough, both of them are abusive and even hearing my mom/knowing she's around gives me headaches and stomach pains. Yes, it's that bad. No, I'm not going to interact with her if I can avoid it, ESPECIALLY not when there's a literal pandemic going on. The layers of stupidity and selfishness in this family just keep piling on. I can't stand to be around you on a good day; I'm sure as hell not gonna come out and chat when you pop over uninvited during a time when I have to be extra vigilant about not getting sick.


Donator — They/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/1 06:06:30 )

I've been staying at work for 2 weeks straight. Practically a live-in nanny now instead of a babysitter.
Cause the kid's mom is paranoid about covid and doesn't want me exposed.
Especially since my dad still goes out and has a friend over practically everyday.

That's not the worse of it. I'm going to be stuck here for who knows how long,
not just because of the covid situation, but the flooding situation.
Yes on top of dealing with a pandemic my town has a flood to worry about.

The lower townsite has flooded, the downtown area. My house is downtown.
So far my house is okay but we don't know for sure because the basement drain could back up.
And we could still end up with a flooded basement even if we managed to avoid the above ground flooding.
My parents and brother have evacuated to a city 3 hours away.
My cats are temporilly staying at the spca. We will be able to get them back later.
But I worry about the cats. and my house, My bedroom is in the basement.

I wanna go home.
(Avatar Closet)

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/2 16:05:15 )
Less of a rant and more of a confession. This pandemic while absolutely awful because of the hardships people are going through and loss of friends and family.. I have a positive side effect.

I love working from home and I'm going to be quite sad when I am told I can start working in the office again. I am so incredibly lucky and privileged to be in this position and I absolutely do not deny it at all but man.. when we get the OK it's going to make me hate my job even more than I do at the moment. Working from home is the only thing getting me by. My commute can be 4 hours a day and I've been doing it for two and a bit years now. I'm done.

It's been a good opportunity to re-evaluate my life.

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