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Forums Role Playing A Magical Arrangement 1x1

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 03:00:46 )
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This is a private 1x1 roleplay between kaichoukai and I, please do not post here unless you are us.

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 03:01:33 )
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@kaichoukai: Here we are. c:

Name: Drexel
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Basic Description: Rather blunt, and as such tends to not have many friends, also tends to have a permanent scowl on his face (he doesn't think he does though). When he's finally comfortable with someone though he wants all their attention and can get jealous quickly. Loves to read and shut out what's going on around him.
Eyes: Emerald (needs glasses for reading)
Hair: Short shaggy dark brown/almost black hair, usually in his eyes/face.
Height: 5'11"
Skin tone: Caramel
Weight: 162 lbs.
Body Build: Slim yet toned
Hobbies: Reading, video games, running, swimming, anything to do with super heroes
Distinguishing Marks: A small scar below his right eye, and a large scar across his left bicep. Black outline of an owl tattooed on the small of his back. Two piercings on his right ear, one on his left,
Abilities: Drexel has the ability to communicate with owls (as does the rest of his family), and when he turned 22 found a familiar (a northern saw-whet owl), and got the tattoo on the small of his back connecting him to the owl. As for magical abilities he has a connection with the earth/air that gives him some insight to the world around him (when he’s paying attention. His connection to the wind can allow him to send messages to people he’s thinking about. Also when he’s angry the wind picks up, and if pushed enough a small hurricane will form around him, usually blowing away the people around him. His connection to the earth is a lot less personal than with the air/wind, he just gets these ‘feelings’, which is usually connected/strengthened when his familiar is nearby, though he is working on enhancing his connection to the earth and his magical abilities involving that.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 02:22:54 )

Name: Cameron Batheon
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Basic Description: Cameron is a spitfire, he has so many buttons and they are all easy to push. One moment he will be happy and smiling, and the next, he will be confronting someone who he thought was looking at him the "wrong" way. He does not go on many social outings and has a very close knit group of friends. These friends consist of mostly those that he grew up with (childhood friends). Cameron enjoys being outdoors and away from the busy bustling city life. One of his favorite past times is to go into the forest in the late evening, find a clearing, and look up at the millions of stars above.
Eyes: Light blue (more of a smokey blue/grey)
Hair: Light brown that is more auburn during the summer time when the sun bleaches it slightly. Wavy and shoulder length. Often in a messy bun.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140lbs
Skin Tone: Olive
Body Build: Very average. Not toned, a little extra on his thighs and stomach (but not too noticeable unless he is undressed).
Hobbies: Hiking, diving into astrology, stargazing, watching reality tv,
Distinguishing Features: There are freckles all over his body, especially on his cheeks and shoulders. His nose is piercing on the right side and there is a silver hoop. There is a large burn-like scar on his inner right thigh from an accident with his "power" when he was 17.
Abilities: Cameron's family is tied to the higher powers of celestial beings. His mother is able to see into the future (some details are omitted) and his father can manipulate molecular and cosmic energy. Cameron grew up being taught on the ways of the universe, specifically the sky, stars, cosmic energy, and the likes. His own abilities took time to appear. His parents were concerned that he didn't have any at first, but when he turned fifteen years old, he was getting into an argument with a classmate, when suddenly a large beam (solar flare) shot out of his left palm. It missed his classmates but it left everyone in shock. Even though he is 22 now, he still does not know the full extent of his abilities, and he tries not to call on them often. (Cosmic manipulation is the overall term for his ability).


Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/22 02:20:18 )



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 07:27:28 )
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"Come on honey it won't be that bad. A lot of other families will be here and it will be a good opportunity for us to finally find someone for you to settle down with. I hear the Montgomery's are looking for someone for their daughter." Emerald eyes shifting to the woman next to him at the mention of marriage the man sighed as he looked away, causing golden eyes to sharpen their gaze on him. "Drexel."

Turning his attention back, at the serious tone he sighed leaning over and kissing her cheek quickly. "Don't worry mom, I'll get with someone when the time comes. Besides, last I heard the Montgomery's daughter is seeing a non-magic user right now. So I doubt she'll be on the market for much longer." Hearing the exasperated sigh that came from his mother, Drexel offered his arm as they reached the building of the party his mother had dragged him to.

"If you do not find someone I will do it for you." The words were spoken softly as she grabbed his arm, nails digging into it as an added threat. Shortly after they passed the entrance to the door and his mother went on full greeting mode, being sure to introduce herself and Drexel, as well as throw out the fact that he was single anytime anyone his age was brought up or around. Once the opportunity finally arose Drexel took the opportunity to slip away from his mother, pushing his hands into the pockets of the dress pants he had been forced to wear as he weaved through the crowds eyes looking for an escape, or at least a short break from any possible matchmaking his mother would try tonight.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 22:20:49 )

The whole party was loud and bustling. People were dressed in their "Sunday best" and chatting to their hearts content, trying to court the one. These gatherings were a pain in the rump. Outside the large mansion where this all took place, was a well large garden. All the bushes were well tended to, the flowers, watered just right. Whoever the hired gardener(s) were, were well versed in their craft.

In this garden area, the short light brown haired male hid. Well, he wasn't so much hiding as he was escaping. Cameron hates these events, but he doesn't want to disappoint his mother or father. As the only child, he is supposed to marry into another well to do match family so he can "carry on the family line." As Cameron thinks about this, he rolls his eyes and leans back onto the marble bench he found set up between two large red rose bushes that were both in full bloom. His necktie was undone and so were the top two buttons of his navy blue blouse. The attire was not his style at all, but his mother picked it out and he couldn't say no to her, only in his head he could do that.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 06:41:13 )
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(I just realized I didn't include hair in my profile?? How did I forget that?? I'm so sorry I'm a mess. ID)

Finding a door into what appeared to be the garden, Drexel looked around a few times before taking the opportunity to slip out the door. Closing the door quietly behind him the dark haired male let out a soft breath as the door made a soft clicking noise. Wasting no time he moved away from the house moving past a few bushes to get out of sight of the windows. Pulling at the emerald bow-tie at his neck that his mother had forced him to wear he pulled it completely off as he walked, pushing the bow-tie into his pocket once it left his neck.

Moving farther into the garden Drexel paused as he rounded a corner and saw another male in the garden as well. The man couldn't help the soft groan that escaped his lips, emerald gaze going over the man briefly taking in his appearance. "Looks like I'm not the only one avoiding the party." Eyeing the man a bit to see what his reaction would be, he continued on. "If you are avoiding everyone as well, mind if I sit down? I can't handle another matchmaking conversation, and I don't doubt that eventually someone else will come out here." Deciding to be blunt with his intentions of using the other male as a scapegoat if someone were to catch them together rather than possibly being found alone.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 03:56:20 )


Cameron was lost in his own thoughts until he heard the footsteps that were followed by words. Oh how he didn't want to hear words, he missed the simple bustle of the leaves as the light breeze pushed them together. He wouldn't have minded having a companion to talk to but his tone of voice was blunt, sharp, and rough. It didn't help that Cameron was already irritated by simply being at the event. Finally he took the time to turn his head and meet the other males eyes. Cameron was not good at hiding his emotions and wore them very clearly on his face. A frown had spread across his lips.

When he saw the person in front of him, he thought about the fact that he had definitely seen him at these events before. They never engaged in conversation, as that wasn't why they were here. The two of them were here to find their future brides. To be shoved around like pawns in hopes to score a few points with a lovely upper-class woman. Cameron's voice creeped up his throat and rolled out, "I mean, I don't want someone else to join me. Also your tone kinda sucks and your motives are way too clear. Don't use me as an excuse, if you do that you are almost on the same level of our parents." He didn't even think before he talked. He had no regrets afterwards though. It was an encounter with a random person he probably would never see or speak to again after tonight.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/27 07:15:05 )
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Drexel noticed the mood of the other male, causing him to sigh a bit. It wasn't as if it was the most fitting agreement of them sitting together, but it was clear that they both were avoiding something. "Wouldn't it be a fitting exchange though? If you're out here I doubt you want your parents finding you either, at least with another you have an excuse for yourself. " Eyeing the male a bit more Drexel gave a small shrug. If his mother found him out here alone he knew it wouldn't end well, but the last thing he wanted to do was stick around someone who wanted nothing to do with him.

"I won't bother you anymore though. Besides this party will end the same as all the others." Muttering the last part to himself Drexel shook his head as brown hair covered his eyes as he began walking again. While it would have been convenient for his mother to find him with someone rather than alone, it wasn't as if he cared since either way it would end with a lecture about who he should be trying to woo. Groaning softly at the thought he couldn't help the scowl that came to his face as he moved past some bushes, mind already thinking on how he would avoid his mother.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 01:09:24 )

Cameron clicked his tongue and shook his head, "dang you give up fast, no fun." He placed his hands on his knees and stood up, a small groan left his lips as he did so. Cameron didn't see the point in hiding outside anymore, he had been away from the party for almost a half hour and he could envision the look his mother was going to have on her face as he walked back in. "I guess you have a very small, itty bitty, point there. Though I think I am going to text a friend and ditch. I have done it before, same lecture from my parents when I get home." Cameron took out his cell phone and began to message his friend Ciara, who lived ten minutes away, to see if she could come to his rescue.

While Cameron was texting, he couldn't help but glance up at the dark haired man. He thought to himself, 'nice body, needs a haircut, too bad his personality sucks.'


(Sorry this is a little shorter >.< as more details come I can lengthen my replies again~)


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 07:46:34 )
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(No worries!)

Snorting a bit as he heard the words the other man had said Drexel figured he didn't owe him an answer, and it wasn't as if it would be worth it. Since if he wouldn't be able to use the other male as a scapegoat it wasn't as if it was worth it. Eyes moving back to the other male as he mentioned ditching, Drexel couldn't help the next words that came out of his mouth. "Do you really think ditching will do anything? Sure avoiding the party doesn't do much, but I doubt ditching will do much more." As much as ditching had always been a tempting thought, he knew the punishment would be worse than staying at the party itself.

Giving a dry chuckle after that thought, he ran a hand through his hair as he pushed it out of his face. "After all the only way to end these parties is marriage." Muttering that part to himself, Drexel's gaze moved back to the bench. "Though if you're ditching it would seem the bench is up for grabs now?" Nodding in the direction of the bench, Drexel didn't really wait for much of a response as he turned and moved back towards the bench.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/28 23:44:20 )

Cameron stopped in his tracks and looked back at the male who was now striding away. "I have done this before. Maybe you would get a rougher punishment on your end, but I will just get a small slap on the hand and the time and date of the next get together. My parents just won't give up, if they picked up on things easier, they would have stopped this charade four years ago."

The sound of Camerons eyes rolling can practically be heard, "being forced into a relationship with someone you don't know, sure it worked out for my parents. They are happy, together, don't really fight, and met at one of these... courting for marriage events and have been married for over twenty-five years, but times change." Cameron groaned to himself when he realized he was just going on a tangent.

What silenced Cameron even more was the sound of footsteps. He turned his head and saw the bright red hair and knew right away that it was his mother. He felt a shiver go down his spine and he gulped heavily. What surprised Cameron, was that another woman was walking beside her. Now he was glad that the other man was there with him, two against two is better than two against one.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 21:37:51 )
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Drexel shrugged at Cameron's response, ironically seeing the similarities between them, although they were slim. Similarly he had rebelled when his parents had first gotten serious about marriage but had learned that the longer they went on the harsher the punishments became. "Suit yourself, but let me give you a bit of advice, I've been doing this for a little over seven years and my parents have yet to give up. Also? The punishment tends to get worse once your parents reach a breaking point."

Shrugging at that, knowing the male probably wouldn't take any advice given by him, Drexel's eyes went over the male once more. Too bad he was so disagreeable, and not at all the type of personality that he usually went for otherwise he could have at least had a little bit of fun. After the short tangent Drexel couldn't help the small smile that came to his face, well they did have at least one thing in common.

Hearing footsteps as well, Cameron's gaze moved to see who was coming wondering who would come all the way out here. As his gaze landed on the two women coming towards them he visibly paled as his eyes stayed glued on the woman. After a few heartbeats he turned his gaze towards Cameron seeing him as the only way out of whatever punishment was about to come his way. "Don't suppose you want to pretend to be together, at least momentarily. I know there might not be much in it for you, but if you do I'll do whatever I can to help you ditch this party, or whatever else you would want in return." The words left Drexel's mouth quickly as he stared at Cameron, his gaze moving to his mother ever so often to see how far away the two women were.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/30 23:52:59 )

Cameron could feel his heart beat as if it the organ would burst right out of his chest at any moment. His palms were sweaty, he had to tighten his grip on his phone so he wouldn't drop it. Cameron looked over at Drexel and frantically replied, "what do you mean together, like together hanging out, just two dudes being friends, or together together, like two dudes who would hold hands and kiss? Hurry up and explain because they are approaching fast and I don't like the smile on my mothers face. Whenever she smiles that way, it can only mean she has some master scheme planned." Cameron had his hand cupped over his mouth so they two woman couldn't see his lips moving and only Drexel could hear the mish mash of words that tumbled out of his mouth.



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 06:34:05 )
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"You said yourself these are matchmaking parties, so obviously two dudes who would hold hands and kiss." Drexel hissed already feeling his mother's gaze on him. If they were friends that wouldn't appease his mother and the other confirmed that his mother was the other woman which meant they were in for double trouble if they didn't come to an agreement. Turning his face away from the woman as he spoke, Drexel heard a laugh come from his mother in the distance causing the man to shudder. "Hurry up and decide what you want to do because I am not about to go down on a sinking ship once they get here."

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 19:54:06 )

Cameron had five seconds to make a decision and he wasn't happy about the one he was about to make. It felt like he was going against everything he was trying to avoid the last four years of this awkward awful matchmaking courting experience. "Okay! Fine! Then... then... fuck I don't even know your name! I am Cameron Batheon, I am 22, I like stargazing. Okay there you go!" He was glad the courtyard was so big and that he had chosen a spot tucked away in the very back, it gave them an extra minute or two.



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 20:21:21 )
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At the quick introduction Drexel took no time moving closer to Cameron and grabbing his hand not caring if the other man didn't want to hold hands. Eyes moving to his mother momentarily to make sure she would be able to see them holding hands he turned his face towards the other. "Drexel Eslinger, 25, and I like books and video games." He replied quickly as he heard his mother's voice drift through the courtyard as the two women approached.

"There you are Drexel, how did I know I would find you here." She called, displeasure obvious in her voice causing the male to shudder a bit. He prayed this would work, that any part of this would work and that they wouldn't be called on their bluff.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 20:37:38 )

Cameron hesitated and then slowly intertwined his fingers with Drexel's. As the women stood right in front of them, one more thought he should have mentioned crossed his mind. 'Oh, I should have brought up that my mother can see into the future... hopefully this is one of the things she will look over or perhaps she won't even use her ability right now! That would be great...'

Cameron's mother Cynthia had a smile on her face, quite the opposite of Drexel's mother. "Your go to was always gardens and forests, so I also expected to find you here Cameron." She hummed and glanced down at the interlocked hands the two were trying to make very obvious to their mothers. "Well I guess this discussion will be shorter than we planned to make it." Cynthia cleared her throat, "so, it looks like the matchmaking events finally worked. While you two were off hiding, the two of us got down to talking."

Cameron grimaced and tried to quickly turn it back into, at least, a flat line, not reflecting discomfort or disgust. The defeat he felt and his desire to reflect that outwardly were having an a battle inside of him.



Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/31 21:10:46 )
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Drexel grimaced as Cameron's mother spoke solidifying his thoughts that his mother had been off matchmaking while he was trying to run away from it all. "We did." Speaking after Cynthia Drexel's mother continued. "I didn't figure you were going to ever take this seriously Drexel so I took matters into my own hands, though it seems that this time I didn't have to." Eyeing their hands her eyes went back up to Drexel and Cameron. "Since we all seem to be on the same page in terms of this arrangement I do think this conversation will be a lot shorter than I had originally intended." Finally his mother gave a smile which caused a pit to form in Drexel's stomach.

Clearing his throat, Drexel put a smile on his face as he moved a bit closer to Cameron so that their shoulders brushed. "Really and truly a short conversation. See mom, I told you that you just needed to give it time." The male responded seeing his mothers eyes sharpen a bit.

"Truly. I know Cynthia and I didn't get a chance to talk about this quiet yet, but," Pausing to draw out the sentence her gaze moved over the two males once more. "I think it would be beneficial for both parties if you two were to start living together. I know it is premature for these types of matches, but following your track record." Pausing at that the woman glared down at her son. "I think it is imperative that we strike while the iron is hot."

Drexel had been paying attention to his mother carefully as she spoke, though at the mention of living together the male froze completely. Waiting to see if it was some kind of joke Drexel couldn't help the small frown that came to his lips as he realized this wasn't a joke, though for once the male didn't have any retorts as he felt his mother back him into a corner. The only hope was that maybe Cynthia would disagree, or maybe Cameron though he doubted that would help him much.

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Donator — They/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 01:39:21 )

The grip Cameron had on Drexel's and grew even tighter as he felt his whole body tense up. He was going to explode, but the content look on his mothers face, he couldn't ruin that. So Cameron was just going to smooth talk his way through this or just say nothing at all. All he mustered in this moment was a smile to his mother and Drexel's.

Cynthia clapped her hands together and grinned even brighter, "you could say that we are jumping too conclusions but for the both of you, we think this is the right option. We even discussed possible locations for you two to stay. In the end. This might involving having to quit and job and relocate, but we will cover all moving expenses and compensate for the time when you aren't working." She tapped her chin in thought before going on, "OH! The location, of course. We have a family vacation home about two hours from her, faster if you go there by train. It is right on a big lake Drexel and it is a very small town. Cameron can tell you more about it during your travel there." Cynthia was so giddy that she would continue rambling if it weren't for Cameron finally raising up his free hand.

"Mother... this is so much at once... Also please remember to breath in between sentences, I swear your face was starting to go blue." While his mother talked, Cameron's grip had loosened up on Drexel's. He was giving into the idea, not for Drexel and his mother, but for his own parents. "Um, so...?" Cameron looked back up at Drexel slowly.



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